Lonely -But the Sweet Overcomes the Bitter

Anne Thérèse
September 16, 1954 to January 26, 2019
Today is challenging; filled with bittersweet memories, but with the sweet overtaking the bitter more and more every day. My in-laws have and will continue to remember Mrs. D on our family phone messages throughout the day. And we comfort each other.
As far as the music above goes; I might never fully know why I cannot be there where she is, nor do I desire that. I do, however, echo the sentiments of perhaps everyone here who has also lost a dear one. I wish she were here. And I will be fine...
Thank you all for loving me and supporting me!
You are loved Andrea
Hugs Andrea! You heart matters to us and how you feel does too. You are amongst friends and are loved.
never forget that.
as selfish as it sounds, I am glad you are still here
I am not ready to lose my Tante Drea!
huggles, hon.
I cannot begin to fathom…….
How you must feel. Yes, I have lost many friends and comrades, many that I have cared for and even loved. Many that I was responsible for - that I had promised to keep safe and return home to their loved ones. And failed.
But I do not know the anguish of losing a soul mate as you have, and I can only hope that I go first so that I will never know that loss. I know that I will not see her once I am gone, for I have much to answer for - and my spouse does not. My greatest regret is that she will be left alone in the end.
Hopefully you will eventually be reunited with your love. But not for a while………. for you have much to live for yet. You have family who loves you, many here who care about you, and much yet to be accomplished while your light still shines bright.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
You Are Not Alone
She is gone but she will always be with you. Such a poignant song!
You will always have me. I can only be with you in spirit, but I will never let you be lonely.
Love and loss
I have not felt the pain you endure each day, and I don’t know how you manage. I doubt I could. Know that our hearts are with you, for whatever solace that may provide.
— Emma