Golden Age Masks Excerpt

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An excerpt from The Modern Age, an unfinished novel set in the Thirties of the Masks universe:

"Wow," whispered Dutch, looking over the edge of the roof at the street far below. He glanced back at the Night Master, who was preparing to throw a grapple wrapped in rags across the gap between the buildings. "You've done this before?"

"Many times," the Night Master replied, as he sent the padded hook whistling through the air. It caught on a vent pipe projecting from the roof of the penthouse of the lower, neighboring building.

"You're crazier than I thought," said Dutch.

The Night Master didn't reply, instead pulling the line tight and tying it to a secure anchor. There was a slight inclination towards the other roof, which meant that they could slide over on pulleys. That would help a lot. He clipped the pulleys and their grips in place and looked at Dutch.


"Wait for the shooting to start."


Sounds good!

erin's picture

Looking forward to seeing more.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.