Hello out there,
I have an excerpt for you today! This is a story of mine that I converted from 3rd person to 1st person. I really liked this scene so I thought I would share it with you all.
“Ready?” I asked.
“Three,” Andrew said.
“One!” and we launched the game together.
The box area I was in melted away and was replaced by a grassy field that stretched on for miles. In the distance there was a small hut with a fireplace puffing out little ringlets of smoke. The Scene was Gorgeous.
A bald genderless person faded into the view before me.
“Hello?” I asked.
No response.
I looked into the bald person's eyes. They seemed lifeless.
This had to be the character creation menu. The problem was how do you create a character without a controller?
Just think it maybe?
I focused on the word “female” and suddenly the doll changed into a woman. The boobs weren’t very big and the hips were pretty small. She looked Asain.
“Probably an Asian game.” I thought aloud.
Then I thought about my own body and what I remembered from the mirror in real life. The doll, like magic, grew hair, and replicated my real-life body.
I grinned and dove in, making a ton of minor changes to every part of the body. It was like I could finally be what wanted to look like.
After what seemed like forever I finally finished modifying the doll. I circled it one last time and thought. That’s me.
The doll seemed to take on a life of its own and turned around. It smiled and tried to grab me. I dodged. It’s eyebrows went up and I smiled back at it.We ran. It chased me around in the grass. I wasn’t getting tired but I could feel the sensations of the wind blowing over my body. I wondered how long this would go on.
Then the character suddenly appeared in front of me and I ran into it. We merged together and became one. Ringlets of hair flopped down in front of my eyes. My body warmed up. I looked up into the sky as the sun. It felt so good.
What about my voice?
A bird appeared and landed on one of my arms. I could feel its little feet clinging on.
It whistled in a single tone. It was high pitched.
I opened my mouth and my voice matched the tone. I slightly lowered my register and the bird copied me.
Another bird flew down landing on my other arm and whistled in a low tone. I copied it and raised its pitch.
I sang between them and a half a dozen birds flew in front of my tweeting in a similar tone.I guess that’s my range.
“Sally sells seashells at the seashore,” I said it a few times and when I didn’t like how it sounded I adjusted the birds. When I was satisfied, I thanked the birds and they all flew off.
A strong wind nearly knocked me over and a flash of lightning struck nearby deafening me. The sky started turning a dark grey deepening to an almost black. It suddenly got cold and in front of my eyes, the biggest snowflake I had ever seen landed on my nose. A flurry of snow hit my face as a snowstorm blew. I knelt down and watched as the snow-covered the grass. It eventually built up so high that I couldn’t see the grass anymore. It covered the field completely.
It was just me and the cottage now. I looked down and my naked body started shivering. The cold amplified until I couldn’t stand it.
Then a couple of furry animals shot out from the snow. They dashed out of view and then came crashing into me. The animals encircled my body turning themselves into winter clothing. I was warm again.Thanks, little guys.
It didn’t last long. The cold seemed to penetrate the clothes. I got up and looked around.
The cottage from earlier seemed like a goal rather than decoration now. The puffs of smoke were much more inviting.
No real need to comment I just hope you enjoyed it. <3
Let me know when you have it finished - I would love to read it!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Thank you
Glad you're interested. This is a story I wrote while streaming on twitch. When I start streaming again I'll make sure to make another blog post about it so you can see me write it live.
I tend to do multiple read-throughs of the work I write so you don't even have to read it if you don't like.