I got something done today

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so despite not feeling well today, I managed to help mom make an attempt to fix my bed.

I will know if it works after I sleep in it tonight.


Yay Dorothy! ## ... Well, if you dream that ...

... you are falling ...

Well, as they say in a lot of action movies/stories:

"Brace for impact."

Sheesh. =That= would be a Rude Awakening ...
Nope. Not gonna happen.
Not gonna let you get ahead of me in "getting stuff done" ...

* puts away laundry *

* askes Universe at large: "Why is there a medium-sized office-papers metal binder clip (clamp) in my dry laundry?" *
* The Universe: crickets *

OK, your turn.

Take care. Enjoy!
I use the clips (I have scores of them ... but why was one the in laundry ... ?) for lotsa things, mostly reclosing bags of chips (the thin USA kind). I even used some large ones to discourage cans from rolling off my pantry shelves. Some I even use for ... wait for it ... holding papers together.