a radically different dream

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So last night, I had a radically different dream.

After having some adventures driving down a steep hill and then trying to find a way back up, I found myself outside a school. One of the teachers came and took me to the office, saying they needed to enroll me.

Now here was the really interesting part.

I told them I did not belong to that reality, so I could not be enrolled.

The office had a large computer, and at first agreed I did not belong in that reality, but then it glitched, and said that I now belonged there, so the teachers enrolled me.

That is the closest I have ever come to recognizing that I was dreaming.

Kinda neat, I think!


An Old Dream

Daphne Xu's picture

I only remember this part of the dream. I was prepared for an exam in the dream, so the dream blatantly switched on me so that I was hopelessly unprepared.

-- Daphne Xu

Once I had Carl Jung come into my dream + explain it to me

laika's picture

This was back in the 1980's; I don't remember anything he told me or even what the dream was about but it was nice of the famous head doctor to drop in + analyze what my unconscious was trying to tell me.

Although I'm pretty sure it was just because I was halfway through reading his collected works (which I now take with more than a few grains of salt) at the UC Irvine library; while I was living clandestinely on campus, my sleeping bag stashed in some bushes. It was one of my better temporary homes during those 5 years I was homeless, with showers at the gym that nobody was really guarding, microwave ovens for cooking + a surprising amount of spare change to be found under the vending machines...

But that dream wasn't nearly as fun as last night's dream in which I had an adventure with not just a doctor, but THE Doctor! I haven't been keeping up with the series lately and my mind apparently decided I needed a Dr. Who fix and self-inserted me into an episode. I would've loved for it to be the Time Lord's tenth incarnation, David Tennant, but you get what you get with dreams and I wound up with Matt Smith, who was no slouch in the role either. I say it was fun and it seems that way now, but only because I was able to wake up from what while having it was a very scary experience.

Me, the Doctor and some anonymous red shirt of a male companion of his were in an office building, some corporation with a sinister secret that only I was aware of. They wanted to take us to the basement, and I somehow knew we really shouldn't get on that elevator. I could tell The Doctor knew these creepy too perfect looking, creepily smiling suits were aliens scheming to take over the Earth (what else?), but he was there to stop them and couldn't do that playing it safe, so onto the 3 of us and six or eight potential investors got onto the elevator and down we went; disembarking into a room that no terrestrial office complex would have. It was your basic alien spacecraft interior set, with a BIG SCARY MACHINE with a BIG SCARY BALL OF ENERGY floating over it, and I knew that with a flick of a few switches we and their other "guests" would all undergo identity death, and the people leaving the unnamed corporations office would LOOK like us, but would be somebody, something else.

The Doctor's companion sprang into action. Suddenly he had on a metal exosuit that he planned to kick all their alien asses with, but it was some rinky-dink homemade thing that had no motors, just a bunch of aluminum tubes strapped to him that did extend out past his arms a meter or so but if anything it only made him clumsier. Still he fought better than I expected, and we must have won the battle because I survived to wake up. Not a great episode, too many loose ends and unexplained fade-outs, and I'm especially disappointed that I wasn't a girl in this dream like I sometimes am (those are the BEST!); but it was memorable enough that I'm writing it down now before it fades from my memory and you can make of it what you will. Some of the symbolism from my unconscious (if that's really even a thing) was classic dream-analysis shit, the drab anonymous liminal spaces of the office building's hallways and foyers (it's seldom someplace cozy or inviting in my dreams), the sense of going down into the depths, the womblike rounded alien room, the threat of a total extinction of who I am, the ultimate violation of being used in that way; But I wasn't so terrified that I would consider it a full-blown nightmare. I was fairly sure the Doctor would triumph and keep me safe (which like I say, he must have; even if I don't recall that part...), and the unnamed companion's dollar-store Iron Man suit was so ridiculous it was even kind of amusing at the time...

~hugs, I hope reading all that wasn't a total waste of your time;
sorry this hasty recounting didn't have much of plot,
but you're welcome to give it one
If you want to use any or all
of this dream for a story
you're welcome to it.
/// Ronni

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)
