Not sure where this is going
Lately my rough drafts are XXX, and I am unsure that do do with them. It used to work to edit the porn out of them but somehow that seems to rip their heart out.
I am going to take a look at publishing some stories at Literotica as "Missykateti" to see what happens. This is not me throwing a fit, breaking all the dishes and throwing pots and pans.
I'll see what happens; maybe nothing.
Try It.
I don't see any way posting on Literotica can backfire.
A suggestion about your pseudonym: use "Misskateti" or "MissKateti" instead.
-- Daphne Xu
its not my preferred reading but others have posted explicit tg stories here so why not you .it may not be my bag but still support your right to post it here .
I agree totally……
It may not be my preferred reading, but others have differing tastes. Why not post it here and simply see how it is accepted. With the proper warning tags you have allowed the reader to choose.
Also, although explicit is not my preference, when scenes are tastefully written, do not contain humiliation or such aspects, even I find that sometimes they can add to the story. They may even be a required element to build the story at times.
My point is that you have nothing to lose by posting them here. Those that don’t like them will simply not read them. As long as you have given ample warning, no one should complain. As for me, my only comment in the past is that it appears that more and more stories posted here seem to basically written solely for the purpose of adding explicit content with little value beyond that. If the explicit scene is part and parcel of a good story, and not the whole content of the story, then it is worth reading. If it is simply pornography, then I cannot see the point.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Explicit TG fiction
I'm going to be blunt here because I don't see a way to sugar coat my views. When it comes to explicit sex in a TG story, I have no use for it. I won't read it regardless of the "redeeming" message in the story. I feel it feeds the myth that cross-dressing is erotic in nature.
That said, that doesn't mean you shouldn't write them or publish them. It's just MNSHO (my not so humble opinion).
If you must write them and you really want to publish them then Literotica is a good choice. They have a whole section devote to Transgender & Crossdresser's stories and folks who read there expect that sort of thing.
Again, MNSHO.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
You make a good point……
About feeding the myth. I have often commented about not being the stereotype when I see an overly flamboyant member of our little family. Yes, I believe that everyone should have the right to live as they please, and write what they want - as long as they are not hurting anyone or infringing on another’s rights.
However, I very much agree that by living the stereotype, or feeding into that particular myth, one does a disservice to everyone in the LGBTQ+ community.
On the other hand, if properly forwarned then it falls onto the reader to choose what they wish to read.
Perhaps a paragraph at the beginning of the story with a short explanation?
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Sex in stories?
I think it depends if you can write a good sex scene. (Some people simply can't do it...)
Sex is a normal, healthy part of adult relationships. If anybody wants BigCloset to die, I can't think of a better way than banning (or unduly criticising) stories that include a sexual element.
Case in point: 'Summer with Aunt Ashley' has 21,000+ views here -- and 30,000+ views on Fictionmania. It's a story where the plot demanded a certain amount of sex. Contrast that to other stories of mine without sex, e.g.:
Sex 'sells'. Don't let anybody trick you into self-censoring. Enjoy writing about the beautiful, exciting, natural and intriguing thing that people share: sex!
Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh
the way its written
we dont need blow by blow description we are all adults we know how the parts all fit together .one of the best storys on here Tommy the tribulations of a girl its is oblivious they are having sex without giving explicit descriptions
Not exactly an olive branch, but...
I don't like olives. I think they're disgusting.
One time I was ordering a sandwich at Subway, and the guy in front of me ordered his sandwich with extra olives. You know what I did?
I didn't comment to him that I hate olives, or that I would never eat a sandwich with olives in them.
I didn't try to convince him that his sandwich would be much improved by the absence of olives.
I didn't tell the woman making his sandwich to include fewer olives in his sandwich.
I didn't direct him to a different restaurant that specializes in olives.
I didn't take my business elsewhere because Subway has olives.
I didn't petition the manager to remove olives from the menu because, damn it, having olives diminishes us all as a society, and aren't we all better than this, and for God's sake, won't somebody please think of the children?
Include the sex scene. Tag the story with the appropriate rating. That's enough.
Agree completely. Thank you for posting this.
Astrid Eriksson
It looks like Gwen has asked a rather polorizing question.
Please, if it seems like my response was that Gwen shouldn't post such a story here, that was not my intent. It was Gwen that suggested Literotica as a possible site to publish. I simply agreed that such a story wouldn't raise an eyebrow over there.
I also pointed out that what I said was my personal opinion. I'm not very good a being PC. I have definite views and when asked for an opinion I tend to give it honestly. I don't do well at trying to guess what people want to hear and claiming that is what I think.
I absolutely agree that what makes Big Closet great is that shy of something that could bring legal problems for the site, there is no censorship. Anyone wanting to post explicit sex elements in their story can do so. I would ask and I believe that the majority of members appreciate judicious use of tags to tell what the content is.
Tags can work two ways. The way I generally use them as a reader is to determine if there's an element in the story that will make me want to bail without finishing the story and so not even begin to read it. However, they can work the other way as well. As mentioned some people like that element (and I'm not just talking about explicit sex elements) and seeing a tag for that element might make them give the story a read when everything else seems mundane.
This is especially true for stories that are posted without any kind of synopses to hint what it's about. So I guess the take-away here is what ever your story is about, include the tags to attract or warn you audience.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Sex is not the problem
I was more concerned with your phrasing. In writing "the myth that cross-dressing is erotic in nature" you appear to have appointed yourself the arbiter of reality. Would that be site-wide, nationally, or globally?
Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh
Just speaking from 50 year of communicating with cross-dressers
I've been dealing with my trans nature since my mid twenties and I've had discussion with a large number of trans people. I think if you think it through, you'll realize that while yes there are some for whom wearing women's clothes is titillating that the majority of us find it satisfying on a different, much deeper level that that.
Anyone who's main experience wearing women's clothes erotic is skating very close to the edge of fetish cross-dressing. I'd hate to have the rest of the world look at that and put us all into that pot. In my experience erotic cross-dressing is about as rare among all who cross-dress as cross-dressing for any reason is among the general population.
According the Kinsey Report only about 4% of the male population cross-dress for any reason (including fetish cross-dressers and any who have tried it and not chosen to do it again) and Doctor Doctor (Yes his last name is "Doctor") in a Tri-Ess sponsored study puts it at less than 7%.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
You're just a pervert like a
You're just a pervert like a lot of us. I only ever get good rads and reviews on Literotica if there is at least some sex. Give it a go.