I've been trying to figure out what is the optimum time to post a story in BCTS. So I decided to use the time that BCTS uses, and post my stuff at 8 PM or thereabouts. But then I realized I didn't know what time zone BCTS uses.
It's now 02:18 PM Hawaii-Aleutian Time, Dec. 25th 2023, in Hawaii.
It's 03:18 PM Alaska Standard Time in Anchorage.
It's 04:18 PM PST in LA.
It's 05:18 PM MST in Boulder.
It's 06:18 PM CST in Chicago.
It's 07:18 PM EST back home in DC.
It's 12:18 AM GMT Dec. 26th in London.
It's 08:18 AM, in Manila, Kyoto and Hong Kong.
It's 11:18 AM, in Sydney and Hobart.
It's 01:18 PM, in Christchurch and Wellington.
Using the time stamp of this post as the basis, time in the BigCloset is now 7:18 PM December 25. That's Eastern Standard Time.
As my science teacher used to say . . .
. . . “All of time is now.” So, when’s the optimal time to post your story?
NOW, girl!!! :)
If you're really that interested...
Erin, out chief elf in charge of BCTS is on PST (-8 UCT)
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
"The time is always now."
As many others have pointed out, "now" is all we have. "The Past" is memories. "The Future" is hopes, fears, expectations, unknown ...
For those "geeky" enough, we can start in Wikipedia ... and soon find the time is "Time for headache and sea-sick pills".
"Best time (hour of day) to post?" I 'vote' with others, now is best. "Soonest posted, soonest read, soonest Kudu-ed and commented." And you 'clear your mental decks' for the next story (hint-hint, wink-wink, nudge-nudge ...)
Oh, and posting soonest might tell y/our Muse that we >like< what She gives us, and She gives us more.
But, there are definitely two "Bad" times to post: Before the Opening time, and after the Closing time of a Contest or Challenge ... and you get marked ineligible ... Sniff!
I think there is enough (don't like this word) 'slop' in the system, in the Front Page, in when each of us 'checks in' ... when each of us is >awake> to check in ... that 'when we post' ... all that affects is where our post is in relation to the the 3-5 stories posted at 'about' the same time.
In the UK I found that around 7pm GMT is best. That allows for 8/9pm in Europe. 9am in Alaska, 2pm in NY/DC and around 6am in Oz. It doesn't account for Asia/East Africa too well but does hit where most of the readership is.
dont forget
to include daylight savings time, which may or may not be followed by locality, or congressional edict may have moved your area to a different timezone, at the whim of the people's representative (see:money talks). i think the best time to post is when you are finished polishing it and have time.