It's been years coming but lately I seem to subconsciously be on the prowl for a man to plow me. Would I do blow jobs? Come to think of it... Does that mean I was always a latent homosexual, or have the hormones finally done their job on me. My only worry now is that I do not wind up with some sort of sexually transmitted disease. Questions, questions.
I'll bite...
Not sure where I'm going with this comment, but I find a few things interesting in the post.
First being the label and wondering does it even matter? Like, really does love or attraction or desire or whatever you're saying you need really need a label? Be horny, have desire, fill your cup, and if ppl don't like it, F them.
And the other questioning I have is you're blaming hormones. Okay, so explain that to a couple CIS lesbians and what their feelings are in regard to the male appendage. I know several that have NEVER had a desire for it or would ever want to try it.
Guess I'll go back to my original impression - celebrate your desire for what it is - you wanna get some good loving and it shouldn't matter if it's dick or not. Hormones be damned - horny is horny!
You get some girl! And get it gud! :-)
(*- I reserve the right to remove this comment. Lol)
Rachel M. Moore...
Flavored ones for oral according to Google :)