While I was fishing this afternoon. This bible verse popped into my head. "To whom much is given, much will be required." For a moment I felt like I'd been struck with a piece of iron. Allow me to explain, I have been given much this year, and I'm afraid I've done very little to return it. I've been blessed with the firm mentorship of two of the most brillent writers I've ever known, Emma Anne Tate, and Joanne Barbarella, and I'm sure there dozens more waiting to be discovered here on this forum. I've also been blessed to have developed a friendship with Rasufelle, who first inspired me to write with her amazing "O' Cheer".
I have also been blessed to develop firm, fast friendships with many members of the BigCloset Discord. Who have brought immeasurable joy to my life.And many friends who in other communities have supported me, through a very tough year. Much has been given me, much I need to repay, much I owe. As we are about to close 2023 and welcome 2024 I find myself moved to tears thinking about all the kind comments, support and warm fellowship this community has given me. And I hope in the year to come I will prove myself worthy of such steadfast friends, such kind and gentle readers, to such supporting people who fill my empty heart with joy and love, who make me smile through the most temptest of storms, who make me laugh on the most cloudy of days, who kind and thoughtful comments fuel the fire inside me.
I've been writing very little, that because I had to end a friendship that lasted some thirteen years, maybe more. I felt the time for us to move on was near at hand. I felt I myself had accepted me being trans, and the many Discords I belong too had. But because of another events in another Discord not releated to this site, events I will not go into here, but are releated to a certain trash hole of the internet, I felt they could not accept me, because of what they thought me being transgender was. And that left a hole in my heart that has made writing very hard. But we must move on.
In 2024 I hope to bring you many wonderful stories, new character, finish some old stories, and help this community grow and through any measure required of me, help it to thrive. I hope my dear readership will bear with me, as I work through this pain in my heart, and try to let my shattered soul heal. If I could, I would embrace each of you.
And so in closing, thank you all, for everything. And my story for the contest, is nearly finished. should be finished by friday. Please grant mercy, though any silly comments about getting the story finished sooner will make me smile, Snarky comments are among my favoret next to sweet ones.
With Love,
Rebecca A.K.A Sunflower-Chan
For that which we are about to receive……
Let us truly be grateful.
Funny, but that quote can be taken several ways.
First, it expresses my thanks for all those that I, like you, have come to know on this site. I won’t name names - I have thanked many of them here before, and don’t need to go into that - but there are many here who were instrumental in helping me to maintain my sanity during a very tough part of my life. Many who were instrumental in keeping me alive, and helping me to move forward with my decision to transition - as well as helping me through it!
Second, it expresses my thanks for the fact that you have been inspired to create more here. I look forward to reading the fruits of your labors.
And third, it reminds me of all that I have been through - and all that I have to atone for. When I was in the service, the NCOIC of my security team (a Marine Gunnery Sargeant) used to say exactly that just as my little ANGLICO unit was about to come under fire. Of course, I always responded back to him that it is always better to give than to receive, lol, and then proceeded to call in counter fire or an air strike while he and his team worked to keep us clear.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
For that which we are about to receive
Did you read, by chance, Renae's "After the ashes"? ;-)
I have never read it……
Where can I find it?
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Warning: it's incomplete.
I forgot: the top of the page
I forgot: the top of the page contains a long list of all stories in the library section. Just scroll down until you get to the real text.
For whom the bell Tolls
My dear D. Eden.
Please allow me to use this time as a chance to thank you. How much I looked foward to reading each of your lovely comments when I was writing "Southern Belle". You thoughtful insight made me look beyond what I'd plan on writing. And tendered the fire that burned within my soul. I know, because you have told me, some of my more emotionally charged stories have made you cry and I'm sorry for that. Sometimes the raw, past comes rushing toward me and like a wave comes rushing over me. Thank you for all you do, you are a blessing here and blessed are those who can count you as both a friend and mentor.
Happy New Year, Rebecca!
Dear Rebecca — It sounds like 2023 hasn’t ended on the easiest note for you. I hope the New Year is better for you. Know that you have given every bit as much here — in wisdom, in humor, in kindness and in friendship— as you have received. You are a wonderful part of this community!
Of course, Joanne and I are still “expecting” that contest entry from you! But you have oodles and oodles of time. No worries at all.
Lots of hugs, and a very happy new year!
— Emma
I'll add my hugs as well Rebecca
Thank you for reaching out to me as well on Discord. These holidays have been horrific on me emotionally, but I feel that I have come through the refiners fire with my soul intact, if just more than a little cleansed. I have two contest entries moving forward, seemingly at light speed.
God Bless Rebecca, 2024 is just waiting to open up it's treasures for all of us. :DD
Your dross to consume and gold to refine.
I feel such periods are the dross of our souls being burned away and so that the gold that remains may be made more visible. You are such a wonderful soul, and such periods I feel are not intended to break us, refiners fires do not break souls, they refine them and burn away the impurities. Thank you for all your support, and for all your lovely comments. Here is to another wonderful year of writing, learning and growing with you.
Emma, what can I say that I have not said before. You are the star in the sky for many here, for a traveler lost in the forest, who can only look up and through the bare branches see but one star, blessed are they who see your star and follow it through the many pitfalls and snow drifts that may have fallen around them. Through brier patches, creeks frozen over, through barren hills, you guide all those willing to listen and whisper gentle words of encouragment.
Dear Rebecca
"Where everybody knows your name!" At last. I'm sure 2024 will be a better year for you and people here have got your back. Never fear, you will always get support here.
You only got one thing wrong! Emma Anne is a great writer; I'm not, but I will always help you when I can,
An Invisible Cloud of Witnesses.
My dear Joanne, thank you, it took a lot of courage to come out and use the name Rebecca, a name that my mother would have given me if I'd been born a girl. It was her older sisters name and her mothers, mother's name. It felt only right. Though I wish I could have chosen something more, more longish, something that would have required a deep breath before being bellowed out. Something like Josephine Elizabeth Rebecca Anna March. Or is that too long? Southerners are known for there long names? Anyway, thank you. You are a a great writer and a true friend. And I'm blessed to have you as part of the invisible cloud of Witnesses that follow me each day, I've learned the trans community, scattered and fragmatted as it might be, has one key underlining factor. Mentorship and you have been very kind to me, thank you.