Good morning everybody, first allow me to thank everyone who's read 'The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle' I'm very pleased with the support its recieved. The story though has given a bit of writers block. And while I think on it, I've decided to given some attention to a few of my other stories I have floating around in limbo. One new story I hope to publish is called "The Mallrat Chronicals" it ties in with my other stories, and is set in the same area of Mississippi as my other stories. Also as far as time line goes, these stories are set in the same year/season as 'The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle' one day I'll make a timeline explaining how all these stories are connected.
See? This is what happens
when you refuse to share your chocolates and other goodies with your muse /grin
Seriously though, you write when you are inspired, not at our demand or whims. Good luck muse hunting, she'll be back /hugs