Chronicles of Sea Breeze

An Unexpected Turn of Events

If you're reading this, then you're part of my imaginary audience. Yes, you sitting behind the glowing computer screen, welcome to my misadventures in a brand new world. How did I come to this brand new world? Well fix yourself some popcorn and settle in. I'm about to tell you. It had started out as any other normal school day for me. I'd awoken to the blaring of my alarm clock at three in the morning. Making a noise that was a mix between a grunt and a growl, I reached over and shut my phone off. I then laid their for another fifteen minutes before I'd gathered enough strength to throw the sheet and covers to the side and drag my androgynous from the spring bed. I'd then dragged myself to the front door, fumbled with the latch, and then stumbled toward the bathroom that was located at the end of the hall.

The dark, narrow hallway reeked of cheap beer, cigarette smoke, musk and unwashed bodies. With each step I took, I was reminded that I faced yet another day in the hell that was Holmes Community College. A small junior college located in rural Holmes county. One of the poorest and least populated counties in the great state of Mississippi. 

Anyway I fumbled my way into the shower, the spray of warm water drove the sleet from my eyes and made me feel a little more human. It woke me up a little. Then I took care of some very personal business, you know shit, shower, and shave. Then feeling a little more human I returned to my dorm room and changed into more normal day-to-day attire. Plaid boxers, fading jeans, a pair of white cotton socks, t-shirt, a red and black plaid button down shirt, and finally some heavy yellow canvas work boots.  And of course I snatched my wallet and phone. Then taking a deep breath I held up my leather rucksack that held my textbooks for today's classes And then oddly enough I reached down and picked up an item that looked like a leather briefcase, the case held my fiddle.

What? My first class of the day was music and I'd played the fiddle. I'd played the fiddle for the better part of five years. That right five years worth of music classes. Anyway, textbooks in hand, wallet, Student I.D Card, key to the room,  and anything else I thought I might need on hand, I started off.

I locked the door behind me and paused, a sudden feeling of melancholy came over me. I was halfway through my freshman year of college already and I was starting to struggle. Twelve years of public Education had not prepared me for this, nor had the host of teachers I'd passed through at Yazoo County High School. And despite giving it all, my dreams of ever getting an associate's degree seem to fly further from my grasp each day. 

And so at four o' clock in the morning I found myself walking into the courtyard of the dorm. It must have rained or lightly sprinkled the night before, because the brown dead grass was damp and concrete walkway was slicker than owl shit. A sigh escaped my lips as I pulled the straps of my pack and shifted my gaze onward. It was an hour till breakfast and I faced at least a thirty minute walk from my dorm to the cafeteria. And so, compelled by the thoughts of food, I started my trek.

Now here we come to the major plot twist of my day. I had just walked down the concrete steps that are located in the front of my dorm. Now to get to the main campus from my dorm you gotta cross a section of highway. Anyway the moment I set foot on the highway, I was caught in the headlamps of a truck. I was still half asleep, so I just stood there, frozen in my tracks. A moment later, I felt the truck slamming into me, I remember sailing through the air. FUCK! I thought as I felt my soul being pulled from my body. And that's the last thing I remember.

John the Woodcutter

And the next thing you know, I was coming awake. I was laying flat as a board on my back, and staring up at a clear blue sky. I was in a forest, I could tell that much at least because I was surrounded by trees. Pine, Willow, and Fir trees by the looks of them. I could also hear birds chipping in some nearby bushes that seemed to bear some kind of strange fruit. Slowly I tried to lift myself up, I managed to get halfway up before the pain made me force myself to lie back down.

Everything hurt, it ached really, I'm not sure how long I laid there, but I laid there a good while, my eyes followed the path of the sun as it moved slowly across the cloudless, blue sky. After some time had passed I decided to see if everything worked. I mean as far as I knew I could have been fully paralyzed or something. But, that fear soon proved unfounded. And soon I'd managed to lift myself up from the ground.

It was then I noticed the newest edition to my body. Breast, yes glued to my already slender frame were two mounds the size of water balloons. I freaked and quickly removed my jeans and boxer and noticed my nether region had been replaced too. I scream, my scream caused a nearby resting flock of blackbirds to take flight into the cloudless, blue sky that hung over me and echoed off the cliff face of a nearby mountain. No doubt startling the nearby wildlife. Not that I cared much at this moment. 

Anyway, once the shock wore off, and trust me it took a moment or three. I quickly started to look around for my stuff. I soon found my fiddle case beside my rucksack. That was a relief. A small comfort in a moment of peril if you will. Anyway as I went to pick up my rucksack, I noticed it seemed to feel a lot heavier than it normally does. Curious, I opened it and then I noticed something strange, gone were my textbooks, I mean it's like they had just vanished into thin air or something. Instead I found a bunch of adventure stuff. I'll name the items I found tucked away in my rucksack for you.

A tin mess kit, a few loaves of bread, a small glass bottle that held some kind of liquid that looked like fruit punch but when I tasted it I was reminded of cough medicine, a pound of something that looked like beef jerky, a wooden canteen that was filled to the brim with cool, fresh drinking water, a few candle sticks, a dozen quill, a blank notebook, a silver back hairbrush, some hair ribbons, a mirror, a brick size block of what I'm going to assume was soap, and last but not least a compass.

“Wow.” I said taking a note of everything I found. “At least somebody was kind enough to give some basic gear.” And with that I held the knapsack up on my shoulders and picked up the fiddle case and with those items in hand I started to walk down a wide wooden trail, a road or something I assumed. I walked a good while, covering a pretty good piece of ground on foot I believe till I heard the trotting of a horse's hoof down upon the hard ground. I paused, turned around and peered over my shoulder and to my amazement was a young man around my age, sitting up on a wagon.

My high cheekbones flushed with color the moment my eyes met his. To say the stranger was cute or adorable was a massive understatement, he was down right handsome. He had somewhat longish honey blonde hair, dark blue eyes, a little scruff on his chin, and to top it all off a piece of hay or was that straw in his mouth that shifted from one corner to the other with ease every few seconds. He wore what appeared to be a simple, homespun white cotton shirt that was tucked into brown leather pants, a black belt made of leather with a big, polished brass buckle served as a color break. The bottom of his pants were tucked into a pair of brown leather boots that were tightly laced around his ankles.

Topping it all off was a matching brown coat with a row of brass buttons running down the middle; the cuffs of his coat had brass buttons on them too. 

“Good afternoon to you.” He called out as he brought his wagon to a halt. “Don't see many travelers on this road. Most of the townspeople tend to avoid these woods. But sometimes we get a knight going out on adventure, a group of adventures, sell-swords and such passing through these woods. All making tracks for yonder Mountains of Shadow. Many of them believe the old gleeman's tales of fable lost cities or some long forgotten horde of treasure. Riches beyond measure. And you don't look like a knight nor do you have the air of an adventurer.” He said leaning forward a little.

It took me a moment to collect my thoughts.

“I think I'm lost.” I said starting to blush a little.

“I figured you were lost. It's written clearly on your face. My name is John and I'm a journeyman woodcutter. I'm going into town to sell my wood and pick up some supplies. If you want I'll be more happy to give you a ride. Gotta warn you though, these woods are filled with monsters, ghouls and all shorts of wicked things. And I don't see a blade or weapon on you. And those monsters would make quick work of you.” He said, patting the empty space beside him.

I blinked and then rolled my shoulders and quickly I climbed up on the wagon. Once I was seated I offered him my hand and in a shaking tone of voice I told him.

“Well John the Woodcutter. I'm Jeanette.” I said blushing once more. I pretty much said the first female name that popped into my head. I quickly followed it by saying. “Jeanette Katherine Hood.” Now if you guys at home are wondering about the chosen name let me enlighten you a bit. 'Jeanette' had been my late great-grandmother's name, and more often than not my mom had told me, had I been born a girl she would have given me the first name 'Jeanette' and the middle name of 'Katherine' had been to honor my still living grandmother. And the last name of 'Hood' was to honor my all time favorite folk hero, 'Robin Hood'.

“I see.” John the woodcutter said as he thoughtfully chewed upon the piece of straw. Or was it wheat now that I had a better view of it. “Anyway, you best be counting your lucky stars that I ran across you. Like I said before, and I'm going to say it again. These woods are filled with monsters. And I don't see a blade or a bow on you. Anyway we were about two and a half leagues away from Sea Breeze. And I've piddled enough, it's going to be dust when we reach the town, I suggest you find a room for the night at the town's inn. Sea Breeze is a peaceful enough little settlement, but night brings its own perils.”

I nodded my head. It was then I noticed that John was peering at my chest. I felt a faint blush color my cheeks. It was at that moment that John noticed me blushing and that caused him to only chuckle a little. And with that it seemed a peaceful quiet settled over the ride. The minutes ticked right on by. A gentle breeze blew through the trees and caused their long branches to sway back and forth. Slowly the crowded forest gave way to a vast open field. The sun was starting to hang low in the sky now. And the breeze that blew across the field made the tall grass, grass that seemed high enough to touch a man's waist sway gracefully, the wind also carried a bit of a chill with it.

“We are now entering The Field of Sunflowers' ' John the Woodcutter said. “A battle was fought here around thirty five years ago.  The ghosts of slain knights are said to come out of their graves and roam the field once the sun has set. North of the field you will find a swamp. The bodies of the slain foot soldiers and knights from Lord Rose's doomed host were thrown there. It's also rumored to be haunted by the vengeful wrath of the doomed Lord Rose's men.” 

I blinked and turned to him.

“Before the coming of the War of the Pretend King.” He said sighing. “This field was once filled with with Sunflower's that grew as tall as a man. Then an army of mercenary knights in the services of the Pretend King came and and burned this field to the ground a along with most of the town. The town has been rebuilt, but wild Whistle Grass has taken over the field. This field lies between Sea Breeze and the Hemlock Wood.” He paused. “It's been two leagues since I picked you up. And were another two leagues from town. Ahead of us, lays Tarm Bridge. From Tarm bridge to Sea Breeze proper is about half a league. I'm afraid I'll have to let you down there and you'll have to go on foot.”

I had so many questions starting to swirl around in my head at this moment. But I believed it was best if I kept my mouth shut. I mean as far as I knew all of this could have been a dream. A weird ass dream. Maybe I was still laying in bed? And soon any moment my alarm clock was going to start buzzing and I'd wake up and this would just vanish into thin air. Or would I find out that I was killed in an early morning hit and run and this is my eternal reward? So all that bullshit the Roman Catholic church teaches about Heaven and Hell, going to confession to have your sins removed and praying the Rosary for brownie points in the next life was just a flat out lie? I mean deal with me here, what if when we die, we are just reborn into another world, you know with a random age and a random gender or something? Could be me, being a girl now in a strange new world, be my afterlife? 

The sun at this point had almost vanished below a snow capped mountain that seemed to loom just above the horizon. The wind was becoming stronger now and seemed to blow colder as the seconds slowly turned into minutes. I kind of wish I had a woolen coat or something. Something a bit heavier than I had on. I made a mental note to go shopping for a coat the moment I was settled into my new life.  That a whole new wardrobe seemed in order.  Before long though, I caught sight of an old wooden bridge.

“I just remembered that I have business further afield.” John the Woodcutter said as he stopped his wagon. “But before you  stand the Bridge of Tar, the River Mystic runs under it. The road before you, if you can even call it that, because right now it's nothing but a half cleared trail or goat path is called Thorn's Turnpike named after the mayor who ordered it built. As you can see right now the road is nothing but hard packed dirt. But soon it will give way to cobblestones. Thorn's Turnpike will take right into Sea Breeze. I'll suggest you find lodging for the night at the inn called, The Queen's Reward.” John stated before he paused and took a deep breath. “I don't mean to pry, but judging by your looks, you don't look like somebody who has a lot of money laying around. But also judging by your looks, you look like you can sing and the owner of the inn, a strong willed woman by the name Marian is always searching for singing girls or serving maids.” He said with a cunt nod of his head.

“She is a good woman too. Second in command of the town's Women's Council. I'm sure if you agree to play, sing, wash a few dishes, or even cook for her. She'll give you a warm feathered bed, food, and drink in return.” He added quickly. “Also one more suggestion. Tomorrow morning, you should go talk to the mayor of the village. Lord Marcus. He has this scheme of repopulating the village by offering plots of land for cheating. He's also chief of the Bankers Guild. So I'm sure you two can work something out.” He paused again.

“I'm hazarding a guess that this is where you and I part for time. Anyway, best of luck to you Lady Hood. Until fate brings us back together again. I hope the Goddess Daphne keeps you safe.”

And with that John the Woodcutter flicked his rains, the leather straps snapped on the back of the horse and that was that. I never even got the chance to thank him for the ride and the sound advice. So I simply shrugged my shoulders and crossed the old wooden bridge. At least I had some clues to go on. Anyway it seemed I was to find a woman named Marian and introduce myself, then tomorrow morning go find the mayor and tell him I wanted to move into the village.. and I was to become a singing girl? Talk about the world turned upside down!

Play Minster Play!

I don't know how much time had passed since John the Woodcutter had let me out. But the sun had fully set before I spotted what I considered the first true signs of civilization: a small cottage that was surrounded by a low stone wall. A stone thrown away from the cottage there stood a weather beaten barn. I passed the cottage without stopping to linger. I had to remember after all I was a stranger in a new strange world.  And so I walked another fair piece, I'll say around a half mile to a mile more before I started to see a more humble dwelling appear. All of them seemed the same.

You know, small, one story, neat square cottages with black slate roofs and brick chimneys, I then noticed that I was indeed walking on cobblestones, the hard packed dirt road had given away to brown, square cobblestones that were interlocked. The cottages too I noticed were set close together. I kept walking, doing my best to avoid making eye contact with some of the people who seemed to be milling  about on their screen in porches that wrapped around some of the cottages. Soon enough though I reached what might have been the center of town.

The area was a massive open plaza, in the center of the square there was a massive stone fountain that sprouted a stream of cool, clear water. The square was paved as well, only with highly polished white flagstones that looked like marble instead of the brown, squat, cobblestones that had been used to the path many of the streets and narrow paths of the city.

At the far side of the plaza, I noticed a wooden pole with a sign hammered at the top. It kind of reminded me of the street signs you see in the city. So without giving it much thought I skirted across the stones, so I could read the sign a little better. The sign read “Anvil Street”

Seeing I had nothing else to lose, I mean I'd already lost my life once today. What's the chance of me losing it again? I started to walk down that street. I noticed the street was a broad tree lined avenue. With the main sections of road being paved with cobblestones and the sidewalks being paved with red brick. Business of all kinds flanked both sides of the street. And yes soon enough I came across a business that had the name of “Queen's Reward” painted above the wooden door, the letters were written in fading gold paint. Beside the name there was a picture of a bed and beside the bed a plate with a fork.  And finally a third picture that showed a tanker with a foamy head of beer.

And so without thinking I pushed open the door and stepped inside. Once inside I saw something to took my breath away. I found myself surrounded by people. The place seemed too crowded with people, all shouting at the top of their voices. The aroma of roasting meats and savory pies filled the air along with the sour smell of hops. Severing maids in tight blouses and short flowing, silken skirts skirted around groups of people. 

Each one of them held high wooden trays that were laden with pewter dishes, many carried tankers that had been fashioned from pewter, tankers that no doubt were filled with ale.

“Pardon me.” I said walking into the middle of the room. And at that moment all conversation stopped. All the maid's stopped and peered directly at me. And all the patrons looked up from their meals, their games of dice and cards  and turned their heads to peer directly at me.

“Somebody called John the Woodcutter said I could get a room and a meal here. I don't think I have any money on me right now. But I can play well enough on my fiddle. So can I exchange a few songs for something to eat and drink?”

A low muttering escaped the lips of the gathered crowd. And soon through the crowd came a looming shadow of a woman, a tall woman with flaming red hair and piercing blue eyes. The woman looked at me and then took a deep breath as she folded her arms across her chest. Like the rest of the serving maids she wore a tight blouse and a short flowing skirt.

“A minstrel girl.” She said, “One that dresses like a man, smells like a man, and wears her hair like a man.” She said, shaking her head. “Honey, my name is Marian and I'm the owner of this little inn, the only inn in Sea Breeze. And let me tell you something, I've been an innkeeper for a good twenty years now and in that time I've learned a thing or two, and let me tell you something. Judging by the way you look, you better have the voice of a goddess.” She said, eyeing my fiddle case. “Or else you can earn you keep walking the streets.”

“I can sing.” I said taking a deep offense to Marian and her sharp ways. And so I took a deep breath and opened the old weather worn leather case. Now I'm going to be honest with you guys, I breathed a silent prayer as I reached down and pulled out the fiddle and started to tune it up. “I'll even play a sample song for you. Free of charge!” I said as I gathered up my courage. I could tell all the eyes in that little inn had turned toward me. And a hushed silence fell over the room. I closed my eyes and started to think. Then I started to play and sing.

“Going with the solver flow. Of Rivers wide with currents deep and slow. I rest my wings made to soar but can I fly anymore.” I paused just to catch my breath but then I lost myself in my singing and playing. “The river it goes ever on. Can my heart keep pace, rushing and swollen until dawn? Now I shake off weariness and go to meet what I can't guess. The heart has its secret currents deep and without guide. To find out where they will lead I take the plunge, eyes wide. People move from home to street no one blinks as day yields to day, life is fleet.” I had to pause here to catch my breath.

“Where are you going” Where are you going, water traveler? The mournful wind blows ever on, can I keep flooded with love until dawn?” And there I stopped my playing and allowed my fiddle to rest. 

And this is how one life ends and another one begins. And how my adventure in another world started.

“James Thomas Sharbrough, age nineteen was killed in a early morning hit and run accident as he tried to cross the street in the early morning hours of September 9, 20009. Sharbrough was nineteen years old and enrolled in Holmes Community College. Sharbrough was known to many as a kind, understanding, yet troubled young man. He is survived in death by his father John Richard Sharbrough, His mother Melody Anna Sharbrough, his young sister Judith Marie Sharbrough, and several aunts and uncles and cousins. Sharbrough's Funeral Mass would held this coming Sunday at St. George's Episcopal Church located 109 Main Street, Yazoo City, Ms. The Rev Percival Bell will officiant the Mass.”

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