Madeline Plays Dotty

I took a deep breath and peered toward the full, floor length mirror that stood before me. The sight that greeted me made me flush with embarrassment. The glass surface of the mirror reflected a brunette girl, who was dressed in a Dalmatian costume, the costume being a Dalmatian printed dress, with a matching headband that had fluffy dog ears  hanging about it. To add insult to injury, a pink collar with a dog bone shaped nameplate was fastened around my neck. The name 'Madeline' had been engraved upon the nameplate.

“What have I gotten myself into.” I said with a sigh. Of course I knew what I'd gotten myself into. A month or two ago I had volunteered my best friend, Jamie Sarah Potter, to take part in a messy fundraiser called 'Feed Dotty' . The fundraiser was put on each month by Benton's only no kill animal shelter. The fundraiser was always a smashing success and people always wanted to see who took volunteered to play the starring role of 'Dotty The Dalmatian Princess' who would for the amusement of the gathered crowds perform a number of tricks, such as fetch, lay down, speak, rollover, sit and jump before a packed studio audience.

Oh, yes before I forget the stunt is always filmed and is always aired on PBS's Saturday Morning cartoon block, were on most weekends you could watched massive blocks of “The Adventures of Dotty  The Dalmatian Princess” being played to fill in the time slot before the weekend showing of “Heather's House Party” comes on. 

Anyway, my best friend Jamie said if she volunteered, I had to volunteer. And for a few weeks I've been dancing around it. I even tried to get my cousin Daisy to take my spot, Daisy though it seems has been selected to play Dotty after me. Anyway, that explains why I'm standing in a dressing room in the community theater, about to go on stage in a few moments dressed as a Saturday morning cartoon character. At least I hope it does.

Not that I'm mad, I'm kind of pleased, you see some airheads in Benton, yes that includes me, volunteers to play Dotty as a way to measure their popularity. If you bring in a large wad of cash that means you're popular and you get bragging rights. If you don't do well at least some cute little puppies will get spared a trip to the gas chamber. And after all it's for the puppies after all, who wants to see those cute, jumping bundles of joy get a one way ticket in the back of a tinted van and sent into the gas chamber to be put  into a never ending sleep? Not me. And not anybody I know. So there is never a shortage of people willing to volunteer.

“Awww.” A voice said behind me, “This is just so precious.” 

I blinked and turned around and there standing behind me was Mum, and Mommy. Or Kayla and Heather. And of course my best friend Jamie. Kayla without saying a word rushed over and threw her arms around me and pulled me tight to her chest.

“My little Madeline is growing up so fast. First she had her Debutante Ball! Now she is volunteering to save puppies! She grew up from that tomboy that first stepped off that Greyhound Bus that warm summer's evening two and a half years ago.” Kayla said as she held me with one hand and stroked my hair with the other.

“Yes..” Heather said. Heather had never been a fan of this fund-raiser; she said whoever thought of it needed to have their head checked. And I quite agreed with her, they needed to have their head checked. 

“You're looking adorable.” Jamie said smiling. “Oh I had Mrs. Croft tally the numbers. You beat me girl. You smashed me, not only did all the businesses in Benton donate, but everybody who brought those three collections of ghost stories you self published a while back, donated five dollars a piece. So yes.”

“And she is a published author too!” Kayla said smiling. “Just think Madeline darling the world will soon be your oyster.”

Jamie and Heather just blinked and peered toward Kayla. At that moment I was not sure what was more humiliating: Being dressed as an oversized puppy or Kayla's sudden show of affection. Don't let me know I know Kayla always loved me, she just had a hard time showing it. She was the strong, silent type of the two.

Jamie though only smirked as she reached into her skirt pocket and pulled out a leash. Smiling she clipped the leash onto the collar I was wearing and then grinning from side of her face to the other she started to tug it along.

“Oh I forgot to mention this too. I told your cousin Linda, who has an internship with WJTV News Channel 12 about your amazing fundraising efforts. And she managed to pull a few strings” Jamie kept up her smile. “So they're sending a news crew down here to film you playing Dotty too. Along with their sister network XTW out of Memphis. So they're going to be filming you, Madeline Diana Brewer playing dotty too. And like me, millions of people across Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and even the southern part of Tennessee are going to see you play Dotty.” Jamie said, smirking. As she guided me down the long narrow hallway.

“My little sister is going to a star!” I heard Kayla cry out behind me as I was lead toward my doom.

“I think she is already a star, this would be her second appearance on television. The first time was when she appeared at my house party and got gunned for losing that game.” Heather remarked dryly as she followed behind Jamie and me. “I still don't understand why people volunteer for this stunt. I mean sure they save puppies and kittens from certain doom. And sure they get their fifteen minutes of fame. But really, I could do a much better job at running this little fundraiser.” 

I was about to put my foot into my mouth but at that very moment, I was guided out onto the stage. The minute I walked out onto stage a bedlam of cheers, laughter, catcalls, whistles and shouts filled the air. It seemed the whole town had turned out to watch me play Dotty. And the only thing I could do was offer a little wave as Jamie guided me to the center of the stage.

It was then I noticed, much to my amusement there in the middle of the stage was a large bright red wading pool in the shape of a dog's feeding bowl. With sticker letters attached to the front of it that spelled out the name “Madeline” a simple, wooden stool was located in the center of the bowl.

“Good afternoon Benton!” Jamie cried as she turned toward the gathered crowd. “I'm going to be your hostess this afternoon. Many of you know me, but for those who don't I'm Jamie Sarah Potter. I'm a Junior at Benton Academy, I'm also co-captain of the Benton Academy's Varsity Cheerleaders.” She said proudly. “And a month or so ago I volunteered to play Dotty! Now its my best friends turn to play Dotty, so put your hands together for the one, and only Madeline Diana Brewer. Who is also a Varsity Cheerleader at her school. Benton High! And is a well known author of a collection of ghost stories.”

The crowd went wild! A bedlam of noises filled the air, the clapping hands the stomping of feet, whistling and shouting. It was a confusing storm of noise that filled the air.

“Now.” Jamie said, taking a deep breath. “I know what you guys came here for. You came here to see 'Dotty' perform a number of tricks and then get 'Fed' well because you guys were so kind and we managed to raise so much money, I'm pleased to say that Madeline will perform all the tricks and get fed three, large cans of dog food! Supersize!” 

“You seem way too happy about that.” I muttered under my breath as I peered toward Jamie. 

“Because I'm going to enjoy getting the payback.” Jamie said smiling.

“Okay for the first trick!” Jamie said as she reached down and picked up a yellow tennis ball. “Madeline is going to play fetch.” She smiled and bent down and a few seconds later she was rolling the yellow tennis ball across the stage. 

I felt my face bloom with color as I got down on all fours and started to trot after all the ball. Without saying a word. I reached down and picked the ball up in my mouth and walked over and dropped the ball at Jamie's feet and because I've seen it done a dozen times. I barked or made a barking sound.

“Good girl!” Jamie praised. 

“Now, Madeline I want you to sit for me, can Madeline sit like a good girl?” Jamie said grinning as she tugged a little upon the lease. I could tell she was really starting to enjoy this. Maybe a little too much. Maybe she was getting her revenge for the time I talked her into playing Dotty? I'm sure God knew, but at this point in time I'm sure he had turned his head away and just sighed a long sigh and wondered if he should go ahead and push that doomsday button.

But still, I eased my button down upon the floor and put my hands in front of me and tried to sit like a dog would sit much to the amusement of the crowd. Who had paid two dollars to see this.. you know that two dollars was supposed to cover the cost of the chili and cleaning bill. Or so I'm going to guess. 

“Good girl!” Jamie praised again and she reached out and ruffled my hair. “Now our next trick is to lay down! Can Madeline lay down like a good little dog she is? Can she?” At this point I felt like reaching out and biting Jamie on the leg. But having been her best friend for so long. I quickly put it out of my mind, not because I was afraid of hurting her, but because I was afraid she might like it too much. Trust me, Jamie and I share everything. That includes what we would like to do to our boyfriends. And I knew that Biting was one of Jamie's fetishes. And I was starting to expect that maybe Pet Play was one too.

Anyway I laid down and the crowd once more roared with laughter. 

“Okay!” Jamie said, smiling a little as the crowd roared with laughter. “I think Madeline's had enough. I think it's time we get to the main point of the show. You guys donated to see Madeline covered from head to toe in chili. And that what your about to get.” Jamie said as she tugged upon the leash and guided me toward the massive food bowel that sat in the center of the stage.

Blushing I took a deep breath and climbed over the rim of the bow and settled my bottom down on the wooden stool. I then took a deep breath and because it felt right I barked once again.
Jamie smiled a wicked little smile as she reached down and picked up the first massive bucket. Grinning from one corner of her face to the other she moved toward me and grinned as she lifted the bucket up. 

A moment later, a massive landslide of brown sauce and beans rolled down on me. The brown gravy rolled down and coated my brunette locks of hair. The rough texture of the beans rolled down like a landslide and pooled together in my lap. Some of the slimy beans even managed to find their way down  the collar of my outfit.

“YUCK!” I said, shivering as the cold slop kept getting poured down over my head. Some of the beans even got into my mouth and I shivered and jolted around as I swallowed the horrible tasting mush. There is nothing worse than tasting cold mush. Cold mush that tasted like dog food? Even worse.

“I guess now would be a good time to say.” Jamie said grinning as she gave the bucket a little shake, to let a few ounces pour down on my head. She reached over and picked up a second bucket and slowly she started to pour out the second bucket.

“Because Madeline raised so much money for such a worthy cause! We decided to use real dog food! Instead of the normal chili with no beans. So going forward any time somebody breaks five thousand dollars raised in donations. They get the real thing as a extra special reward!”

I blinked and blinked again and wanted to protest as the second bucket was poured over my head. The thick, brown chunks of gravy mixed with beans and fake meat seemed to fall around me and make a plucking sound as it landed in the plastic bottom of the pool. I was drenched from head to heel in this stuff. And then it dawned on me, my hair would be smelling like dog food for days if not weeks! 

“And I even brought an extra bucket too!” Jamie said grinning as she tossed the empty bucket to the side and picked up the third bucket. “Oh this one is extra special. Its chicken and rice flavored!” I was just about to say something when the third bucket was poured over my head. The smell of canned chicken filled the air. It was gut wrenching.

“JAMIE YOU LITTLE BRAT!” I bellowed at the top of my lungs. Revenge was one thing. But this was not revenge, this was pure savagery. 

“Now, now Madeline.” Jamie gently scolded as she peered down at me. “If you're not a good girl. I have permission from Kayla and Heather to spank you with a rolled up newspaper.” Jamie teased as she emptied the last bit of funk from the bucket onto my head. 

Before I could respond the last bucket was tipped over my head. I think you guys can guess what was in that bucket and how bad it smelled. Anyway thirty seconds later, I was being stood up. The inside of the bowl was ankle with slop. And four strong stage hands were already rushing in to take the bowl away. Maybe they were going to toss it into Wilson Creek or something.

“Okay everybody! I'm going to take Madeline out back and hose her down. Then I'm going to give her a bath. I'd like to thank you guys again for donating to the 'Friends of Dotty'. These wonderful men and women, many of whom are unpaid volunteers, often put in long hours making sure the abandoned pets of Benton are treated with love and kindness. They also provided medical treatment to pets from low income families.” Jamie said. She then turned toward me and smiled.

“And a special thank you goes out to our lovely volunteer. Madeline Brewer who allowed us to totally gunge her today. Our next volunteer would be a lovely young girl from Vicksburg. Hopefully, watching her cousin get totally gunged does not cause her to get cold feet.” Jamie Said.

Once Jamie gave her little speech, I was led off stage and through an emergency exit door. Jamie only smiled as she directed me to stand on a plot of grass. A few minutes later, after Jamie managed to untangle a very tangled garden hose. I felt the first splash of icy ground water come pouring over me as Jamie sprayed me down. For several long minutes I stood there as Jamie sprayed the water over me, the water managed to clean off a good bit of the funk. But it left me soaked to the bone.

“Man.” I said at last as Jamie sprayed a good bit of the funk out of my hair. “First a gunging and then a wet tshirt contest. Talk about a day.” I said, sighing as I took the offered towel that Jamie handed me.

“Another day and another misadventure in the 'Life and Times of Madeline' right?” Jamie said with a smirk as she tossed another towel over my head.

“Right. So.. is Daisy going to get the same treatment?” I asked as I started to dry myself off.

“Yes.” Jamie said, smirking.


The End.

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