Preaching to the choir here... Women in western culture can basically wear anything that is not too revealing. On the other hand men who wear women's clothes, it's not good.
I really like stockings and garter belts (Suspender belts in the UK), and I have several variations of them. Anytime I wear them it must be in secret or heavily concealed.
I hear you loud and clear
I hear you loud and clear on this societal schizophrenia and hypocrisy and double standard. I grew up in a society governed by a fundamentalist conservative orthodox religious belief system. At least on paper the churches purported to stand for and demand the strict separation of church and state. More so, since our [spiritual] forefathers nearly 500 years ago were willing to face persecution and public execution for this belief at the hands of the inquisition, the reformation and the secular governments of the 16th century. But in actual practice, the clergy have insisted to be ex-oficio members of almost every [governing] committee with oversight of all social and economic aspects of the community.
To the point that the clergy had in my eyes lost virtually all credibility by the time I finished elementary school (grade 6). Part of the official arts curriculum included folk dances. But the churches banned all boys from any and all forms of dancing. Because if boys are allowed to dance, that just leads to adultery, rape and prostitution. For the purpose of the couples dances in high school the churches mandated that girls had to cross-dress as boys. Because girls are “incapable of committing adultery, rape or prostitution”. Yeah! Right!
Any boy who dared to cross-dress within a theatrical context faced severe condemnation of fire, sulfur and brimstone; as well as considerable mobbing. But nobody so much as batted an eye-lid at a girl cross-dressed as a boy.
Sorry for the rant. I will now get of my soap box.
Roger that, Gwen.
Of course, our warped society insists on viewing characteristics most associated with femininity as being of lesser value. It’s all of a piece. I tried to explore this a bit in Virtue and Valor.
— Emma
Maybe it boils down to intent and subsequent perception? As far as I can see, women who dress in 'men's' clothes for the most part do so for convenience. Day to day activities, including shopping, errands, and of course in many instances in the workplace. Of course, FtM folks, who constitute a small segment of genetically BORN females, dress in men's clothing for identity.
Men who dress in women's clothes do so for a variety of reasons, including theatrical presentation as drag and such. But the overwhelming majority of men dressing in women's clothes do so in many degrees of expression of identity.
Society tolerates women dressed like men. Society fears 'men' dressed AS women?
Love, Andrea Lena
Deeply Psychological...
For a long time I tried to blame early childhood abuse but now I see that perhaps I was always very feminine, not a sissy though. Native Americans, of which I am one, refer to it as Two Spirit, not gay but female on one side and male on the other. For me, I see the Judeo/Christian sector as having done the most damage and caused the most suffering. That, despite the fact that I love God myself. It seems that live is never simple. Society demanded that my apparent physiology made me male, and believing that I married and tried as hard as I could to be a good father. As happens, that all blew up in my face when the last of three children, now grown, left home. That was 18 years ago and for me, it is all over except for answering for my own actions.
About 100 years ago, women
About 100 years ago, women could be prosecuted for crossdressing. The reason they don't now is that a woman dressing as a man can be seen as giving yourself a "upgrade". You go girl, strong independent blah, blah. You wear those clothes and exert yourself.
A man crossdressing as a female reminds macho types that can be soft a feminine. Qualities they hate. So many women buy into this way of thinking too.