Well hi.
It's been a long while since I wrote anything and for the first time in all that time, I hope I've actually got something on the go that I can post. Honestly, I'm missing the feedback and the kudos.
I can't say how far through I am, but as much as it pains me, I'm glad I didn't do what I'd done before, trying to make a series on the fly and finding myself up the creek without a paddle. This one, I promised wouldn't go up in parts until I'd actually finished it.
I'm so pleased I stuck to that too, because already I've made so many changes as things have evolved, that it wouldn't have worked and there would be yet another serial that didn't get finished.
Being as it's been so long since I last posted anything, I thought I give you all a head's up, because I know the shock could prove dangerous for some of you. Also, I needed to announce it to ensure that I didn't just brush it to one side and give up. Now I've said this, I really need to get my shit together and finish.
I'd imagine, some of you might be thinking that I'd fallen off the face of the Earth, when in actual fact, I'd just changed country. Trouble is, that happened ten years ago and I'd be very surprised if many newer members of this fine site will even know who the hell I am.
Any-who, don't hold your breath, but there's a new one on its way.
Don't say I didn't warn you...
I don't just look it. I'm absolutely serious about this...
Glad to hear that you're okay.
Good to hear from you, I was only thinking of you a little while ago. How's France? Couldn't be worse than here, the Tories have virtually destroyed everything here, should be done for treason. Other than that and shitty weather it's alright.
We're fine thank you
Hi Ang,
Yes it has been a while. France is great. Won't even think about returning to the UK now. My French is improving - which isn't saying a lot, but I can answer the phone now. More often than not though, I do have to pass it over to Penny. I'll get it, I'm just hellishly slow!
We keep seeing stuff about dear ole Blighty on the TV, which completely contradicts what we're hearing from people we know who've been over.
Still, as you say, once you do the effin' Tories for treason, I'm sure things will look up. They have to. They can't go down any further, can they?
Stay well, my friend and keep writing.
Thank you for your commitment to finish before posting
I've read many stories posted that way that ended up unfinished. Good stories that held my interest until they just petered out. That's exactly why I don't post in chapters as I write. I don't want to be one of those authors. But then, I don't usually write really long stories. Normally I'm in the 20K word range.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Finishing before posting
I have been fortunate to write several stories, which I posted per chapter as I finished each one. It's pretty hit and miss and once posted, it can't really be altered without pissing a whole bunch of readers off.
Having started and not finished a plethora of stories, I thought had such potential, I didn't want to do it again.
This new one has had so many edits where I'd forgotten things or had put stuff in, only to discover I'd put it in the wrong place, announced it too soon ... you get the picture.
No, it's the first story I have written for a very long time that's just flowed. I had said I wasn't going to write another trans story, but what can you do when your muse slaps you upside the head and you can't seem to put the damned thing down and stop, even for a moment?
Faster Than
A speeding escargot, please!
Faster than?
I'm typing as quickly as I can, but people keep commenting and I just have to answer, don't I?
As I said before, I'm unsure how much I have left to go, because I keep thinking of more and it's just getting bigger and bigger. The story's got longer too.
It'll be done when it's done.
Watch this space...