So, here's my dilemma. I have this vision for a story. The premise is that our Protagonist, who has dreams of being an actor, has sex with the person running an audition. It's consensual, and both parties enjoy it. After a wham, bam, thank you, ma'am; both parties go their separate ways. But, this one-night stand turns into a love song which will be my tale. So, here's the million-dollar question. "How graphic should this sex act be?" I want to hear your honest opinions, please.
My personal take on sex in TG stories
As a rule, TG stories should be about being transgender. If you get graphic, you push the story in to the Erotica genre rather than the TG genre. I personally would like dispel the feeling that TG stories are Erotica, as Amazon seems to think.
There is one story that I have that sex is a big part of it. However, beyond acknowledging it happened, there's not much else to it. To see how I handled it read, "JAN COMES OUT TO PLAY"
In "The CNA" I hint at a sexual relationship but never really quite get there.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
On this site?
Not very.
love song
Perhaps the key here is to define for yourself what 'love song' means to your hero(ine). Tender? Earthy? A mix? Is the story sweet/sentimental? A struggle? The very first reader you might need to satisfy is yourself. Your readers certainly are important, but in crafting your story, what is it you want to DO for your protagonist?
Love, Andrea Lena
I'm almost positive
That most (if not all) of us know how the sex act goes. What makes each encounter unique is what is said if brains are engaged. It also flavors our recollections.
Concentrate 'twist the ears, rather than the thighs.
Here it's enough
Here it's enough to mention it has happened.
Go for it
Since it’s about people and even healthy, well-adjusted people have desires... I’d say go for it.
Some transgender stories include sex and it improves them: passion doesn’t have to be shameful or smutty. Write it and see what you get. It’s probably worth discovering if you can write a good sex scene, though you could always take it out if you want to – or find a different outlet for your tale such as Fictionmania, Literotica and others.
Have fun with your tale!
Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh
Words of Love. . .
. . .so soft and tender, won't win a girl's heart anymore. If you want the reader's attention, you must send her somewhere she's never been before. Worn-out phrases won't get you where you want to go.
I heard that someplace.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Enjoy it.
Perhaps as much as you enjoy?
-- Daphne Xu
Speaking for myself
I do not like graphic sex scenes. It has driven me away from some authors. Just my opinion, I am firmly in the ace camp.