Well, I have managed to make my life harder.
First, I got taken by a scammer and now I have lost my Facebook account.
Then, today, a cop told me my registration for my car had expired. I went to go fix that, only to discover my insurance had also expired.
I'm doing my best to fix this, but boy would it be great if I wouldn't put myself in these situations to begin with.
A couple of weeks ago, my Facebook account was hijacked by some Chinese guy who did somethings that Facebook didn't like and now the account is banned for life. I can't even set up another FB account using a different version of my name. I don't know if they recognize my IP address or my phone number or how they know it's me, but FB is history for me.
Good luck trying to get Facebook to do anything. There is literally no way to talk to a real person at Facebook. Their recovery page is a joke.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
One thing you can try: Switch
One thing you can try: Switch your phone to airplane mode for 5 min. and / or reboot your phone. That should give it a new dynamic IP address. This may help. But no guarantees.
Farewell Facebook
I bailed on Facebook when I started to hear stories about it being used as a tool for election tampering. I found, very quickly, that I didn’t miss it at all. Keeping abreast of all the bragging from acquaintances who tried to showcase ‘perfect’ lives was exhausting and real friends didn’t need it to stay in touch. Twitter is a sewer, too. Ditching the social media did me a lot of good. If you never get it back, it might not be a bad thing. (Your mileage may vary.)
Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh
Yeah, FB pretty useless for a lot of stuff ...
FB supposedly has a "My FB account has been hacked" button ... uh-huh.
For those with a destroyed FB account, and are trying to set up a new account -
We are probably recognized by farce-book based on our e-mail accounts. (Too many people with same name for that to be their clue.)
I set up my new flatulent-book account:
- from a Library (new IP) computer,
- with a different e-mail address (new: g-mail, old msn.com email)
- and a different name than my old name. (I later changed to my real name.)
Which uhm, 'deceit' worked, don't know.
We can also download/backup our fluke-book info. It's pretty useless, but gives us >a< chance to get some of our stuff back. Like FB friends, images, posts. FB downloads our info, (first it's "zipped", then) in two (we choose) formats, JSON and HTML. Try both and see which you prefer. Use Google to get Recent how-to directions.
Flop-book is not for storing anything (important). Keep the originals on your own system. (Same for BCTS and similar - keep your originals 'at home'. And backed up.)
Sorry ... Where's that "Sad" button when we need it?
Long ago, a woman said that what she really needed was a Wife.
No, not in the bedroom - but in the home office, tracking the bills, being the 'social secretary', being a chauffeur & personal shopper ...
I have no idea how you might get similar ... I'm sure there are professional $ervice$.
The DIY free (software) and low cost (planning books and similar) systems all have the same problem:
"The system works, but you have to 'work the system'."
Not working "your system" just gets you back into the same pickle that you are in now.
If you go with a paper calendar system, I'll suggest: 12-months, full-sized (A4 or 8-1/2"), two facing pages per month. Then you can schedule a year's worth of 'send this payment before today', etc. Use highlighters. Keep it where you will see it, everyday. Neat printing counts - really: try reading a year-old shopping list.
I share your problem, at least with respect to paperwork, bills, scheduled recurring tasks ... I'm currently trying to draw down $5,000+ in neglected-to-pay credit card bills ... And $100+ / month interest ... Now, for everything I can manage, including gas/petrol - I pull out cash and use that instead of a card (and my local gas station gives a discount for cash!)
One Wife, like clockwork, asked "Honey, do you want to take out the garbage?" Well, no, but 'right then' was better than running out into a dawn-snow fall in my bathrobe & slippers, most of the time just ahead of the collection truck ... How do I know this ... ?
Anyhow, I hope I've said some useful things, and >Good Luck!<
If you go the "new FB account" route, I am
Sorry about your car snafus
Sorry about Facebook too; very sorry if that’s an important way you stay in touch with friends. If not, though, you might find that you don’t miss it. If you have other ways to contact some Facebook “friends” they may be able to help you get back in touch with mutual contacts.
Hang in there ...
I have an idea rattling about in 'my little Pooh brain' (*). If I can get the mud and tar off of it, and it looks worthwhile, I'll hand it over.
(*) As in "Winnie The Pooh"