Okay so I took a self-care day today.
First, I shaved my face, a task which can be difficult for me, as I get caught in a catch 22 - I hate shaving, but I hate the facial hair too.
Then I went to a local pool and swam for about an hour and a half.
Then mom and I went out for brunch, and after brunch I got my hair cut.
Its shorter, but I think it still looks feminine and kind of cute, actually.
So that was my self-care day.
Good on you
It's important that we take care of ourselves. It's good for our bodies and it's good for our soul.
As a school bus driver, I get some pretty weird days off. Last Friday was "end of quarter" so school was closed. Extra day off for me. I decided I needed a mental health day. Since I'm considered male when I drive school bus, I dress pretty butch with no make up. All women's clothes, but butch enough that anyone who needs to can see me as male. It doesn't keep observant people from noticing that I wear my hair long, pulled back from on the sides to the crown of my hair with a barrette holding it in place, nor that my finger nails are longer than the average male or that there's a pair of C cup breasts behind my shirt.
That expression of my femininity is bare minimum. I don't get much of an excuse to show the full out feminine side. So having nothing to do that Friday, I got up fixed my hair with much more feminine hair comb, put on a little light make up and dressed in one of my nicer outfits and hung out at the house.
Then on Sunday, I went to the big city to do the week's grocery shopping and again went full femme for the day. I have a nice reversible cape, black with red trim on one side and red with black trim on the other. It was a nice day and I didn't need much in the way of a jacket and the cape fit the bill. I wanted to wear it red side out as I think it's the better looking side. My wardrobe is a bit sparse in red top department so I borrowed (with permission) my wife's red twin set. It has a dark red cami with a slightly lighter red translucent button down the front top over it. I chose to wear it unbuttoned. Another great day of me being me for all the world to see.
My attitude is so much better when I do that.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
! Cool !
Remember what the airlines tell us:
"Put your own oxygen mask on first, before assisting others."
"Can't pour from an empty cup."
If we don't care for ourselves, we can end up hurting ourselves. We can go into burnout {essay omitted} and have nothing left when we need ourselves, or when others need us.
Those claiming self-care is selfish ... ignore them.
So: self-care is sane, sensible, necessary, and a Very Good Thing to do.
And don't forget to >Enjoy< it.