okay so last night, I dreamed I was laying on a beach, just relaxing listening to the waves, when a band started playing music near me. something in the music moved me, so I got up to thank them - and realized the top half of my bathing suit was missing.
I grabbed the towel I had been laying on to cover myself, apologized to the band, and ran like heck towards a building containing lockers where presumably my clothes were.
make of that what you will.
Absent minded
It seems your dream self is a bit absent minded. She was obviously working on a no lines tan and forgot that when she went to thank the band.
Then again, maybe she was at one of those topless beaches that are in the South of France, and forgot that all the women would be topless.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I'm sure you didn't have to apologize to the band -- unless it was to run off for your clothes.
I forgot my anti-anxiety medication before going to sleep, and had another dream about being a freshman in high school -- perhaps an old person disguised as an HS freshman. I was lost, trying to find the main office, and finding everything but. I didn't have my class information. The school was a huge part day part boarding school, and was getting progressively bigger. I was utterly, totally lost. I was going to get in trouble, too.
-- Daphne Xu