There have been some new Dr. Who audio adventures made with David Tennant and Billy Piper.
There are 3 of them. This one features the Chevalier d'Eon. I should think most of us have heard of the Chevalier d'Eon .
the adoption by a male of a female role, or vice versa, as in transvestism. Eonism is named for Charles Eon de Beaumont, a French political adventurer who died in 1810 after posing as a woman for many years.
I discovered her story when I first got dialup internet. There are so many versions.
I'm not sure if the link will work outside the UK
If you believe some accounts it could be "forced crossdressing"
d’Eon was meant to return to France in women’s dress, but d’Eon was still wearing his Dragoon captain’s uniform, as much a symbol of his political power as gender, when he stepped off the boat. It took several months and a royal decree, but he was eventually coaxed out of it. He was handed over to Rose Bertin, famous clothing director to Marie Antionette, in whom he supposedly confided, “Truthfully, Mademoiselle, I do not yet know what I need…. I only know that it is more difficult to equip a lady than a company of Dragoons from head to foot.”
On November 21, 1777, Mademoiselle la Chevaliere d’Eon was formally presented at the court at Versailles, “reborn” after a four-hour toilette that included powdered hair, an elaborate dress and make-up. Contemporary reports nastily remarked that d’Eon was not an attractive woman: “She had nothing of our sex but the petticoats and the curls which suited her horribly,” declared one female courtier.
Worked for me
I'm on the West coast of the USA and both links worked for me.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
More than that
I have a mythtv system which records off the air (in the UK). One of the scheduling rules I have is "Anything with 'Doctor Who' in it". (Another is "Anything with 'cycling' in it", but I digress.)
I was surprised when these started recording. So far there have been six of them, the first on 20th August. As yet I haven't found time to listen to any of the recordings but they're fine on the hard disk along with everything else.
I was more surprised when the Chevalier episode popped up, since I know that can be a controversal topic, especially at the BBC. I just hope they have treated the masterial even-handedly.
It may work better on the radio. That does mean that they do not have to find someone who can play both genders on screen. Often when they have tried this in the past there has been biased casting or just plain miscasting.
One day, I'll have enough time to play these...
They used a man's voice for
They used a man's voice for Eon. There are other Trans characters in a Jodie Whittaker audio story called Doctor Who: Redacted called Chleo.
I have gone off Dr Who in the last few years. The stories have not been very good.
BBC amazes me sometimes. If you live in the UK, you are forced to pay for a "TV license" . £159 per year, just becasue you own a tv capable of recieving tv signals. So we pay more than a Netflix subscription. Yet it makes content available freely.
last time
i bought a TV licence was @ 1983! It was a continuous battle to convince the licence people i didn't need one - well i didn't, indeed still don't own a TV or receiving equipment. Originally this was a matter of cost but this changed with different jobs/work patterns which meant that i literally wasn't about to watch TV, so i didn't bother getting one. Yes, there are programmes i would no doubt have enjoyed but not seen but given the quality of stuff i have 'caught' at others homes/hotels etc overall i don't think i've missed a lot.
As for Dr Who, being a child of the '60's, i was brought up on Jon Pertwee filling the title role, there have been good and bad Dr's since but for me he's still the Dr. Plots have sometimes been excellent, sometimes not - remember Bertie Bassett? I think tho' that can be levelled at many SF shows, Star Trek Tribbles come to mind and other weak storylines filling everything from Stargate SG1 to the X Files. I'm not sure i can buy in to audio only Dr Who, i have struggled with the books, so much of the whole is visual, the only audio SF that really works on all platforms is the Hitchhikers Guide (a trilogy in 4 parts) which was originally written for radio.
Who to cast for 'TG' characters is a thorny one, using anyone who isn't TG will reinforce one or other stereotypes, after all its no different to casting an black African as a caucasian (or vis a vis), and so on. But i guess there aren't a huge number of TG actors out there.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
They are on shakey ground
They are on shakey ground when trying to prove you can receive BBC TV. If you don't have an aerial connected you cannot get their programs. But sky a Virgin carry the BBC channels. My son gets around it as he only has his Xbox connected. He watches Disney and Netflix etc.
They keep writing to him though.
I love Hitchikers. I managed to download all fiver series. There are the Primary and Secondary Phases, through to the more recent Tertiary, Quandary and Quintessential Phases. There is a reunion recording with most of the original cast.
If you like Audio to listen to while you ride Maddie( not sure if you do) you will love this site. It is stacked full of old and new stuff. You can download most of it too.
It is free.
You don't need a radio
You don't need a radio license nowadays. They are on shakey ground when trying to prove you can receive BBC TV. If you don't have an aerial connected you cannot get their programs. But sky a Virgin carry the BBC channels. My son gets around it as he only has his Xbox connected. He watches Disney and Netflix etc.
They keep writing to him though.
I love Hitchikers. I managed to download all fiver series. There are the Primary and Secondary Phases, through to the more recent Tertiary, Quandary and Quintessential Phases. There is a reunion recording with most of the original cast.
If you like Audio to listen to while you ride Maddie( not sure if you do) you will love this site. It is stacked full of old and new stuff. You can download most of it too. is external)(link is external)
It is free.
La Chevaliere
I can't make much out the audio track, but the story is a great one, and the reference to the atlasobscura article was illuminating.
I wrote my own version of the story in my story "La Chevaliere" - link:
I have no doubt that she chose to live out her life as a woman, in contrast to her earlier life as a military man ... but she would not be alone in that, as some of us may agree.
It appears that she was able to pass as a female and used that skill in life, but probably driven by the need to express her feminine self.
When she died the examining physician declared that she had a "a full bosom and soft skin" and a full head of hair (lucky girl) plus "Male genitals in every respect perfectly formed".
There is no doubt in my mind that she was transgendered and lived as a woman by choice.