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The Quagmire of my Life

Hi everyone, I'm sorry for not writing or blogging. I thought yalls could do with out my constant (insert desired adjective). Well its been almost two years and I still have failed to secure a job, move out of the area I am in and worst of all I failed to live as myself full time. I still feel I am to weak to survive on my own and I have no family or friends that could help me out on this manner. Anyways I was wondering if my last job was blackballing me somehow. I mean I have had a few interviews and after that I hear nothing from the companies I have applied too.

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after a rough day

Nothing beats a nice bath with only a few candles lighting the room. Soft classical music playing just loud enough to hear and a nice book, the older the book the better;) its great until you lose track of time and fall asleep like I did lastnight. Saying I looked like a prune is an understatement on top of that the water got hella cold and I ruined a book. >:(

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My Make Believe Husband

Today, I saw a huge cotton plaid shirt lying on my bed, and it was obvious that it was a garment that belonged to a huge man. Was he the one in my dreams that pinned me to my bed and made me scream with delight?

It is quite nice having a make believe husband, because I can sneakily take his shirt and go out, letting other women believe that I have stolen my husband's garment.

And, when he comes to me in my dreams again, I shall conceal the fact from him that I have his shirt hidden under one of my dresses in the closet.

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i hate doctor offices

So, I'm at the doctors office again for another round of tests. My insurance won't even copay unless I have like a million referrals from every kind of doctor imaginable. I even had to see a neuroligist,I've alreqdy seen 5 therapists and specialists., -_-... actualy I hate insurance companies they are really annoying. And theyr only gonna co pay like 5%.

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Final Chapter

My wife died last night in the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Her passing was as peaceful as could be expected after nearly two years of suffering with cancers of the liver, breast and adrenal gland. She had three sessions of chemo and two of radiation treatment, which undoubtedly prolonged her life but at considerable physical and mental cost. These are cruel diseases and it is a terrible thing to see someone gradually decline before your eyes.

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I am so done...

...with moving. Really tired right now. Spent the day cleaning my old apartment and got the last of everything out. Moving has pretty much eaten all of the time I thought I had for writing. Now I can get back to writing. The unpackening is still ongoing, but that can take time.

I don't want to ever move again.

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My first time.

When I was younger, in 3rd grade or so, I stumbled across a book in the school library. "There's a girl in the boys bathroom" or something along those lines. It was about a boy who turns into a girl by kissing his elbow. I absolutely adored this book and like every naive 3rd grader accepted it for nonfiction. I tried for weeks to kiss my elbow , every chance I got I was trying, in the bathroom, in the shower, at walmart, on the playground. I damn near dislocated my shoulder one time by trying to use the ceiling fan...

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A word about Assassin

As you can see I just reposted Assassin for your enjoyment, but a word of caution. This story is very long but is well worth the read. Hopefully when you finish reading this novel you will leave a review at Amazon. I do have several, even ones from out of the community, three five stars, yippee. As I stated this won't be up for very long and to be perfectly honest the best way to enjoy the novel is to buy it and read it at your leisure, but the choice is yours. Thank you for your renewed interest, Arecee

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So many enticing stories

I am quite sad that one of my favourite stories "Almost a Girl" has come to an end. Regrettably the last episode somehow didn't appeal to me in the same way as the preceding episodes, and this has left me feeling a little bit deflated. But it has been a fantastic story to follow, and I kept thinking if only... I only hope there are further adventures to come.

I am slowly making progress through "As Easy as Falling off a Bike" and I am now at episode 141. Only another 2245 episodes to catch up on.

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I'm back.... again.

So, after like 5 months I've found the motivation to return to all of you wonderful people. I moved th virginia and went into a sort of funk, like a post move depression. But now its summer and im done with being sad! Ive actually written quite alot in my absence and discovered all about my self. These discosveries are as follow.
1. I suck at poetry
2. I suck at art
3. It's hot in virginia
4. Writing is the only talent I have( and im not even that good)

Almost a Girl was posted because of Cathy

About six or seven years back I wrote Almost Girl as a self indulgence piece. The story wasn't completed with an ending. Let's just say chapter ten wasn't there. I forgot about it until Cathy asked me about other stories after she posted Jessica Rabbit for me. Searching the computer brought up a bunch of uncompleted stories including Almost Girl. I sent Cathy the incomplete story.


i read this story I think when I first join this site. it's was a contest for a modeling job. about a teen age boy who was dress up as a girl and look like one. that's I can remember. want to add this the one of the other girls got upset because he won the contest. I think his sister or girlfriend help him out.

Forced Fem, A Possible Reason

I didn't understand forced fem until a group of TG friends joined Holly Hart and me at our home. Of the nine of us we were all M2F, except two of us. One was a F2M and the other was apparently male. The male liked to cross dress and preferred forced fem. But we weren't going to forcing him or anybody else. The F2M remarked to me he was the only male in the group.

I thought about what he said and realized that our male friend was really more of a transsexual than he admitted to himself. The problem with him is fear.


having connection troubles

I know I said I would get some through the years out, but we are having issues with internet connection staying on. It keeps coming and going and unfortunately all of writing is on Google doc, due to issues with open office. The roommate thinks the phone lines may be bad. Either way it makes surfing the net frustrating.

If I can get the darn thing to load and pull stuff to my computer, I will try to finish a chapter quickly.

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Bike and beyond

We're coming up to another centenary with Bike, and I'd like to check that I keep pedalling or should that be peddling? Assuming Erin is happy to continue to host the longest shaggy dog story in history.

I have to warn you that from Friday 4th for a few days postings might be erratic due to my visit to Yorkshire to the TdF and then having a visitor when I get home.

I see some of you noticed a new Charlotte's Tale, I intend doing something with PFH - TBK when I have a bit of time, so that's the next project.


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Chip and Pin vs, Magnetic strip

We are leaving Saturday for London, and I just realized that all our credit/debit cards use the magnetic strip. We do not have the Chip and Pin technology available yet in our backward country. Will they still work at the ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) and at retail outlets in England, Scotland, and Ireland (both parts)? I going to hate having to carry a lot of cash.

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The Sidereous Prophecy

I have a vested interest in this new story having spent the best part of a year working with the author proofing and editing. I just wondered why it had disappeared from the new story list even though it's s till posted below. This is the first posting by OneShot so I guess it's something to do with that.

I really hope it's enjoyed by the readers as much as I (mostly :) ) enjoyed working on it. I really tried to find all the typos and spelling errors despite its being written in Canadian.


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Is anybody else having difficulties with the "Remember Me" aka "Persistent Logins"? I've tried a laptop with Vista, a tablet with Android and a phone with Android, and the same thing happens. I log in on the home page, select something I want to read, and click on it. But when the next page loads I'm logged out again. When I'm reading a long story like "Whisper" it gets annoying. My account page says I have one persistent login, but I see no way to toggle that setting to test it.

So, anybody?

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A couple of story ID requests

1. A satire on creationism; the two main characters travel back in time, intending to see the dinosaurs, but when they hit around 4000 BC or so, their time machine crashes and they get separated. The viewpoint character realizes he's been transformed into a woman in the crash and can't figure out why at first, until she discovers that there are not only dinosaurs around, but exactly two humans, Adam and Eve. And since Adam was by definition the first man, our time traveler got changed into a woman when he tried to go back before Adam was created.


This kind of sucks

A long time ago I belonged to a wrestling club called World Class Wrestling (not what you saw on tv). I was one of the better wrestlers to come out of the club and was voted Mr. Florida my senior year of high school before going on to winning two national championships and the Coca-Cola international tournament in Honduras while in college.

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Gratitude and an Intro

For those of you that don't know me, my name is Amy. I'm a 36 year old cis-gendered woman who is currently in college studying Social Work.I'm currently engaged to Piper.

I joined BC to give and get support. I also plan to write stories when I have some time. I may not struggle with the same demons you do, but I have my own I struggle with on a daily basis, which explains the username.

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My RLT letter to friends and co-workers. Written 6 years ago

Several years ago, I began my transition at work. I wrote the following letter to everyone I worked with and to my then friends, hoping that the letter would help lessen the "shock" over seeing me in a different light, at least physically.

I'm re-posting it here in the hope that, by using it as a template, others might be able to ease their beginning of their Real Life Test as it did for me.

Need a few beta readers

So, I'm closing in on finishing my next novel. It will be the fourth and final installment of the God Bless the Child Saga where we will see what happens leading to Jenny graduating high school (won't be the last book featuring the characters though, I have a cameo planned or two). O need a few people to give me feedback on content (so no spelling or grammar work). I have the book edited a little after halfway now, but could use some advice on what to add or what to take out or if things add up or not.

NASA Flight Surgeon

Fighter pilot, NASA Flight Surgeon, Alternate pilot for Space Shuttle, this amazing lady has "been there done that". But the one thing that makes me most proud of her unbelievable life story and amazing accomplishments..., She was true to herself.

And if you don't understand by reading her story, her birth certificate had M on it when she was born. Obviously a mistake don'tchu think!

Dr. Christine McGinn

Book 12

Finally, for those who prefer a paper book or just want to read the whole thing in one go, Book 12 complete is now available through Lulu and by tomorrow for your Kindle. There are extra illustrations and you get the latest edited version.

I will leave the 4 parts up for now but I will take them down next month so if you have been buying the bits you can get the full set still.

There is of course a new chapter both here at BC and at

SC DMV: Boy Can't Retake License Photo in Makeup

I woke up in the middle of the night, and couldn't get back to sleep, so, being the news junky that I am, I checked the news and ran across this lovely piece. It seems every time it starts to look like people are finally starting to except and understand transgender/differently-gendered individuals, something like this pops up to show you society hasn't come along as far as you thought.

some mixed news from Alberta

Well, there was some mixed news here, as one of the candidates for Premier of our province participated in a Christian parade run by a group known for their extremist views on homosexuality. Their pastor even blogged that the flooding that happened in southern Alberta last year were caused by God crying over the Gay Pride Parade in Calgary.

On the one hand, it was pretty sad that a major political player would be willing to stand with such a group, but on the other hand, both of the other candidates pounded on him for doing so, and so did one of our major newspapers.


I was looking around the internet for stories by Aardvark. It seems it has been about 2008 since he posted anything. I really liked his "Warrior of Batuk". Any ideas where he is?


Writers block

I've been having a bit of a block getting the words to come to me for Twice Removed the last few days so I'm working on something different for a few days while I let the ideas percolate in the back of my mind. What I'm working on is the new Hyperverse story which will introduce the last two young Hypers who have a part in the main storyline.These two will be a step in a different direction from what I've shown thus far, but I'm hoping you'll find them interesting.

Does anyone write on tablet?

I was thinking of purchasing a somewhat inexpensive 9" tablet and keyboard (all under $100) to replace an older laptop. But I honestly don't know much about them. Is it even possible to use a tablet with a word processor? And if so, does anyone use them to write their stories? How well does it work in this capacity? I'm wondering if it's more nuisance than convenience, or if I should just save for another laptop.

