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story search help please

Hi all, i'm looking for a story in which the main character is transformed into a lady by his goddess, becomes a lady in waiting, then marries the prince. the main character starts off as the son of a couple of nobles in the kingdom, then after the transformation is accepted as their daughter. shortly after she is sent to become the lady in waiting to the princess of the king and queen, like her mother was for the queen.


I'm looking for a story.

It is a "real life" tagged serial/novel, if I recall correctly. It takes place in England. A fellow comes home from work early and finds his wife in bed with another man. He heads off, after leaving a note saying he'd be filing for divorce. He decides at this point that he's going to transition permanently at this point.

She drives off and her car breaks down near a small seaside village. She starts making friends and falls head over heels for this woman living alone in the village who has a number of cats.

Writing quirks

Writing, just like any form of communication, is deeply colour (or flavoured, I suppose) by style of the writer. Just like you might be the kind of person who waves your hands around a lot when you talk, or make a lot of strange facial expressions, I believe every writer to have a unique signature to how they translate their thoughts into letters on the page.

But, enough prose, let's talk about quirks! Do you have any special "things" you do (or don't do) in your writing?


Does anyone know of a story -- either TG or mainstream fantasy/SF -- that includes an adversarial character (a dragon?) named Spaht? Neither the search function here or Search came up with it.



would someone be willing to help proofread or edit a story im writing

I must warn you that I intend it to be around novel length. Its about a spy whose caught in in a conspiracy and hes assigned to watch over an enemy agent and be the mans consort or lover to keep watch over what he does. The spy is a man but hes very pretty and naturally suited to posing as a woman. At the same time, hes trying to figure out what happened to his brother who vanished. Hes trying to get out of the business and no one knows hes a spy, naturally. He works at an accountant. At least until hes assigned to spy on the enemy agent


Pure TG

Captain, Oh My Captain is pure TG and straight from my heart. I left it needing a bit of editing because I wanted to present a woman who was not quite coherent much of the time. I wanted to preserve the disorderly thinking.

So those who are tempted to pull the edit sword, be careful what you toy with.

It is my hope that both my fans will enjoy this glimpse into the mind of a crazed woman.

Khadija Gwen

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I'm still alive incase anyone was wondering ?

Just so you all know I was hit with a stroke on May 23rd that hit the left side of my body and I just got out of Rehab today and I'm going real slow at the present I'm suppose to continue more rehab here at home Will Talk later Thank you all. See you later! Richard

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Gender changes slowly coming

Over the past sixty years the concepts and perceptions about those who do NOT fit the gender identity they were tagged with at birth is slowly changing. Sadly, Harry Benyamin's Gender Dysphoria is still hung onto all boy-girls caught up in the gender blender. In other words, if one doesn't accept their birth sex designation then they are crazy.

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Mark Waid on making a living being a creative talent.

I took this from what he says as advice towards creative individuals of any bent. I hope some of you find it interesting. Click the link at the bottom for the entire interview with Mark Waid. For those not familiar with Mark Waid, he's a highly successful comic writer who's worked for all three of the major houses and has his own online publishing house at Thrillbent.

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Experimental ad above QuickCuts

The ad above the quickcuts box is an attempt to find someone of interest to BC readers that would like to help sponsor the site. It's not an attempt to cash in, we really don't need to do that. If you are logged in, you can turn the ad off in your MyAccount settings. Right now, the ad will take you to the Doppler Press page at Lulu where most of the stories in The Hatbox are available, individually priced.

Erin, Piper and Cat

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Writers Block Broken ?

Several weeks ago I posted about writers block ,about stories that have been left unfinished it seems some of our great writers have heard my pain and started to pick up stories where they stopped adding chapters . KUDOS & THANK YOU for each and every page posted.
I thank each of you creative thinkers for wonderful stories and taking the time to post on BCTS with is a free site hosted by wonderful dedicated unrecognized people.
Please for those who can donate .

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Folks, if you're gonna PM about Almost A Girl,

Please send your messages to the author, Barbie Lee. Here's a helpful link:

Thank you.

Catherine Linda Michel... just the editor.

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The Unwritten Chapter

In the movie ‘The Poseidon Adventure,’ one of the characters sings a song, ‘The Morning After.’ It was a way for the people making the movie to let people know even after surviving the horrific events depicted in the movie the characters, and their stories, lived on. Just what kind of lives they enjoyed was left to the movie viewer to make up on their own.

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What to do?

First of all, I'm sorry but the chapters of Winter's Child and Twice Removed that I was hoping to have done today will be a bit delayed since my weekend was a bit crazy. First on Saturday I had to do some gardening and Martin's three year old niece wanted me to play with her pretty much all day long, so I was too tired to do much when we got home late. Then yesterday I had a bit of a breakdown. Ever since I moved to Quebec I've had nothing but problems with finding any sort of work, getting financial assistance, getting consistent medical coverage, a doctor and my prescriptions.

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More Knowledgeable, Less Able

Every 18 months to 2 years, I post how I can't write, with the hope that my muse will get her dander up and show me. Here is another of those attempts. And no, my knowing that she knows might still work. Reverse psychology, if you will.

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Looking to help with websites or graphics

I am looking to help authors or others. That would like help with a website, website design. Graphic design, logo design, and book design, layout or other things.

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My output

While I don't have a high output to begin with, I suspect it may drop off for a few weeks. The kids are out of school and when they're not tying up the computer, they're still up and about. It was much easier to write around them when they couldn't read...

I only mention this because I know some readers are waiting for continuations. But my available writing time, which was small already, has shrunk a lot.


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I got the best of myself in an unpleasant way

This is just venting, but I feel the need to put it out there so I can get rid of it. This just happens to be the venue I'm in this morning.

Basically I messed up last night and got hurt.

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Comparison of accomplished authors

I just finished reading an Anne McGaffery trilogy, "Petabea", and as I reflect on the experience I actually feel that there are not a few authors here who are equal or perhaps better than her. I have loved her writing for quite a long time, and my comments are not meant in any way to demean her skills. They are rather comments on how well some of you do and how pleased I am that some of you have chosen to put themselves out on the open market and give it a go.

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New (but familiar) Kindle book!

I have published my twentieth ebook Salvations at Amazon. Like all my books, it's now only available in the Kindle format. It was originally workshopped here on BCTS as "Saving Us" and has been edited and revised a bit, but at the risk of decreasing my sales, if you have "Saving Us" you've pretty much got it already.

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Australian newspaper report of transgendered teenager

I thought it might be of interest to Australian readers, and maybe others that one of the two Melbourne Victoria newspapers "The Age" today, 7th June published a half page photo on their front page of a 17 year old trans-girl Mia who has started to attend school wearing a girl's uniform. The accompanying article is quite balanced and reports that she is supported by her mother and also school staff members.


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Who's on first?

One of the no-no's I do is mixing point of views. I'll have the main character speaking in the first while other viewpoints are presented at the end of the chapter. No one has really complained about this and I think as long as I keep those other POV as counterpoints to the main character it works for me.

That is until this latest tale of mine. My main character has been Shanghaied by a rogue AI Time-ship. I ended up with this back and forth thing going between the two with an occasional peek into the larger universe to remind my readers that lots more is actually going on.

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D-Day, 70 Years later.

Today is D-Day. A day to honor all those who went and did what they had to do, to ensure the freedom we all cherish. Take a moment today to remember all those who risked everything, to help give US everything. Some came back, some did not. Thank a Veteran today.

Catherine Linda Michel.

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One year of selling ebooks: analysis of sales figures, etc.

It’s been slightly over a year since I started selling ebooks via the Amazon Kindle store and Smashwords. I thought I should share some information about the results with other writers.

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My test results are mostly good

My test results are mixed. The good - there is no arterial blockage in my coronary arteries. Great! Now for the not-so-good - my case is ideopathic, without an identifiable cause for the weak area in my heart nor for the low ejection fraction. The electrophysiologist indicated that it could be as simple as a viral inflamation in some of the coronary arteries. It could be amplified by the diuretics I was taking in hope of delaying my next kidney stone (I've had 5 - and the last was 16mm!). It could have been amplified by another med that I was on.

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Just what I thought

It isn't ingrates. We have people passing judgment on books without even reading it. I called out one of these people. Here and here I offered to refund the purchase price of my ebook if he could answer two questions to prove he or she purchased it. Guess what-


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Amber Light

Though I have received some wonderful support for my writing and my stories, there have been some requests from a few readers for more accessible content from me. I realized that some of the readers here are turned away by explicit content. Therefore, I posted Part 1 of an abridged, “made for BC” version of my current story, called Amber Light.

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What should I do?

I am sitting on something very hot right now. I am half way through writing a biography about an undercover narcotics officer for a major metro police force who happens to be transgender and just went through SRS.

I know I have had some success self publishing, but this is well beyond the scale of God Bless the Child and Unreachable when it comes to importance and marketability. I admit, I might not have what it takes to make this book the success that it should be on its own. I need an agent, but I have no clue how to find one or where to really look.

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Medical procedure tomorrow

A few weeks ago, I got up from my computer, took 3 steps, and blacked out, getting a significant concussion from the fall. The ER did their normal 'check he head' thing, and then they did an EKG to see WHY I fell in the first place. It showed 'probable septal infarc'. Needless to say, that got the doctors' attention.

After a stress test and echo-cardiogram, I know that there's a weak area in my heart, and my heart efficiency is about half of what it should be. Tomorrow, I go in for a cath and probable stent to fix the problem.

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Trouble at net!

I worked a 12 hour day went to check my emails and found one from the TdF organisers about my training in a couple of weeks time. I clicked on the link and it reverted to one that was sent in March or February. I tried to write to them about it and my email provider logged me out, which it's been doing for sometime--one evening it logged me out ten times in as many minutes. I suspect as soon as the UK stages of the TdF are completed I'll be changing my ISP I've had enough. Anyone contemplating using Talktalk - don't, they are complete and utter crap.

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Interesting visit for a sonogram

Just got back from a sonogram. I went to the new Kaiser West Side Hospital. They set my appointment for the third floor. I checked in as usual using my male ID and the reaction was admirable. I was wearing white Capris and an all in one top consisting of a black cami, trimmed in lace and an open front over shirt in a multicolor print. The lady doing the check in didn't blink and just checked me in. She then walked me back to the waiting area.

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A question for anyone interested in answering...

Is it just me, or are some of the most difficult stories to read the ones you wrote yourself? I'm going over a story I'm working on to make sure that I've got everything straight on paper, as it were, and I'm finding it slow going. This isn't because it's long or hard to read or anything like that, but because I know what I intended to write, or what I want to be there and completely miss where I left a word or line of text in from a previous version of a scene, or I don't see where I left a gaping hole in the plot after changing my mind about something.

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Thank you to all those who take time to comment

Every comment is appreciated. Believe me, every single one. If a person leaves a comment about the story it means it touched them deeply enough they became "emotionally" involved enough to say something.

Someone didn't like the way it was written. They had an opinion. Someone claims it is headed in the wrong direction. Someone likes it.

For more years than I'm going to tell, I've been writing. And I honestly love the comments that tells me my story was Road Kill because it was DOA. They got emotionally involved.

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I am ashamed

As most of my long-time readers know, I try my best in this blog to be as honest as I possibly can, in part to make up for the amount of lying that was part of my life before. That isn't always easy, a lot of the time I'd rather talk about something "safe" than bring out the tough stuff that's going on. Like, for example, discovering I did the double-look at boys, that was not easy to write out for public consumption, to say the least.

Sadly, I'm faced with one of those moments again

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Sorry I'm crap at blogs but...

I'm useless at writing blogs but today is a BIG day...... I'm taking estrogens and spironolactone for the first time in years. Last time, I chickened out. This time, I'm going for it for a month to "see what happens". My questions are:
1... am I taking the right doses (.625mg Premarin, and 50mg Aldactone) and
2... am I hoping for too much is going for "a month to see...."???? Help! love to you all, Ginger xx

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Many thanks to Cathy

Cathy has a life and it isn't holding my hand editing my stories. She does it anyway. Hand holding that is. One would not believe nor understand the herculean task that goes into editing unless they have done it themselves.

She makes suggestions to clarify the story to the readers.

I don't understand? "Cathy Honey, the story is clear as a bell. I know exactly what I meant. Can't they read?"

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