It was my son's funeral today. I didn't attend because I knew I'd not be welcome and might have said or done something. According to my ex, some dickhead of a Baptist minister did quite a religious service and didn't mention our family once. It's not just me who is non-religious, my son was as well. One of my daughter's friends told him so afterwards. Again good job I wasn't there or he might still be picking bits of the Old testament from a very tender place.
So instead I went to work and Sod's law applied, my smartcard died and it took half an hour to get into the new computer program we're having to use now. I hope I never met the person who invented System One because there won't be enough of him left to make a beef burger, like most computer programs it's designed by committee for use by people from a different planet.
I had a rotten day and then sum it all up, I was dishing up my dinner and the oven glove I was using caught in the old exercise bike Bonzi sits on depositing my dinner on the kitchen floor. To say I lost it is an understatement - the exercise bike is in bits in the back garden, the oven glove is in the bin with a few other bits that got in the way.
I won't be writing tonight and tomorrow I'm off to see my ex and my daughter who endured the funeral, so Bike will have to wait until I have the time and the energy. I've told Bonz if he can repair his bike he can have it back in the kitchen, if he does, I might also start to believe in god and other fairy stories.

As you need them, hugs,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Hugs, to go with the others.
I do wish someone could stealthily repair the old exercise bike and sneak it back in the house while you're out. That would be priceless!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Hugs, Hugs, lots of Hugs. Maybe you could help Bonz put the exercise bike back together. You know cats are not very mechanical. just lovable.
Heather Marie
It's only slightly gratifying to know ...
... I'm not the only one who can lose it like that occasionally. Tough day, Ang, and I'll add my virtual hugs to the rest.
Hugs as well Ang, and please
Hugs as well Ang, and please don't worry about Bike, as your son was religious you would think that the planner of the funeral would take his wishes and beliefs into account. My condolences to you and your family.
It certainly sounds like a perfectly miserable day, but Bonzi will surely repair his Bike,
Jeeez Angharad
talk about a bad day .. They don't get much worse than that... Like everyone else here who cares bout you please accept my virtual hugs, Hopefully things will start to get better very soon , As for Bonzi he's a cat, He will soon find somewhere else to roost.
A broken bike
Let's all remember our Monty Python:
Is it time for Bicycle Repairman?
You needed a laugh, Angharad. ;-)
My thoughts are with you.
Red MacDonald
Best wishes
I know it's not much, but it's about the best I can do - to wish you my best.
I wish I had something more than huggles for you
but I got a lot of them, if they help.
Hugs and best wishes,
Remember, we add meaning to the universe, not the other way 'round.
Very best wishes,
Don't ever feed your Aardvark honey.
Repeat the Hugs
And remind you that taking care of yourself and your family is higher priority than taking care of your fans. And I thoroughly believe that your fans understand.
I have some kind of RFID card that I have to use to get from building to building at work. One time it died about as far away from my office or the ID office as it could. Took begging, following and phone calls to security to get back. Only thing worse is when it died while I was on vacation several years ago. Came back to my entry card not working. Not a good feeling at all.
Truly Crappy Days
Truly crappy days exist so we can better appreciate the good ones.
May you have many, many good days.