No Bike tonight

It was my son's funeral today. I didn't attend because I knew I'd not be welcome and might have said or done something. According to my ex, some dickhead of a Baptist minister did quite a religious service and didn't mention our family once. It's not just me who is non-religious, my son was as well. One of my daughter's friends told him so afterwards. Again good job I wasn't there or he might still be picking bits of the Old testament from a very tender place.

So instead I went to work and Sod's law applied, my smartcard died and it took half an hour to get into the new computer program we're having to use now. I hope I never met the person who invented System One because there won't be enough of him left to make a beef burger, like most computer programs it's designed by committee for use by people from a different planet.

I had a rotten day and then sum it all up, I was dishing up my dinner and the oven glove I was using caught in the old exercise bike Bonzi sits on depositing my dinner on the kitchen floor. To say I lost it is an understatement - the exercise bike is in bits in the back garden, the oven glove is in the bin with a few other bits that got in the way.

I won't be writing tonight and tomorrow I'm off to see my ex and my daughter who endured the funeral, so Bike will have to wait until I have the time and the energy. I've told Bonz if he can repair his bike he can have it back in the kitchen, if he does, I might also start to believe in god and other fairy stories.


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