Things are a little stressed around here. My mom is sick, my dog is sick, and I had a tough moment with Sharon. See, the other night I took my daughter and her mother out for groceries and mentioned I had just written a story and was pretty happy with it. My daughter, who loves stories, wanted to know what I named it, and Sharon butted in and told her "You don't want to know that stuff. It isnt for kids."
So apparently, I cant share the one part of my life I'm actually proud of with my daughter, and it hurts ...
Huggles right back at you DC.
Huggles right back at you DC. You keep on sending them my way and I'll send them right back. ;)
Internet High Fives All Around
( •_•)>⌐■-■
My Deviantart
As good an author as you
As good an author as you are, may I suggest you write a story for your daughter, and print it off just for her. I have no doubt that it would hit the spot for her. And it would rub her maw's nose in it good.
Until you get it done here are some special HUGS for you & some warm snuggles too
yes and no
I can see the point of not wanting to have your daughter visit the site. There is material that isn't appropriate for children and I think there is a landing page that says something about 18 or older (or there used to). However, I don't think she should have denied your daughter hearing the title of your story. She should trust your discretion. But, I don't know about your situation with your daughter - as in, does she know you are transitioning? If not, it could be very confusing to her.
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life