Had to take my daughter to a Medi-center today, and apparently she has the same low-iron issues her mother has.
They want her to start taking a proscription-strength iron supplement and add more iron-rich foods to her diet.
Sighs ...
Between this, my mom's accident (She got hit by a drunk driver last night. She's okay, but the car's badly damaged) and stressing over my lecture, my spoon supply is getting dangerously low ...
Your Family Is Lucky
I am thankful that your family problems can be correctable. It means a new car and plenty of liver, liver and more liver (yuck) and heaps of spinach ( eck, think Poppy). I hope the drunk is charged with attempted murder.
Note: my grandmother made a mean chopped liver. The only problem is that it supplied enough cholesterol for the entire month.
Wouldn't steak be better?
I thought liver was for vitamin A deficiency and the thing with Popeye and the iron content in spinach is a myth caused by a researcher putting the decimal place in the wrong position.
Plus, steak tastes better ;-)
Oh hon...
*lots and lots of huggles* And a brand new box of spoons. :)
~And so it goes...
I don't think that having
I don't think that having your daughter eat spoons is the best way for her to get her iron levels up.
thanks for making me laugh, Valentine
Huggles back.
Huggles back.
I hope things get better. (And guard your spoons.)
Re: iron. My wife uses fresh baby spinach as salad greens for lunch. She just adds chopped fruit or fresh berries, but you can easily dress it up more with cheese, chopped nuts, various dressings, etc. Baby spinach, chopped dried dates or crasins, crumbled feta cheese, and oil+balsamic vinigar = a tasty side salad for dinners.
Sorry to hear about your mother's accident, but I'm glad that she's OK. Hopefully the driver's insurance will cover the car repairs/replacement! *hugs again*