I am currently writing a short story that is quite sexual in nature and was wondering if it would offend people if I posted it. Also, if I chose to sell on Amazon, do you think I should do it under Katie Leone or should I use another name to keep it separate.
I can enjoy both types of stories
As long as it is clearly marked, I would think that would be no problem. As far as selling it on Amazon, you might want a different pen name to keep the two sorts of stories clearly separated, but that is your choice to make.
Sure, post it!
As far as I'm concerned, feel free to post it, if you'd like. Just use the appropriate tags so that people know what they're getting into.
As for Amazon, couldn't say. I have no idea what Amazon's policies are w/r/t "adult" works or what your own preferences towards your "branding" are.
Amazon has rather vague policies on "Adult" material...
...as far as I can see. On the one hand, they state that they prohibit ‘overt’ pornography, but I suspect this applies mostly to video, since it’s fairly easy to find Kindle books that are rather more than simply ‘racy.’ For that matter, they sell Linda Lovelace’s Deep Throat on DVD, so it’s difficult to say where they draw the line, if any, in reality. On the other, they enforce labelling rather carefully, so it should be clearly labelled as ‘adult’ in content. The description should probably be accurate as well, without being overt, since the descriptions are meant to be seen by everyone.
Re: Amazon
It's your name, so it's you who has to decide what you put it on.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Absolutely the truth. There are benefits and detractors either way. The main thing in that sort of decision has to be in how much crossover audience you expect to get. If your audience from one genre follows you... are they going to choose to buy things in both genre? Or is one of the two going to put off readers from buying either genre.
For example... if you write under the same name in paranormal romance and urban fantasy, your paranormal romance readers might also read your urban fantasy. Your urban fantasy readers probably won't buy from your romance genre (some might), but they probably won't stop buying your urban fantasy just because you write in more than one. But there are probably combinations (like religious books vs erotica) that knowing that you also write the 'other' type would prevent people from buying either of your genre.
I'd go with a different name unless you purposely want to rely on your existing audience.
people don't have to read it ,just put the proper warnings . I think if it will cause a wave post under a different name , only you know how to determine that . Go for it HUGS