becoming more comfortable with men

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Well, some of you might remember a while back one of my male co-workers tried to pat me on the back only for me to freeze like he was going to stab me instead, so I wanted to pass on an update.

It seems that I've become more ... comfortable around men, or at least the men I work with.

For example, one of my male co-workers came to work with his shirt totally unbuttoned, exposing his chest right down to his belly button, and I was able to tease him about it.

Then last night, the same co-worker who tried to pat my back gave me a sideways hug, and I didn't even flinch or get a case of the heebies.

I think this is a good sign, don't you?


A slippery slope Dorothy…

Rhona McCloud's picture

… but men aren't all bad! Life is too short to discard half of the population and too precarious to trust the female half implicitly.

It sounds as though you are gradually getting things in balance


Rhona McCloud

A Gesture of Friendship?

Christina H's picture

I totally agree with Rhona, granted that there are a load of creeps, but to discard half the population no don't do it. Surely the sign of affection from your co-worker is a good thing? accept it as I'm sure it was intended as a friendly gesture given to a respected female colleague.

It too me a while to feel comfortable with men, but now - well they're ok honestly - well most of them


Call me when

Call me when you reach out and hug shirtless guy.



Just wanted to remind you that all of us in the male population aren't bad people, its a few bad apples that make a basketful look bad.
Warm huggles & special snuggles to you , my child

But Papa....

You said that I wasn't allowed to talk to strange men!

Little Jaci pouts with her strawberry lipglossed lower lip out and her arms folded under her small breasts in her little white lace dress.

"Snnot fair!"


Spoken like a true "girly" girl! Giggles Popcorn Lady!