Rarely Confused Words, Sort Of… Redux

I didn't think to include these words in my last post on the other blog, but I see them often enough to re-start this thread.

Defiantly/definitely. The first is to be defiant, set against what someone else wants. The second is to be saying or doing something definite "I am definitely going to be defiant when she suggests that again."

Phased(phaser/fazer)/fazed. The first indicates the difference between one place oR state of being from another. The second is to be affected or unaffected by the result of an action. A PHASER is what they used on Star Trek to shoot others with... there is no such thing as a FAZER as far as I know. "I wasn't fazed when the Star Fleet officer shot me with his phaser."

Vagina/virginia. Don't laugh. I have seen the second one used to describe the female sex organ.
Orgasm/organism. Again, don't laugh. I have seen the second one used to describe a sexual climax. I actually read this sentence in a story I read recently. "Her virginia quivered as she had her organism." How about this for an example? "I acquired my vagina in surgery in a hospital in Virginia." (Yes, I know they don't do SRS in Virginia... or at least I don't think they do.)

Ball/bawl. The first is an object which is either thrown or kicked at or to another person or thing. The second is a synonym for crying or for reading someone the "riot act." "He threw the ball at me, but I wasn't looking. It hit me in the head and I started to bawl."

More as they occur to me.

Catherine Linda MIchel

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