It's been a year since Aunt Holly (aka Holly H Hart) passed away.
I miss her so much. It's getting to where I just want to cry all the time. I don't know what to do. I know she wouldn't want me to be sad, but I don't know how to make the sadness go away.
Spinning Time
If I could spin hours like so many threads,
Throwing the bobbin, winding the staff --
If I could twist years like a sweet kite string
Held in my hand, turned 'round a smooth stick --
If I could bend time to my will, I would
Lay the days when I knew you alongside
All current days and gaze across the gap,
Just so I could see you again.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Very Nice
Thanks for that, Erin.
- Terry
That was just … just beautiful, Erin. Thanks so much for sharin' it. ((huggles)) Heather Rose :)
She Will Always Be Missed
Holly was always very nice to me. We corresponded off and on for years. I wish I'd gotten to know her better. I've heard nothing but good things about her from everyone she touched.
I will always remember her fondly.
With heavy sigh,
She Was a Major Reason I Continued Writing
She was the English Composition Teacher I never listened to when I was in junior high school. We had some great correspondence over the years. She'd been to many of the places I wrote about, and there was even an outside chance we might have met 60 years ago. I knew people from her home town. We went to the same places in the Sierras. It was too short a friendship, and when she told me about the first dreaded diagnosis I knew that it was going to be only a matter of time. She touched so many people here, and I have no idea of actually how many there were. You know who you are. I miss her so much.
Holly was special
Holly always had time for anyone that asked. We became aquianted through BC and editing. I learned she lived somewhat near me, San Franisco and San Jose are only 45 minutes apart so I met her and helped her move to Walnut Creek. That was before the big move to Indiana. We shared time with picnics, Heather Rose was at one, as was Erin. She brought this community together, but more important she was a friend. I miss you Holly, Arecee
A thought on this topic
She may be gone from our sight, she she may be gone from our hands. But, Holly like many people will never be gone from our hearts and thoughts. She like those that have passed away are still alive in our hearts and memories.
Aunt Holly.
Holly was a LONG TIME supporter of what has in recent years become the "StarStuff Foundation". I remember years ago when Kim, Pickles and I were hosting StorySite through PP&F Holly donated $ towards a new server when the StorySite server died.
I will also never forget shortly after that, when I met you and Holly @ RMR in Pennsylvania.
It was a beautiful weekend, with it's ups and downs -giggles-, but it was also where "Holly" decided to be Holly. To be true to herself, and show the world outside, the wonderful person we knew her to be inside.
Holly was a GREAT person, always willing to listen, and always there to help. She will always be missed, and definitely never forgotten.
I also miss her, as she was
I also miss her, as she was just so easy to talk to and 'climb into the lap of' which made you feel special and happy. I remember very vividly the day I got to spend with her in San Francisco a few years back...along with Shelly too. That was a wonderful day and all I can say is that when I get sad I do try to remember that day and the enjoyment of going to the Musee Mecanique (I believe) in San Francisco.
Samirah M. Johnstone
I Miss Her Also
I miss her dearly. She was a wonderful person. She gave of herself.
According to the Jewish Calender her Yortsite (date of death) is September 9. I plan to get an Alliah to honor her this coming Shabbat.
Also, I requested a writing contest with the theme of someone helping or being helped, as helping others was a natural part of her nature. This contest should be around 12 January 2015 which would have been her 71st birthday.
Update on my cat, Muffin: She is drinking, but not eating. She is weak.
Ladies I will always miss , for forever and ever!!
I lost my wife to cervical cancer this December 9th. Until Holly passed, I was trying to get my wife to talk to her about editing. My wife was a master at fixing the written word, not so good at writing it down. For years she was making little notes on a Dromeo and Juliet parody. Holly's selflessness is helping out is still an ideal ones tries to reach. I finally received an 100% disabled rating from the Veterans Administration last September. However my wife was stage 4 even then and already in quite a bit of pain. We were able to get one trip to Tucson Arizona for the Steampunk Wild, Wild West fair at Old Tucson studio. After that trip we had to get a wheels walker to go see the King Tut in Los Angeles, she sat and I pushed. We had on our adventure gear -- Pith helmets, field glasses, ... I will miss my wife Wendy and Holly greatly. For my wife as she kept me on the straight and narrow and fed. And fondly remember Holly for all her deeds of care and help.
I had the great privilege of meeting Holly
At The Southern Comfort Conference in 2009. She was always gracious, always helpful, and always a lady. She and Scotty were the reason I managed to stay online during a financially tough time in my life, together with Kim, Piper and dear, dear Pickles who were a big part of that as well. I still have Holly's, Kim's, and Pickles' phone numbers in my skype contact list. Somehow I just can't bring myself to delete those numbers.
She gave freely of her time and talents to edit for many, many writers and was always cheerful, even with all her health problems. Forget her? Not bloody likely.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.