Wonder what the web is saying about you?

Ever wonder how wide your own self is splashed across the web? What is posted you didn't have anything to do with and were never asked if it was okay?

As an author I look every now and then to see how much chatter a particular story is generating. My personal info I'm not that free with for security reasons. Sometimes I wonder where they managed to find personal data or pictures posted to the net? Google has unbelievable resources, and bots, to research everyone's life.

There was a recent post of a story from another author. I like to research interesting authors and found several sites holding data. Curiosity thing led me to check if UF-2 is trending or are there any sites still holding onto it? The "Way Back Machine" holds onto darn near everything including my old web pages so that was a given.

Not sure why google included a picture of me in the search? http://tinyurl.com/ky67gwo
Sure would be interesting to know what kind of search engine code they are using to associate me with my novels and stories? Probably wouldn't understand it anyway. I wrote code back in the dark ages. Wished I'd been outside waving when the Google street machine came by taking pictures. Yep the farm is on the web too. And their satellite view shows amazing detail down to..., Well that good.

Wave everyone. We are being watched and photographed.

Have fun with life
It's too short to take it seriously

I'm going to put my 4020 JD back together now that it will start, thank you very much


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