I just finished the first round of editing for the biography I am co-writing. I have to rearrange a few things to get a major agent on board with the project, but it will be worth it. I mean, it's an undercover narcotics detective and army intelligence officer who is not only transgender but had SRS, I see a movie. So, today is done. Tomorrow and the rest of the week I will reorganize and rewrite and then, me and pinky will conquer the world. Oh, oops, you weren't supposed to know that last part.
Anyway, I hope this project finishes up in the next couple of days so I can finally start Unreachable 2 - get the step ladder because it's really high up there (working title). I think this is my shot at having that NYTimes Best Seller I've been craving. Nothing says you have value than other people putting it in print (and I could use that right about now).