It is finished

I put this in the comment section under my last post but I will do so here as well for those who quit reading the story for one reason or another.

A long time ago (a year) I decided that I wouldn't be selfish with my stories and would continue to make most everything I write available on Big Closet (I don't post my facebook post in the blogs). That said, I made available my new book Unreachable and just made the last post. I think it works out best this way for all concerned. I get more audience participation when I post chapters on here and can get a better feel for what people think and if they're responding to scenes the way I anticipated.

That said, I think there should also be some give and take. The one thing I have asked for in exchange for posting a story I'm selling is reviews. The book is available on Amazon and in paperback form on Barnes and Nobles. It is also on Goodreads. If you have found value and enjoyment of my story (or any other that is both published here and on Amazon (like Gaby), would you be so kind to leave a review somewhere.

I thank you.

I will now take a nap and when I wake up, I will continue my Christmas story featuring Andrew/Desiree and Ms. Rosenthal (it was a typo in the comment section of the story where I wrote Mrs.) I've been lax and unmotivated due to hitting deer with prius and being a little under the weather.

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