Watch this youtube video first.
Now that you've done that, here is the good news.
After seeing my neurologist, I found out that only about 29% of the time was I actually sleeping longer than 4 hours in a night. Let's round that to 1 out of every 3 days I was getting more than 4 hours of sleep. I convinced my psychiatrist to give me a sleep aid, and was prescribed Trazodone.
I've used it now for the last two nights and it's wonderful. I got six hours of sleep the first night and eight hours of glorious sleep last night. Already I feel a billion times better. Trazodone is also used as an anti-anxiety med. And my anxiety is out the window. Hasn't even turned on randomly like it usually does in the last two days.
As a test, I was able to finish the first chapter of Fixa Fatalis and post it. Now I'm going to get back to writing.
And now to the bad news.
Two days ago a friends mother almost had her appendix burst. She's okay now. Yesterday, I went with the friend over to her mothers house and we finished the yard work the mother was doing when the appendix problems started. During this time a mosquito decided it wanted to forgo buying me dinner and instead went straight to having me as for dinner. It bit me right above my left eye which quickly swelled up. Something with this bite has removed all of my pain tolerance to everything in my body that is painful. My resistance to acting on pain was still there, but the mental block I had on it was gone. I took a benadryl and used calamine lotion on the bite and it was okay. This morning I woke up and my whole face had swelled up to the point my facial skin had lost all sense of feeling and my sinuses felt like I had a sinus infection. I had a sinus headache, and I still haven't gotten my pain block back. It took a few hours after popping more benadryl and a zyrtec for the swelling to go down.
Due to drug interactions, I can't take anymore ibuprofen and most other OTC pain relievers without serious medical complications. I'm left with Acetaminophen which doesn't really work all that well for me because I can't take it in a large enough dose to do anything without risk of damaging my liver.
On a side note, I was talking with a friend and we came to the conclusion that I go to more medical professionals than anyone I know for more conditions than the average person has.
I'm not really bothered by this. Slowly one by one I'm getting a handle on everything.