Well I would say my Nasal Surgery Was a Success.

After I had my Surgery on my Nose last Friday to fix my Deviated Septum and a few other internal issues, like widened the sinus openings. I will Have to say I can breath again!

I almost thought I had messed everything up when I sneezed Monday morning after my surgery because I blew the stint out of the right side of my nose. but they had me come in Tuesday and they simply removed the stint from the left side as well. I still cant blow my nose for a little while longer have more healing to do but Since I had the stints removed I have been able to breath through me nose like I have not been able to in nearly over 15 year. I have slept so much better and people have told me the Tired Circles Under My Eyes have gone away, I have had them as constant companions for years. Now I have to wait 2 months before I can have a sleep study done to see if it has had any effect on my sleep apnea but from what I am hearing and feeling I think it has. But if I still have to use a C-PAP or B-PAP machine after the sleep study in 2 months i wont care because I aready feel so much better.

Fore those of You who have commented on my Blogs about my surgery and before my surgery about your own issues with a deviated Septum if you can get to an ENT Doctor as quickly as you can because it just might make you like a little more bearable to actually sleep better. because the deviated Septum can cause many other problems theat can stack upon one other to create a very big health issue.

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