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300 Rains and Beyond...

I am glad at the reception that 300 Rains is getting. The overall story so far is at 118k words and climbing. It is looking more and more like I am going to pull it at the end and try to sell it, after a bit more revision and stuff. I will have to run it past a few friends who aren't trans to see if the story holds their interest, as that will determine where I try to sell the book.

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Smarter than the average pic-a-nic...

We had a great time at the picnic on Saturday and Beth and I had an adventure in San Francisco Sunday complete with phantom elevators and aggressive potholes, I'm sure it will all end up in a story by one or the other of us. :)

Thanks again to everyone who showed up and made Saturday such a lovely day. And thanks to Beth for the good company on the trip.

And thanks to Piper and Bob and everyone else who kept watch on the site while I was gone. Piper had to do a bit of rescue Sunday night while Beth and I were out with my brother and his wife for dinner. Thanks!

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things are going sideways, and I cant seem to make them stop

I find myself wondering if there is something in the air. My girlfriend Kylie seems to have gone into a pit of despair, and at least 3 other friends of mine are not far off from that. I wish I could help, but I'm barely functional myself. God, have mercy on us all.

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How Not to Retcon

Since I started writing for my Retcon stories again, I've received several private messages addressing a problem with my earlier stories. You see, when I first started writing these, I had made the mistake of assuming that the target audience would be primarily fans of the comic book genre (who were also interested in TG).

So I would write as if everyone knew about the characters and situations I was talking about. Just one example, in 'When Lightning Strikes' Chapter 1, I make an off-hand reference to "Akira", by Katsuhiro Otomo, when talking about a minor character.

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I have had a frustrating day staying signed into my Yahoo home page. Every time I go to another webpage and come back to my Homepage, I find out I have been signed out. I went in and changed my password,and it still does it. I also have trouble with my Bookmarks tab. I have had to sign back in multiple times on it. Once I'm signed in I can click on the bookmarks icon and the drop down menu will show my quick links and then at the bottom I can open up the full list. It works a little while and then it tells me I have to sign back in.

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Semi-Annual BC Picnic

We had a great time at the BC picnic yesterday! We stayed so late, we had to take down the tents in the dark. LOL.

I'll let someone else who's better with names list who all made it, I'm afraid my memory would fail me and I would leave someone out.

It was great to see some old friends and meet a few more new ones in person. I think we talked about everything from document hassles to where to put the period at the end of a quotation. :)

I don't know when we can have another of these but we can probably talk about it in chat.

Hugs to all,

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Shakey, and beyond shakey

Well, today started well, and went downhill. I had my daughter, we had a good day. But my gf Kylie is down, and by the time she went to bed, I was a worried for her. Then, I happened to read the most recent chapter of "you meant it for evil" After I read it, I started shaking and couldn't stop. My brother was committed after my dad died, and after I visited him there, I had nightmares of being committed myself, especially because I thought my gender issues meant I was crazy. Thank God for some online friends who held me together until I got my breath back.

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Ultimate Writer's Challenge: Cross Posting

I wasn't going to say anything, but...

It has recently come to my attention that someone has been cross posting their entries to my Ultimate Writer's Challenge at other sites. While I wouldn't do anything to stop this (even if I could,) I would like to ask that if you're going to do this you wait at least until the challenge is over.

Part of the entire point of the challenge is to draw authors out into posting, and readers into responding. By cross-posting stories to other sites, that somewhat undermines the second goal by splitting the potential readers between sites.

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Must Be a New Record: Darkchylde 4/5

This has to be a new record: 89 comments and counting. I know that many of them are replies by the author; however, this is what a good story is about: great writing that stirs up even the most reticent of commenters. Great job, Lilith!


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I hate myself right now. . .for what I did to a character.

I should have realized something was up when I was crying so hard I couldn't even finish the story. It hurt that much. Even now I find it hard to read the screen. I'm second guessing myself, which is something I rarely do with a 'published' story.

I'm seriously considering just scrapping the project completely and never returning to it. I don't know how much more of it I can take.

I really love this character. He is my little boy. He is my little girl. And I had to do this to him.

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The rain, the park, and other things

Well, Oklahoma is in the middle of a severe drought, we've had less rain for the year than we normally get just in March. Grass fires are a daily occurrence across the state. If we don't get a lot of rain soon, there will be no wheat or hay to harvest. People had better get ready to pay much more for food as well as gasoline. On the bright side, we here in Oklahoma do have the lowest gas prices in the country. :)

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News and a problem?

Well, I have good news.

I have a job.

It's only 33 weeks, working as a temp for Dell, but it's better than nothing.

Now the problem....

I asked the recruiter about what I needed to do as a transitioning woman, and the NEXT DAY they called me and said that the job wasn't going to be starting on the start date.

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comment whore

I was reading Lilith's little rant about people taking the time to comment on stories. I want to give some examples from my own stories on how your comments make a difference to me. I wrote "Vision Spring", and the first official story "A little nudge" got 11 comments, more than enough to encourage me to to continue. I wrote "This is how a heart breaks." which got seven, but I figured I would do another one anyway. I worked very hard at the third story, taking time to research many aspects, and even found a song that fit the mood of the story.

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A last reminder about the West Coast BCTS get together

As I have said before, I will be checking my email one last time around 8AM tomorrow for any last minute requests to attend, but I think we will have enough, ( and there is a new grocery 2 blocks away), if you should just decide to come at the last minute.

Here are directions from the west, Oakland/San Francisco direction, on HWY 24, on I680 from the south, and I680 form the north.

This URL is for coming in from the Oakland/ the west on hwy 24 & the Caldecott Tunnel.

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Giving support as I can

For those who don't know, I have two wonderful 10 year old girls. Yup, they're twins.

Anyway, the two of them went to a friends birthday party tonight and as 10 year olds do, they had a blast.

When I went to pick them up, everyone but my girls had already left. As usual they weren't ready, they and their friend and her brother were too wrapped up in playing. They were playing dress up. They all were dressed as their favorite Disney princess, even the brother. He was made up as Snow White. It was all very charming and I just couldn't help but smile.

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RE: Stories, comments, and the Ret-Con Universe.

Speaking from the viewpoint of a former "comment whore" I completely understand the feeling that nobody gives A damn about what one writes. I learned, much to my chagrin, that the quality of the writing is seldom an indication of how many comments/hits a story will garner. It's become increasingly obvious to me that the more "hot buttons" a story hits, is directly related to the number of comments/hits it gets.

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I shall be heading up to see my mother, an invalid, in two days and spending about five days in total with her, for her 77th birthday. I am hoping my brother may come out for the meal, but as he hasn't spoken to me in years those hopes are a bit feeble. As a result I will have no time or link to put up any more of Annie's story for a few days after this weekend.

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Daily Mail does it again...

So apparently Prince William is feeling pre-wedding nerves. He's also inviting everyone from the helicopter base where he's currently training to the wedding.

But evidently, that's not quite newsworthy enough for the Daily Wail (a far more appropriate name for the newspaper!). So they've done some digging and found one of his colleagues is transgendered... and yes, the tone of the article is about what you'd expect from that publication.

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Spontaneous sex change in chicken not a joke?

So far as I know, this is not some April Fool joke. The date on the story is 3/31/11.
Basically, a hen became a sort-of rooster, crowing, strutting and changing comb and wattle and quit laying eggs, after a molt. Veternary suggests reason as though it is not unusual.

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My Kudos is at 666 - The Number Of The Beast

Perhaps I'd better Run To The Hills or Hallowed Be Thy Name, I'll end up The Prisoner of The Children Of The Damned at 22 Acacia Avenue...

Sorry, just couldn't resist paying homage to Iron Maiden.

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interviewed in boy mode

Well, I had the interview, and I think it went okay. I went in boy mode, and didn't mention transitioning, though, and part of me hates myself for that. I hate having to hide, it feels like lying, but I need the income if I am going to make anything happen, and maybe if I get the job, and I prove myself, I can then bring up the subject and have some hope for it.

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writing like mad

Woohoo! I broke through my writers block on HaP thanks in part to P&J. I've written a very important scene of the book and have another coming up maybe later in this chapter.

The down side to this break through is that I haven't written the next episode of P&J yet. but don't fear, I hope to have it written and up this Sun. Monday at the latest. (for those not too pissed at me to read it).


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No Bike tonight - Wednesday 30th March.

Sorry, left early to see my daughter and ex this morning and got home too late to make it a good idea. Apologies to my regular readers, but I had a nice day out. It was quite funny how we still fit stereotypes - I fixed up some curtain poles and repaired her shed window while she shortened some jeans for me. The only difference being, I could have done my own jeans but she couldn't do the DIY stuff.

Then had a couple of hours playing mall bunnies with my daughter followed by dinner with her and my ex and the long drive home in the dark. In the words of the prophet - I am knackered.

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I am so sorry everyone...

I have several stories that everybody has liked and they have been in limbo for quite a while because of my constant hospital stays. I will get to each of them because they need to be finished. Thank you all for reading, commenting and your wonderful support.

Love & ugs,

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Delay in most works by Me ;)

I have come to rely heavily upon my editor. It is very nice having someone who will point out all of your mistakes in the nicest way possible.

That being said, she has become busy with stuff in her real life. I will continue to write, but there will be a delay to when it it posted here.

What that means in a more clear sense is that when she gets back I will be posting at a more accelerated pace for a little while. Good for everyone, right :)

Yes, I admit that usually I am the bottle neck when it comes to getting my work out.

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Very early hormone replacement.

I was wondering if any of the professionals here know anything about cases where female hormones were used on male children at a very early age; say, starting about one year old? I am looking for development of the wider pevlic bones, shoulder structure, and the seemingly more flexible ligament structure of a genetic female.

It is part of a story idea that is growing in the dirt in a dark place in the basement of my mind.

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Re: Karen J

Those who know Karen may be aware she's anticipating major surgery in the near future - a triple heart bypass of the coronary arteries.

Those of you who believe in the divine might put in a good word for her, as I know she's worth it.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Li'l Sister.


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Interesting YouTube comment...

The other day I was sufficiently bored to browse my way through a lively comment war on one of Stefani Germanotta's videos (no prizes for guessing either the song or the entrenched sides), and came across this interesting theory, which I've quoted verbatim (so spelling / grammatical errors in the quote are the commenters, not mine!):

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Where do I find these challenges?

I keep reading stories written to some "Ultimate Writers' challenge". Where are the writers' challenges posted? Is this just something that Melanie does or is it a Big Closet thing? I haven't written a story in quite awhile and maybe I'd get some inspiration from a challenge.
Hugs, Jezzi

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Switcheroo Changes? Opinions needed!

Alright, so here's the question.

I'm working on both PFH Book 2 right now and Switcheroo heavily, with another few projects getting worked on here and there. I'm not going to make any changes to the way I'm doing PFH, since it's into the second book already, but I am thinking about making a subtle change in how I do postings of Switcheroo. Specifically, I was thinking about going from two chapters per post to one, so that I could potentially post more often.

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The weather forecast for Walnut Creek is looking better?

It's gone back from showers to just partly cloudy all weekend. And now they are saying a slight chance of showers.

I guess we'll just have to set up tents and hold our hands out to see if they get wet.

So you're all still invited to join us at the 2nd West Coast BCTS get together, as long as you can make it to downtown Walnut Creek on your own

PM me if you are interested.


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Honey I'm home ... more or less

It's been a long since I logged into BC and I went looking for my previous posts.

How do things change??? My last post was 2 GF hitter and I'm back to being alone and hikemori to use a japanese expession. I went as stealth as possible but was more or less forst to be a voice for the T part of LGBTQI (bummer if you are the only one in about 30 people that can speak for the T part at meetings from an LGBTQI group -_- there goes the stealth at work).

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I usually don't post much on my blog here. But like the title says I'm feeling disheartened and honestly once again like way too many people do It's about the comments. I've looked for the flavors of whatever seems to be the choice of the week/month and all I see is a reduction of comments from a lot of the stories that are up right now.

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Stupid Social Stigmas

I'm not just talking about things like "Men hunt, women clean and have babies" here, either.

Growing up in the South, in a very small, backwater community, I was exposed to a lot of what look in retrospect, to be downright stupid social stigmas.

What got me thinking about this was reading a popular story on LGTales about a boy who starts practicing ballet. If I had had that open to me - i.e. if I had been born a girl here, or just plain born anywhere else, I would be in a lot better physical shape today.

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(sic) Humor

Really, really bad writing can be hilarious. Unintentionally hilarious, but hilarious nonetheless.

Some incredibly cruel person, who obviously works in publishing, has had the bad judgement to violate the trust placed in them by their employers and the authors who submit their work, and post selected groaners for the whole world to see.

So, of course, I had to repost it:

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A Home That Love Built Story Question

A Home That Love Built Story Question
By Stanman63
I posted a A Home That Love Built Story The Doctor Is In about Steve Garber joining the home. Another author used him in their A Home That Love Built Story posting. My question is this: who is the author and what is the story?

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The Face of Boredom is Mine

I've finished up all of my homework, I generally don't start the next week's assignments until I'm fully rested on Monday, and I'm patiently, mostly, waiting for my editor to get back to me with episode 12 of 12-String.

Which is to say, I'm bored. I want to write, need to write, ache to write. . .and I don't have anything to write.

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Backburner Stories accidently deleted

I'd recently been trying to create a new blog while looking at an old blog, and I'd accidently deleted the old blog. I really liked the old blog and the responses I'd gotten to it, so I decided to create a new blog entry with the contents of the old blog. Wish me luck!

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"Jane, stop this crazy thing!"

The above quote is from the old cartoon, "The Jetsons". As the end credits rolled, the main character would get on a treadmill, only to have it go completely out of control. I feel a bit like that. I am running my heart out just to stay in the same place, and ever once in a while, I slide under, get crumpled, and then spat back out to start running again. And the idea of actually getting any traction seems like a no-go. But I wont stop. I will keep fighting, keep trying to find a way to be Dorothy full time. Thanks again to "Team Dorothy" who have picked me up and put me back on track.

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2nd west coast getogether is next Saturday It's not too late

If anyone is still sitting on the fence about joining us, please do so, the more the merrier.

If anyone sends me a Private Message here right up until 8AM Saturday, I will send more complete directions with a couple of images to help if you are driving.

We figure the unofficial starting time as noon, and to run until whenever, probably around sunset.
We'll be doing some setting up, and making sure the Canada Goose messes are cleaned up before noon. Several hundred live in the park.

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Mistress 9

Hello Everyone !
I wish that I could have posted a new chapter today instead of this small update.

Real Life as usual has gotten in the way of something I would much rather do and that is edit and post more of this tale. I am working on the chapter 9 and it should be ready for you to read (and enjoy) soon.
Allyson is making headway in getting her devious mutiny plot going. (as one commenter put it). I'm not really happy with how that is being put down on paper so I may end up with something completely different, at this stage it is too early to tell.

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12-String: 11 inconsistency

Ok, so when I submitted the final version of 12-String: 12 to my editor, a problem with the court scene at the end of 12-String: 11 came to light. It's not that what was there was wrong, per se, but that it leads to an incorrect conclusion about what is happening. I've already changed it, but the paragraphs I changed are as follows:

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"optimism is a survival trait "

Well, thanks to some wonderful people (you know who you are) I have survived my down, and am headed up. You know, I should make a poster that says "I am NOT worthless, a loser, or a joke! I am valued, loved, and created for a purpose!" in case I forget again. I would like to say I wont hear that voice telling me how horrible I am again, but hopefully, I can get better at tuning it out.

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Does the Girl pee in the woods?

There are many factors that go into camping and a basic one that most everyone I have read forgets when writing is that guys and gals pee differently and thus peeing in the woods is very different. As many people know, guys pee rather easily in the woods. It is rather a non-issue.

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Two greats have birthdays today, Bob Elliot of Bob and Ray

Bob Elliot, father of Chris -- Get a a Life, writer for Letterman and others -- and grandfather of Amy(?) or whatever her name is -- shes's on Saturday Night Live -- turned 88 today.

One of the masters of quiet comedy, comedy of the absurd. He and Ray have terrific caemo roles in the Norman Lear film Cold Turkey.

And my dad turns 84, Gets his OTHER knee replaced April 14th.

John in Wauwatosa would would not be here without him. So dad is to blame.

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"Officially" retired

It's perhaps a bit early, but I just received confirmation from Social Security that I will be receiving retirement benefits starting next month. Actually, this month, but they won't actually pay me until April.

It's kind of a bittersweet situation. Those with whom I've shared know that I have been out of work and looking for about three years now. It's frustrating for someone with my experience to be passed over. My resume (CV) is impressive, perhaps too much so.

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To Those that have left comments for Kira - Chapter 17

Kira still has a ways to go yet. Chapter 18 is about the gown fitings and the wedding as well as the block party that will follow. I can't just say there is going to be a wedding and gown fittings without actually writing it in; that would be a serious breach of my responsibility as an author of transgendered stories. Now, I may have said this before, but sometimes even I am surprised by how a chapter turns out, and I will no doubt be surprised by chapter 18 too.

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Moved by "Case Closed"

There are occasionally, stories one shouldn't read in certain moods. I loved it, but Randalynn's story "Case Closed" hit me hard. The trouble i have is how much I feel like Paul:

"what do I have to look forward to? Years stretching ahead of me, all alone and in pain, tormented by all the real people? That’s the clarity you gave me this morning, by the way. I know now that I can’t be anything but what I am — the human joke. It’s not going to change.”

“You could — ”

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Finally got my day in court today.

Well, today I finally got some measure of vindication with the psych crowd. A young woman doing her Doctoral Theisis at a local Uni called me on the phone and we talked for two hours, using all my minutes up. Still, I got a chance to say exactly what I thought of the treatment protocol used on me. During the conversaton she did tell me that she knew a twoman married to a man and they were very happy. You can not imagine how healing that was for me. I had previously thought that no men were marrying twomen. If any of you are holding out, I would really like to know anonimously.

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Storm Warnings

Well, writing is going well. I wrote over ten pages on 300 Rains just today, so that was good. This post is just an FYI for all of you, things are coming up that may cause some sensitive readers some emotional upset. As they get closer to Brazil things get crazier and crazier. Like I said, this is a storm warning, so make sure that when the storm hits you you are emotionally prepared. So in the immortal words of Samuel L Jackson, "Hold on to yer Butts!"

When the chapter in question hits I will just put storm in the extra description. Just saying.

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I shold know not to get my hopes up

Well, I should know better than to get my hopes too high. I had gotten a call from the manager at the restaurant that is in my old work, and made the assumption she was interested in hiring me. Since she had talked about it before, and already said she would have had no problem with me being Dorothy if it was up to her, I started to have dreams of being able to be a waitress. Of course, I was wrong, and she just wanted to pass on a lead she gotten from a customer. Nice of her, I know, but not what I was hoping for. Ah, well.

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Publisher Oops

There's a situation that has developed with a publisher of TG fiction. This person is a member of the community and at last report is attempting to straighten things out and make things right with the affected authors. I don't think much else needs to be said here at the moment.


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What IS magic

To me, the only kind of magic is that which you see on stage and on TV - simply about fooling an audience into believing something has no explanation, when in reality it has.

I think most people on this site would define it as something which cannot be explained, but if that is the case, I cannot understand the urge of people to attribute so many things to magic, as though that explained things, when by their definition, it does exactly the opposite.

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Okay - things changed even quicker than I expected them to

Yeah I had a car accident and yeah I lost my job, but we have just found out that aside from paying for it, we now as good as own our French property.

I'm totally stoked and so is Pen.

It's scary shit, but so exciting I can't find the words - whaddya mean, that's a first?

So now I just need to get this insurance thing sorted to call this somewhat stressful part of our lives over.

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Writing Solos and Short Stories - My Thoughts and Ramblings

I can distinctly remember a time not so very long ago, when I had myself utterly convinced that I was absolutely incapable of writing short, one-shot stories. I guess, in a way, I was incapable at the time, but not for lack of ability.

In retrospect, I think it was more a combination of facts. One of those was that I was just so laser-focused on writing my novel/serial. In the past, writing has been my therapy. I wrote for the exclusive purpose of writing what I needed to write, what I needed to get out of my system.

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laughing so hard it hurts

When we say something is "hysterical" we usually mean that's a good thing. But sometimes, I think laughter can lead to hysteria in the sense of a loss of control. At least I think thats what happened to me last night. I was talking with my girlfriend Kylie, and I started laughing, until I was in pain, having trouble breathing, and yet being unable to stop. I'm not sure what that means.

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How quickly things can change

Nearly two weeks ago, I told you that Penny and I would be going to go on a lightning trip to France to look at a couple of houses.

The history is that we've been wanting to buy a house in France for years - literally and after the global financial collapse, the change in value of the Euro, life seemed to say that we weren't going to do it. This was after having been to Normandy and Poitou Charente to look at houses and being disappointed at what was really available.

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Avoid Firefox 4

Before shutting down here, I decided to upgrade to the Firefox 4. That was an hour and a half ago. Mozilla really screwed the pooch this time! Lots of cosmetic crap that wasn't necessary and really screws up the layout. Several of my most used apps won't work with FF4 It took me less than 5 minutes to decide to go back to the previous version. That's when the fun begin. Uninstalling FF4 did not roll back to the previous version, and no matter what version I tried to download I always ended up with FF4 again.

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If anybody cares

I enter the local hospital Wednesday morning to have an cardiac catheterization performed, with a distinct possibility of an angioplasty and stenting. I hope that's what happens. The other, (worse) alternative will be a bypass operation, which I really would like to avoid.

Anyway, by about this time tomorrow I should know, although the pre-surgical nurse did mention I could end up being loaded on a med-flight helo and flown to the nearest cardiac care center right away if things are bad enough. I guess that's the worst possibility. :(

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