It's the big day tomorrow

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Tomorrow we're off to France for just over a week to take possession of our new house.

Well, that's what we hope is going to happen. We'll have to see when we get there.

The house is ours - well all bar the shouting, but the shouting isn't over. At least it wasn't yesterday. The certificate d'urbanism, which basically means we don't get taxed for owning a commercial property wasn't changed as it was supposed to have been, so we're not 100% sure about what we're walking into.

Nevertheless, we're off tomorrow to Basse Normandie, or Orne to be precise and the only place we have to stay is our house, so it's got to be ours.

Today's been really quite frantic, what with taking the cat to the cattery, loading up the car until it was almost gasping and seeing the specialist regarding my car accident. That wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting and threw up some surprises too.

I was astonished to discover that whilst I may have walked away from the crash, that didn't make it any less severe and in fact, ten weeks after the accident, there are still bits of me that haven't healed yet. Anyway, he's going to write up the medical report and that will go to my solicitors for the compensation claim. Hopefully by the time I get back from France, the report should be winging its way to the solicitors and I should find out what figure they're going to offer.

We'll just have to wait and see.

Anyway, I hope you all won't miss me too much - those of you who know who the hell I am that is.


Nick B

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