TopShelf Blogs

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Does the Girl pee in the woods?

There are many factors that go into camping and a basic one that most everyone I have read forgets when writing is that guys and gals pee differently and thus peeing in the woods is very different. As many people know, guys pee rather easily in the woods. It is rather a non-issue.

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Two greats have birthdays today, Bob Elliot of Bob and Ray

Bob Elliot, father of Chris -- Get a a Life, writer for Letterman and others -- and grandfather of Amy(?) or whatever her name is -- shes's on Saturday Night Live -- turned 88 today.

One of the masters of quiet comedy, comedy of the absurd. He and Ray have terrific caemo roles in the Norman Lear film Cold Turkey.

And my dad turns 84, Gets his OTHER knee replaced April 14th.

John in Wauwatosa would would not be here without him. So dad is to blame.

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"Officially" retired

It's perhaps a bit early, but I just received confirmation from Social Security that I will be receiving retirement benefits starting next month. Actually, this month, but they won't actually pay me until April.

It's kind of a bittersweet situation. Those with whom I've shared know that I have been out of work and looking for about three years now. It's frustrating for someone with my experience to be passed over. My resume (CV) is impressive, perhaps too much so.

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To Those that have left comments for Kira - Chapter 17

Kira still has a ways to go yet. Chapter 18 is about the gown fitings and the wedding as well as the block party that will follow. I can't just say there is going to be a wedding and gown fittings without actually writing it in; that would be a serious breach of my responsibility as an author of transgendered stories. Now, I may have said this before, but sometimes even I am surprised by how a chapter turns out, and I will no doubt be surprised by chapter 18 too.

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Moved by "Case Closed"

There are occasionally, stories one shouldn't read in certain moods. I loved it, but Randalynn's story "Case Closed" hit me hard. The trouble i have is how much I feel like Paul:

"what do I have to look forward to? Years stretching ahead of me, all alone and in pain, tormented by all the real people? That’s the clarity you gave me this morning, by the way. I know now that I can’t be anything but what I am — the human joke. It’s not going to change.”

“You could — ”

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Finally got my day in court today.

Well, today I finally got some measure of vindication with the psych crowd. A young woman doing her Doctoral Theisis at a local Uni called me on the phone and we talked for two hours, using all my minutes up. Still, I got a chance to say exactly what I thought of the treatment protocol used on me. During the conversaton she did tell me that she knew a twoman married to a man and they were very happy. You can not imagine how healing that was for me. I had previously thought that no men were marrying twomen. If any of you are holding out, I would really like to know anonimously.

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Storm Warnings

Well, writing is going well. I wrote over ten pages on 300 Rains just today, so that was good. This post is just an FYI for all of you, things are coming up that may cause some sensitive readers some emotional upset. As they get closer to Brazil things get crazier and crazier. Like I said, this is a storm warning, so make sure that when the storm hits you you are emotionally prepared. So in the immortal words of Samuel L Jackson, "Hold on to yer Butts!"

When the chapter in question hits I will just put storm in the extra description. Just saying.

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I shold know not to get my hopes up

Well, I should know better than to get my hopes too high. I had gotten a call from the manager at the restaurant that is in my old work, and made the assumption she was interested in hiring me. Since she had talked about it before, and already said she would have had no problem with me being Dorothy if it was up to her, I started to have dreams of being able to be a waitress. Of course, I was wrong, and she just wanted to pass on a lead she gotten from a customer. Nice of her, I know, but not what I was hoping for. Ah, well.

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Publisher Oops

There's a situation that has developed with a publisher of TG fiction. This person is a member of the community and at last report is attempting to straighten things out and make things right with the affected authors. I don't think much else needs to be said here at the moment.


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What IS magic

To me, the only kind of magic is that which you see on stage and on TV - simply about fooling an audience into believing something has no explanation, when in reality it has.

I think most people on this site would define it as something which cannot be explained, but if that is the case, I cannot understand the urge of people to attribute so many things to magic, as though that explained things, when by their definition, it does exactly the opposite.

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Okay - things changed even quicker than I expected them to

Yeah I had a car accident and yeah I lost my job, but we have just found out that aside from paying for it, we now as good as own our French property.

I'm totally stoked and so is Pen.

It's scary shit, but so exciting I can't find the words - whaddya mean, that's a first?

So now I just need to get this insurance thing sorted to call this somewhat stressful part of our lives over.

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Writing Solos and Short Stories - My Thoughts and Ramblings

I can distinctly remember a time not so very long ago, when I had myself utterly convinced that I was absolutely incapable of writing short, one-shot stories. I guess, in a way, I was incapable at the time, but not for lack of ability.

In retrospect, I think it was more a combination of facts. One of those was that I was just so laser-focused on writing my novel/serial. In the past, writing has been my therapy. I wrote for the exclusive purpose of writing what I needed to write, what I needed to get out of my system.

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laughing so hard it hurts

When we say something is "hysterical" we usually mean that's a good thing. But sometimes, I think laughter can lead to hysteria in the sense of a loss of control. At least I think thats what happened to me last night. I was talking with my girlfriend Kylie, and I started laughing, until I was in pain, having trouble breathing, and yet being unable to stop. I'm not sure what that means.

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How quickly things can change

Nearly two weeks ago, I told you that Penny and I would be going to go on a lightning trip to France to look at a couple of houses.

The history is that we've been wanting to buy a house in France for years - literally and after the global financial collapse, the change in value of the Euro, life seemed to say that we weren't going to do it. This was after having been to Normandy and Poitou Charente to look at houses and being disappointed at what was really available.

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Avoid Firefox 4

Before shutting down here, I decided to upgrade to the Firefox 4. That was an hour and a half ago. Mozilla really screwed the pooch this time! Lots of cosmetic crap that wasn't necessary and really screws up the layout. Several of my most used apps won't work with FF4 It took me less than 5 minutes to decide to go back to the previous version. That's when the fun begin. Uninstalling FF4 did not roll back to the previous version, and no matter what version I tried to download I always ended up with FF4 again.

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If anybody cares

I enter the local hospital Wednesday morning to have an cardiac catheterization performed, with a distinct possibility of an angioplasty and stenting. I hope that's what happens. The other, (worse) alternative will be a bypass operation, which I really would like to avoid.

Anyway, by about this time tomorrow I should know, although the pre-surgical nurse did mention I could end up being loaded on a med-flight helo and flown to the nearest cardiac care center right away if things are bad enough. I guess that's the worst possibility. :(

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It's OFFICIAL!!!!! Re: Name Change.

As of the 18th of April, three days after my birthday, I will be officially and legally, Catherine Linda Michel!!!!! I never thought, for real, that this day would ever come, due to financial restrictions, but it's here, it's real, and I am ecstatic!!!

Yes, there'll be a buncha stuff I'll have to do AFTER the 18th, to change all my identification and stuff, and of course, learn to sign a new name... LOL, but I can already feel a new peace within myself and a renewal of my goal, full SRS. That however, can wait til I can find the funds. This step will suffice until then.

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The Princess and the Jock Cautions

Princess and the Jock Cautions

I have received many comments and PMs from readers that are disappointed with where the story ‘The Princess and the Jock’ seems to be going. I am not hurt or angry, in any way with these comments. I get great enjoyment out of the reader’s ideas, discussions and arguments over these characters and story details.

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Midnight Downloads

Back in 3/2010 I posted, and offered, the wonderful story Midnight Downloads by Wendy J. You can find that in my blog history. Since it has been a week over a year, I thought I would again offer it to anyone interested in reading this one. It can still be found in a few places. The copies I have are her edited files in chapter 1-30. And she had also released a few more chapters. I have through 50. The later chapters are incomplete, and a couple are just working ideas. Email if you are interested. I have sent this to probably 100 people over the years.

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Four years and three hours!

According to my account, I've been a member here for four years and three hours. Earlier on I'd noticed it was three years and fifty two weeks--that's like being five feet twelve. I suppose the 'puter decides it's four years when the same time of day is reached as the original enrolling time.

Goodness, four years, I was young and innocent then - now I'm old and innocent, ho hum.

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Gmail account hacked

Some time early Sunday morning someone managed to get into my Gmail account and spam everybody in my (somewhat extensive) contacts list. If you got one, please delete it.

I discovered it this morning when I could not get into my account. They had changed the password. I went through the password recovery and got control of the account back.

When I was able to get back into the account there was a message from Google that the account had been accessed from China and if it wasn't me that I should change my password.

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The Angry mermaid.

I've concluded that my chapters of Angry mermaid might be too long for some and that's why they get bored before the chapters are concluded.
I've been a little bit disappointed by the lack of comments recently and I suspect many readers just switch off before they've finished the chapter.
I'm therefore going to try a new tactic by shortening the chapters to about 25 kb instead of the normal 50-ish.

After Chapter 25 the chapters will run about roughly 25 to 30 kb's.

Just have to wait and see if people prefer it that way.


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Postponed Project

There is a project I've been working on for some months now. It's going to be postponed. See, my entire life is pretty much a pile of GNORT, the Living Spleen -- and the reprieve I had for a short time seems to have ended. I have my lovely partner, but the rest of things... losing my job, being faced with the revelation that I really am as reprehensible a person as I always thought, the still-raw loss of my baby brother three and a half years ago, has resulted in my ability to write being pretty much admitted to the psych ward for awhile. Sure, I can write some...

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I Read An Interesting Article Today About Androgny

I was at my salon today getting a cut, color and eyebrow wax and my stylist brought me a magazine to read while I was under the dryer waiting for my color to set. Anyway, it was the issue of "Allure" magazine from November 2010. I flipped through and found an article about how Androgny has played a role in history from Greek Mythology to films made in the 1970's. It cited several historical examples of how women have lived as men to be treated better in the societies of the times in which they lived.

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What Ever Happened To The Harry Potter Fan-Fictions?

What Ever Happened To The Harry Potter Fan-Fictions?
By Stanman63
I have been watching the Harry Potter movies and got to wondering about the T.G. Harry Potter stories here at Bigcloset Topshelf. Will the authors complete the stories?
Heather O'Malley:

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Re: Another Lesson Learned.

I have had a conversation with the person I harmed by my actions and we have reconciled. I'm returning to the "community" but provisionally. I will no longer offer advice, nor will I attempt to help, since I am obviously unqualified to do either. I apologize for any consternation I might have caused with my last blog entry, and to anyone who has been led in a wrong direction or confused by anything I have offered in the form of advice, in the past.

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trying to keep positive

Well, I am trying to keep a positive attitude about my brief experience in the workforce as Dorothy. It was good for me to be me in a RL situation, something I can try and build on if I find another place accepting enough to let me be myself. I just don't know how realistic that actually is. I have so few skills, I feel like some grunt job is my best option, and those are not usually flexible. Ah, well.

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I been busy

So, this is a first for me. I posted an entry in the year long writer's challenge earlier, since I was waiting for my editor to get back to me with the last change sheet for 12-String, and I was waiting for another author to post their story for the day.

Lo and behold, I get back my change sheet for 12-String. . .and end up posting right after myself. I do hope no one gets mad at me for this.

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Who knew?

Well, we have completed the revision and editing tour for 12-String one, and the first thing I have to say is I suck. Not in any major way, I just forget a lot of question marks and general punctuation at the end of paragraphs.

Those are the sort of thing I simply don't see when reading through my work. It's a dyslexia thing. Basically, I have to assume I understand what is written there half the time, and it becomes easier when I was the one who wrote it.

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Another lesson learned.

It seems, by caring too much, I've inadvertantly hurt someone. So...from now on, I am staying OUT of other people's lives completely. I'm not answering questions, or offering advice, or anything else remotely like that ever again. In fact, consider this my withdrawal from the "community" et al!

Every fucking time I let my feelings get hold of me and I care too much, I end up with someone being hurt! Well, I'm done. Carry on without me!

Catherine Linda Michel

Please refrain from commenting on this blog, as I will answer none of them.

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Borrowing a quote from "You meant it for evil"

I read this quote from the latest chapter of "You meant it for evil" and It just describes the choice of transition for me perfectly:


“What happened to you is a dream come true for someone with a mind like yours. Reality for most people like you is harder and sadly, with the intolerance of society, born to some degree from the way most of us are put together, ends up being a decision between two bad choices. Either hide who you are inside and pretend to fit in or make the change and live with the consequences."


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Bad Start to the Day

Danielle J told you about her Racoon , well my day stared at 7:20 AM when a deer jumped out in front a my car I hit it going about 50 MPH it bounced over my engine hood then slid about 30 or 40 feet and got up and ran away can't say as much for my car. The left front fender, headlight assemble, bumper has a rip and the engine hood is rippled so it cost $500.00 dollars as a deductable and the loss of the car for a few days.I am OK just a very fast heart beat. Oh and 1 of my dogs was so frightened he threw up. What a way to start St Patricks day-----------HUGS and KISSES RICHIE2 P.S.

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Repressed Memory - I just had my 'Ah Hah!' moment

I can't begin to describe what I'm feeling right now. Relief? Understanding? I don't know. I like it. It's like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders. I finally know the exact moment when I realized I was a girl, and why I fought it for so long.

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well, that was fun while it lasted.....

Well, the job is done. I thought they would give me the whole 2 weeks to try it, but they decided I just wasnt aggressive enough to be able to do it. On the one hand, I am pretty upset about that, but I am trying to focus on the positive. I got a chance to try out being Dorothy in a real-life situation, and didn't do all that badly. But now, the hard part. I will probably have to file Dorothy away and look for a job as Todd. Ah, well.

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Takin a break

OK here's the deal. I am taking a break here; rethinkin what I am gonna write, and I am sort of tired of the ideas that some people are pushing at me. No drama here, I'm just standing up for myself. I am finding that certain things I do just retraumatise me, so I'm not gonna do them any more. That would be dumm. I'm not answering any more calls that are unlisted.

I'm gonna finish Lt Katia and write an end to Ms Frankenstein. After that I don't know what I am gonna write. And no, I am not on skype all the time anymore.

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Hit me with your best shot!

So recently, I posted chapter 2 of my story "Aurora"... It was subtitled "Trick or Treat?"... It's possible that you didn't see it, as I've only managed 2 comments on it... Then again it has gotten over 1600 reads/views at last check.

Now admittedly it was a long wait between parts one and two, and it's possible that you read the lastest chapter at TGFiction.Net or LG Tales instead of here, but I have gotten NO NEW comments at either of those sites either.

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I'm still alive

I have come to the realization that writing from the perspective of a serial killer is bad for my health as a writer.

The first time I wrote an episode of Obsession, I was gone for four months.

This time, being better prepared, I was able to get back into writing after only a week.

That being said, I am so far behind with 12-String that I kick myself constantly. I am writing it, though, and am about 2/3rds done with the current chapter, and have already had the first third proofed for the first time.

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Unpubing or deleting stories

Due to your work load Erin, I did not send this directly to you in hopes that someone else can help me with this. There are a few of my stories that I don't feel good about and I would like to either unpub them or delete them. I thought there was a place that I could access to just unpub them but have not found it. Can someone help me.

Much peace


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Skitt's Law / Muphry's Law

Just poking around the 'nets and I tripped over something I'd like to share. I've been waaaaay guilty of this myself, so I'm not posting it to shame anyone, just for the lulz (as the kids say). (Disclaimer: stolen wholesale from Wikipedia. No original content beyond this point. Formatting automagically screwed up by cut-n-paste. See the original in Wikipedia if you want to see the footnotes.)

Skitt's Law:

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New spot for posting stories

Hi folks. Joe of Joe Six-Pack fame here.

If you haven't seen it yet, I've put together a new tg fiction site called TG Storytime. The site is still in a low-profile beta mode, but I'd like to invite everyone here to give it a look, and I'd especially like the writers here to submit their work. It's not important if the work is new or old.

We're starting to gain some momentum, and every new story that's getting posted has been getting several hundred reads in a matter of hours.

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Backsliding, Depression and stuff

WARNING: This is going to be long, and perhaps a little nonsensical/cyclical. I'm pouring it all out into text to get it out of my system, but I promise it has a happy ending.

Depression sucks. I know that's stating an obvious fact, but I ended up giving myself a swift kick in the rear today, so I needed to write about it because that's why I started blogging in the first place, over two years ago. I want to be able to look back at this and laugh someday. Call me conceited, but I also want to stand as another reminder to others that no one suffers alone.

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Living 2 lives

Well, two days into the new job, and I am not sure about how long it will last. The pressure to sell is amazing, and I just dont have the way with jokes that some of the others do. Plus, I am dealing with having to do a quick-change before I go home - putting my Dorothy clothes in a bag and putting on male ones. The clothes are a symptom of the fact I am currently living 2 lives.

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I was living a lie: The 16st bodybuilding father

I was living a lie: The 16st bodybuilding Father who is now a glamorous FEMALE model

Read more:

I found this surfing the net and was on the UK On-line Paper: "MAILOnline" She also has a 9 yr old daughter that fully except's her, interresting story! Richard

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Unusual heels...

Apparently this week is the 100th anniversary of the Cheltenham Festival, so a betting company commissioned some designers to create some appropriate footwear to auction off for charity.

Apparently they feature an imitation hoof made from carbon fibre and up to 5,000 individual horse hairs. And have a guide price of  £1,300.

Definitely for those with more money than sense.

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What Happened To

What Happened To

By Stanman63

Tried to gain access to site, but get : The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respo
The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

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Year long Wait has finally gotten hear and treasures await

I'm freakin crazyly happy, of course its last minute but hell if i ain't smiling...the long wait for my first appointment with my endocrinologist is here friday afternoon, I am so syked I have been waiting since february 2010 and livin fl time (without name change)(family doc retired just before i went to book the appointment needed to sign a section in the application) :( since April or May woot woot hormone train is just around the bend i can't wait :)))

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Updated Heathers

Okay... clearly I am a bit more chipper than the last time I posted. :D So there you go on that one.

I am two chapters up on the editing of 300 Rains and the story is going well. I am up to April 5th in the time line and moving forward. Soon our intrepid Heroine will be traveling to Brazil and her eventual showdown with the Tribe. That should be good. As long as I am still ahead of the curve I should be able to keep posting things on time.

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my first day on the job

Well, I finished my 1st day of work as Dorothy. The good news is that my trans status mattered not at all. After the morning meeting, nobody failed to call me Dorothy, and a couple of girls walked with me to a coffee place for lunch, and obviously had no problem being seen with me. The only bad news is that the job is rather stressful, insofar that you are under some pressure to make sales. Keep praying for me.

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Craptastic Week

Edeyn Okay, there is a forum I belong to that has a thread called, "Unfunny Comics," which is essentially to try to laugh at misfortune a bit, but also so others there can commiserate with you.

This week has been especially rough on me (well, from the 4th to today, the 13th). The below were my contributions to the "Unfunny Comics" thread for Thursday, Friday, and Sunday, respectively.

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This may be a bit off topic, but...

I couldn't let the opportunity pass to comment on the Skin Horse comic for Sunday 3/13. It is a wonderful homage to a great comic artist, Walt Kelly. Some of you will remember the Pogo comic strip in the papers.

Those who are not familiar with this true gem should find what you can and read it carefully. One of the other classic Pogo quotes is, "We have seen the enemy, and he is us."

Who could add to that?


ps: here's a link to the image:

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A night out to celebrate

Well, last night I got a chance to celebrate my upcoming job with the local tg group. Everyone was, of course, thrilled for me, and several took the time to calm my nervousness by telling me they can see my growing confidence in terms of portraying a run-of-the-mill woman. (As opposed to me feeling like a I looked like a man in drag) Still got a lot of butterflies in my tummy though. A prayer for me about Monday would be appreciated.

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Story idea up for grabs

A slightly odd story idea that came to me in a dream...

A group of teenagers arrive at a disused holiday camp (in the dream it appeared as a pair of linked islands, the North containing a mini-mansion designed for group leaders, the South containing deteriorating simple log platforms and structures designed for use for camper accommodation) determined to 'do it up' as they enjoyed their times there and didn't want it sold off to a developer.

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Notes on We Can't Hide The Way We Feel

Earlier tonight, I posted the first part of We Can't Hide The Way We Feel. It occurs to me that some of the punch is lost if one isn't familiar with St. Trinian's. St. Trinian's is a fictional girls' school, first described in the cartoons of Ronald Searle, and later in a series of movies in the 1950s, and again in two movies in recent years. I think I assumed more people would be familiar with the recent movies than was likely.

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Spare a moment of prayer for our Japanese friends.

Japan has experienced a most devastating earthquake and tsunami. Hundreds are confirmed dead, and thousands are still among the missing. It might not be over yet either, as reports coming out of Japan seem to indicate that a damaged nuclear plant might be in meltdown.

The quake is the 5th biggest EVER recorded and the tsunamis spawned by it have already impacted Hawaii and the east coast of the U.S. Please say a prayer for those who have died, for those who are missing, and for a country that will have a horrible time recovering.

in sadness, I am,
Catherine Linda Michel

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The action in my post "62 hours" went wonderfully.

I can't believe how easily everything went.
I had to wait until the court room opened at 9AM, and was out before 9:15, after teh judge (GG) made a little joke about it.

"Holly Happy Hart, I think that is one of the best names I've ever heard I hope you'll be very, ( short pause ), HAPPY, ( second short pause ) with it." This in front of a courtroom full of people. I wonder how often she gets to use a bit of fun word play?

By 9:30 I had several certified copies of the decree.

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OT: New tablet purchase

Ok, my last Velo is dying a slow death. Battery is not charging and I figure I need a new portable device. The Velo is easier to type on than either the Dell Axim oir the Blackberry Bold, but lacks "bling". Looking at the new BlackBerry PlayBook from Rim (I want to play HD video and stuff) and the iPad is a nonstarter. Also, does anyone know if it will play Netflix? What other options might there be out there? I was looking at the Xoom, but I don't really want another phone. Too many toys and not enough work options :(


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I'm in the midst of a panic attack.

A somewhat mild one, to be sure, but panic nonetheless. Reality has just come crashing down around my ears, what with the name change now being in the hands of the court and everything else. I've spent the last few days, surrounded by workmen who are doing stuff around the house thats needed done forever, and either none of them have twigged to the fact that I'm not a GG, or they just don't give a damn about it.

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I am going to go into the store and scream and them

I just installed the update for java for my mac and now I can't run a java app and other stuff keeps crashing too. If i cant get this fixed, I am going to schedule an appointment and if they give me crap about being out of warranty then I am going to raise my voice and demand they fix it until I'm screaming.

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For those on a Pacific Coast and those in Japan

If you are on a Pacific Coastline please move to higher ground. For those in Japan, I hope you are safe.

There was a monster earthquake in Japan. 8.9!

Please get to a safe area.

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Gabi Bunton RIP

I'm sorry to confirm that my suspicions were correct last night and Gabi was found dead by the neighbours I'd asked to check on her. I don't yet know cause of death, but I suspect that it was a heart attack.

I have lost a dear friend and very good editor. I'm just hoping I can get to the funeral as it's a couple of hour's drive from here.

My commiserations to all her e-friends on this site who will be very saddened by this news at least I had the pleasure of meeting Gabi a couple of times and hundreds of hours of telephone conversations.


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Here's the Deal

I was originally going to write my Green Arrow sequel next but it looks like my Red Devil story was a little more popular than I thought and numerous people have asked me to continue it. So I'm going to write a few more chapters of ot until I find a satisfying conclusion. After that I'll move onto the further adventures of Olivia Queen. I've already created a Title Page for the story and am hard at work on a next chapter and changed some of the perimeters on my first part to match. It should be up soon, maybe in a day or two.

Now I've got to get back to my game and finish playing :)

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Is Norton going out of business?

As part of the continuing saga of computer woes, I have been completely unable to find a phone number for Norton. There is the Norton Community Forum, but so far the posts there are mostly complaining about Norton's unresponsiveness to their problems. Did the founder of the company sell out or something? Maybe I should buy a Mac?

Much peace


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