Things Are Looking Up!!!

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Things Are Looking Up!!!

New developments regarding all sorts of stuff. My vertigo has been diagnosed as Vestibular Dysfunction, which is being treated with physical therapy to the promise of greatly improved balance and perhaps elimination of falling altogether.

Mrs. D still loves me madly, but seems to see this part of me as something we can overcome together rather than something in which to rejoice. That she still loves me and wants the best for me gives me hope, but it has been discouraging to me that her worldview is so different than mine; likely because at one time we both shared her worldview until I began to remember so much what defined who I am so long ago. Please pray if you will and do? I am so much more encouraged and I feel more 'like' Andrea than at any other time in my life. It will be worth every sacrifice and even having things remain as they are if in this part of my life I can provide you with hope and encouragement.

I'm still enjoying life as much as possible as my health improves, and as I said in a previous post; despite how horrific the last two years have been, they've also likely been the best two years of my life, due in no small part to many of you, and for that I am eternally grateful. As a dear friend continues to remind me; every step forward is good, so I must say that it's very, very good, indeed. Much love! Andrea

Musical Piece The Days Between from
The Step Mom
Composed by John Williams


Glad to hear...

It's never easy on those we love - when we aren't the person they THOUGHT we were. Best wishes to you and the missus on working through things. Would it be "nice" if they could just see us as the person we are, and realize that's the person they love. But, changing one's "world view" is not easy... They have a LOT of issues, not least wondering if we're female, what does that make them? Lesbians?

As long as you're both working through things, specially together, then I believe it has to be good. While we may be rejoicing at becoming ourselves, our families do need to work. That said, in order to be the person we need to be, there is a LOT of work we need to do, or we'll continually run into obstacles.

I do continue to hope that things continue in a favorable direction. When things go bump, expect this. Only when things seem to be going ever so smoothly should you "worry".




Mrs. D still loves me madly, but seems to see this part of me as something we can overcome together rather than something in which to rejoice.

Together. At least Mrs. D says you and she will do something (with you) together. That is important. She could have said, "Work on this alone." "I, don't want to hear about this." Or something even worse. So its not what you want, but it is a first step. She is sticking around with you.

I think the terminology worldview is probably correct. She sees things as they were and you want her to see things as they are and through a different pair of lenses. Slowly try and see if she can change those lenses, even a little bit. Baby steps, one at a time.



Overcoming our troubles

I am so glad that you are doing better now. I have really bad hearing and along with that comes balance problems. It only occurs when I am standing stationary, and I still ride my bike and climb things. I just make sure that I have a good grip on things if a momentary circuit disruption occurs. :)

I do hope that you and your wife can keep on sharing without being judgemental. Please try to accept that when women hear about GID, in their mind it is always their fault, all about them. After having lived as one in stealth for several years, listening to the stories of women, and at times being subjected to the same presures as they incur, I can see that women are programmed to feel that way and as men, we can not fix it.

At one time, my wife and I spoke of everything, right down to certain hygene problems I had as a result of not being circumcised. Yeah, I know that one might be tempted to say that is TMI but I chose it to illustrate my point so please do not us it to negate the value of what I said.

I very strongly suspect that there is a way to learn to live out our feminine natures in a manner that will not utterly destroy the structure of love we have around us. I pray that for you as well.

Much peace



You might want to sit down and list the five most wonderful things about your spouse.

Then tear up that list and just enjoy her --- because even a person who falls down a lot should know there aren't many people that you can list five wonderful things about.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)