I've done a careful job, up to now, of keeping this byline (a nickname my sisters had for me in their youngest years) separate from all my other activities.
One of those activities started nearly two decades ago when a marriage / handfasting I'd hoped would last lifetimes crashed and burned. Seeing the lack of responsibility my now-ex was showing, I took over being the primary caregiver for my two infant/toddler sons.
The kids weren't the hard part, because doing for them what they needed was automatic. What was hard was dealing with the external forces -- family, social and official -- which were poised or moving to step in and impose their presumed authority because I was "single parenting while male", without venting my opinion of this imposition and giving them that excuse to swoop in and take us over. Some of my stranger interests and inclinations had to be put aside or buried deep, both because caring for my children took priority (there's no such thing as a winner in a divorce, there's only the walking wounded and the barely-living, and my kids did not come away undamaged just because I kept them in touch with their mother; they needed a lot of primary attention as proof-of-caring), and because, in the harsh sociopolitical climate foist on us all after 11sep01 where DHS looked steadily more like nascent Stasi, they might have been used as such excuses.
My youngest son recently turned 18. We're all legal adults here now, immune to state agencies poking their presumptions of authority in just-because. We made it. Now I can resume exploring the topic of 'the penultimate frontier', gender. (The ultimate frontier, for this Spiritualist-inclined Witch, is form and maya/matter itself and what lies beyond it and time, but we've got to learn to be fully-human, not just half-human, before we can hope to ascend to be more than that.)
I don't have any new stories ready to drag out of hiding. I have half-finished or barely-begun chunks written in left-over attention, some of which might be workable when I turn primary attention towards them. I'm not about to promise that any of them will have the same quality, whatever that was, as before, only that they'll get the attention they deserve.
What I'm doing here is explaining why I was always vague and elusive, why I felt it necessary to all-but-vanish, and what changed that I can now resume showing a presence.
It sounds like that was
a damned hard and lonely journey to travel. I'll look forward to seeing your stuff, until then welcome back.
Bailey Summers
Welcome! (back?)
Don't recall you, but it's good to have somebody come home! Hopefully your muse will arise from her long nap feeling refreshed and ready to go! Nice to meet you!.
* * *
"Girls are like pianos, when they're not upright they're grand!" Benny Hill
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I'm still kind of a newbie, but I want to welcome you back!
Real life can be a pain, but from the tone of your post, I look forward to seeing your writings! Welcome back, I'll be watching for you!
I recall
a rather interesting Druidic tale... or maybe there's two, sort of melding in memory... anyway, glad life has worked out for the moment at least.
Now I remember!
Checked FM and found you!!! You wrote "Hookups", definitely one of my fav stories! Didn't check here first, maybe I should have, but if it isn't here you should bring it (and your other stories) over and post them here!
Edit: At least some of them are here but I'm not sure all of them are.
* * *
"Girls are like pianos, when they're not upright they're grand!" Benny Hill
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
There's a few.
"Hookups" is here. "One Good Turn" was posted only at Stardust and I'll be bringing it over here; ditto "Island Run" and "Just A Matter Of Time", over at FM. At that point BCTS will have everything authored under this byline and then I can see about knocking some of the rust off my writing.
And "Dear Friend" if I recall the title correctly
An intense and wonderfully crafted short story of the life changing effects genetic tinkering by unethical *hacker* types causes to one of two dear friends. For sci-fi it was terribly real life in feel and it made me cry at times. One of the best things I've ever read here at BC or any TG lit oriented site and there are some damned fine stories here.
That Karen _J says she rates one of your tales, Hook-ups, as among her most favorites is high praise as a number of her's are on my personal best-of-the-best list.
Congrads and a big thank you for being the respocible parent yet not cutting your children of from their mother inspite of her failings and how it hurt you. To assign blame, to consider divorce a contest is folly. Salvaging what can be salavged and minimizing the damage is far more realistic and ultimately healthy. I feel sorry for you, your ex-wife and children but it sounds like you did the best you could.
I wish you well in future with your own personal journey -- IE the gender thing you mentioned -- and I hope to see more of your writing someday.
And I thank you once again for some fine advice you gave me a few years back about magic related to my Timeout series, hopefully coming out of it's three-year-long slumber.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I can relate so very well to what you lived through, since I am going through a very similar experience with my daughters. Though I still have a few years before they reach mayority (aka 18).
Welcome here to BCTS, and all the best to you in your future endeavours.
Welcome back. I too rate
Welcome back. I too rate Hook-ups as one of my favourite short stories, here or elsewhere.