Altira's blog

Shaving Mishap

Hey BC, last week I had a go at shaving my legs for the first time. Turns out it was a bad idea as I was unprepared, though I managed not to cut myself at least. My advice if you have lots of hair have a bag full of disposable razors at the ready. I blunted mine before I got past my knees and whilst it could still handle the longer hairs it could no longer get the stubble; that was itchy for a while. I fixed it by buying some hair removal cream so I'm fine now. Probably should have asked for some advice before I tried but whats done is done.


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Summer, Tesla Coils and Editing

Hey Everyone, college has broken up for the summer and I'm planning to spend a lot more time writing. I'm also, as a slightly random idea, going to build a tesla coil. I'm probably going to build the type that uses a spark gap but it would be awesome if I could build a solid state, which can be used to play music (if tuned right anyway).

I would also like to have a go a some editing so if anyone has a story/chapter that they want editing please send it my way. I wont feel insulted in any way if you send it in for a second opinion as I have never done this before

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