I'm having computer problems again. Once more my romance entry is nearly completed, but may be lost. This is the third time I've had to write parts of it over again due to virus's, and this time a POST problem. Just as bad, LL's excellent Retcon Star Wars rekindled my muse for my own Retcon story involving Ms Marvel. Tired last night, I shut down without backing up like I usually do, so all of that may be lost too.
As for the nature of the problem, I shut down last night, and this morning although it would turn on, no signal is reaching the monitor. A bit of trouble shooting assures me that it's not the monitor. I did find the vid card fan frozen soild but going to the on board card didn't help either. So I found one problem but there may be another. Since I'm not in the right 'space' to deal with this right now, I'm simply putting it aside for the moment.
So maybe one day these stories will see the light of day, but I'm afraid it might take awhile.
Computer Problems.... again!
Have you tried any of the products that are supposed to eliminate viruses?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
No use
this time Stan. The virus was overcome by the simple expedient of a fresh install of XP. This is yet another problem only a week after I did that. It doesn't rain, it pours. Could the problems be related? I don't know. The virus's could've caused hardware damage I guess. I know the vid card has a problem that might or might not be fixable with a little oil. The rest...I don't know.
Since Brandy DeWinter has a new story up as well as new Morphus and Chris Leeson stories too, I'm just going to kool out for awhile. Maybe I'll be able to look on this problem in a better frame of mind. Losing material again and again really, really sucks. Yeah, I know backup, backup, and backup, but it still sucks!
Oh dear :-( The only
Oh dear :-(
The only possible thing I can think of as to why the onboard refuses to boot is that the motherboard still thinks it's supposed to be sending video feeds to the card instead, but I have no idea how to switch it over manually (I haven't used a motherboard with onboard video in ages)
I hope you're able to get it fixed without losing your work :-(
Did you go into bios and change the video back over to on-board. I know on my bios that's what I have to do, this way it knows whether or not to look in the agp slot.
K.T. Leone
My fiction feels more real than reality
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
AGP... geesh...
What kind of dinosaurs are you people using? I know my particular machines are a bit out of most people's reach when they don't prioritize geeky things like I do, but still... You can get something that at least runs win7 (which I severely doubt a PC still using an AGP slot could do) for around 200 dollars.
Abigail Drew.
I can sympathize...
...I lost an entire portfolio of illustrations for future stories plus Word Docs. for about half of what I've written over the past couple of years, so I can feel for you. Just for that, I give you the incomparable Rita Coolidge...
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Good choice!
And for some variety, my own personal favorite version; Mssrs. Bruce and Baker and Clapton!
Yeah? So what if they're guys! Maybe guaranteed to chase away not just viruses but the blues as well?
Post Script...
....I'd love to look like her! Rita Coolidge is a very lovely woman, aye?
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Possible fix...
Yank the battery on the motherboard, unplug the power. Let it sit for 10 min, put the battery back in and give it another try. This will reset the board to factory defaults and should restore your onboard video function.
IM, PM, or give a call if that doesn't do it for you, OK?
How the hell do you get such
How the hell do you get such viruses? Did you open a spam mail and executed the attachment?
To protect myself while surfing I use firefox + addblock + noscript.
To recover your stuff... You might want to use a data recovery tool (just google download data recovery tool), which allows you to get your files back even after you formated your hard drive.
About your problem with the video card...
I had a similar problem with my pc once. The trick was to seperate the pc from the power source for over a half hour. (the monitor needed to be connected during the reconnection of the power though) After I did that, I got a signal even after windows started. (I had a signal while booting but it stopped when windows loaded). If that doesn't help you might want to ask for help with your local computer shop ^^
No Beyogi
I was researching for a story and hit a virus pit. It wrote in this redirect into my browser as well as hitting my root directory. I tried for a week to get rid of it all, but like I said I finally just did a fresh install of XP. This latest problem is unrelated, I think. For all I know the virus could've damaged my hardware. At the very least I need a new vid card since the fan is frozen I'm guessing with the bearings shot. This appears to just be more of my incredible bad luck that hits me at times. Makes me afraid to go outside sometimes.
I know how that feels. Although I don't have a problem of a virus destroying work (at least not in over 8 years), I do get these awful redirect worms. Which is darn stupid. I have used all kinds of softwares. Two of them removed the virus, but none removed the rootkit without asking me for payment. Geh! And they only asked for credit cards, which I have none.
So my only option may be to send my laptop to Acer's regional repair center. I am looking at two week's worth of living without a computer.
Try Malwarebytes
If the software won't remove the issue, they will help you on their support forum all for no charge. It can take a while for them to get to you as they are quite busy, and you have to follow their directions exactly.
Here's the support forum: http://forums.malwarebytes.org//
Here's the software download link: http://www.malwarebytes.org/
The purchased version adds active protection. The free version has the same scanning and removal capability as the purchased version. If you need the forum's help, I suggest you start with "Malware Removal Guides and Self Help Guides" and "Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs" forums in the "Computer Help" section.
A lot of people think my security measures are excessive...
But, if you're interested, I use the following:
SpywareBlaster: http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html
SpywareGuard: http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareguard.html
Spybot: http://www.safer-networking.org/index2.html
Avira AntiVir: http://www.avira.com/en/avira-free-antivirus
some form of browser-based popup and ad blocking.
I also keep a very strict custom-written firewall... this last I can't really help you with, I have a dedicated machine on my network performing this purpose.
Abigail Drew.
I'm a geek, and sometimes I'll make my own web pages... So I use more than one browser and have popup and ad blockers installed in each...
For firefox, popup blocking is included in the browser and on by default (so is script blocking btw, just not turned on by default... so the no_script addon is kinda useless really)...
Ad blocking in Firefox is best provided by Adblock Plus, which should have been shoved in your face almost immediately after installing Firefox.
Abigail Drew.
Adblock plus is pretty much
Adblock plus is pretty much my reason for using firefox ^^
It's amazing how much fun internet becomes when it isn't overloaded with ads.