Well, If I needed any proof that my daughter isnt ready for me to be out with her as Dorothy, yesterday provided it. I had woken up at 330 pm in a panic, thinking I had forgotten to pick her up from school. I hurriedly put on a t-shirt and shorts and ran out to the school, only to find her gone, picked up by my mother, who had told me she would before I went to sleep, only I had forgotten. So I went home, and they came home right after, and my daughter took one look at me and freaked out. I hadn't realized it, but I had grabbed a ladies t shirt I use as a camisole by mistake. It had a black and white picture of a flower on the front, and that was enough to condemn it in my daughter's eyes as being inappropriate for a man. So I guess I have no choice but to stay in the closet or have her have a breakdown. Ah, well.
3rd Alternative
No, there is a possible third alternative. First is to get everyone on board as to what you plan on doing. That you, your mom and your daughter's mom (I guess your ex-wife) and anyone else that needs to be part of this. Then make a concrete plan of action, based on her age. Then slowly, very slowly, begin to introduce the concept that people are different. Then explain differences. Continue with other steps necessary to acheive your goal.
Unfortunately, the worst that could happen did. She was taken by surprise. You also were in a state of shock before this all happened, and did not expect the confrontation. I am sure you reacted poorly, as did her mom, before she freaked out. Her raction was compounded by yours. Instead of being able to cover it up, or make a joke about it, you probably froze up.
Somehow, you need to make up a story to explain it away. At this time concot something plausible, that will explain it away, but not something too transparent, and not something she may hold against you as you tell her more.
Her age and inteligence are importnat factors.
since I do not know what her mom thinks and does about all of this, what I just said may be for naught.
Hope for the best.
Some explanation
Some time back, someone here mentioned the movie "Just like a Woman" and provided a link to YouTube. (BTW, the film does a very good job of describing gender variance.) There the protagonist gets caught with his toenails painted bright red by the daughter of a co-boarder when he is called to the phone before he ready for breakfast. His explanation is that it gets rid of athleet's feet. And so his secret remained safe with his landlady while the the other boarder just seemed to think "crazy yank".
Freaking out my daughter
She may not be ready for Dorothy, yet. But may, in time.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine