Well, I just got back from my daughter's 10th birthday party, so I thought I would take a second and introduce her to you all. She is develepmently delayed, mentally and emotionally more like 6 than 10, suffers from ADHD, and her favorite pasttime is climbing her daddy and trying to sit on my head, while trying to convince me to be more like James Bond. She doesnt understand why her dad is so "girly and wierd" (her words), but she does love me anyway. I am reaching the point in my gender issues that I dont know how much longer I can keep things under wraps, but without a job that would be able to pay for it, transition isnt in the cards. Ah, well.
You're in Good Company
You know you're in good company don't you?? I started to tell my 3 boys (19-26)in January. Saner minds prevailed, and I'm waiting for the youngest to finish High School in June. My kids have always known I was somewhat "different" but never attributed it to being TG. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts they all are a little bit homophobic, and I don't think they understand the difference. ((Sigh)) I suspect many of us are either in the same boat, are about to set sail, or have finished their boat ride. Be Strong.
I hope your company is one that understands and will help you as you transition. My best wishes for you.
Blessings (and prayers),
Good company too. :)
I have three sons in pretty much the same boat. My oldest is fifteen years old. He's very intelligent, but suffers from a number of 'alphabet soup' syndromes. Asperger's (high functioning autism,) ADD, ADHD, atypical bipolar... the diagnoses are subject to change without notice.
There has been some research that shows a connection between the various forms of PDD (Pervasive Developmental Delay) and GID. Also, rather ironically, two geeks (analytical types for the PC crowd)getting together to produce little geeks tends to produce more than their fair share of PDD kids.
My youngest has definite signs of GID, so I am subtly working to educate the others in the family so that they won't be too shocked if Gabriel decides that he wants to be Gabrielle. Also, I'm quite open about it with him, and make sure that he knows that I love him just the way he is. He's a very energetic and creative child, and takes great pride in being a 'horrendous brat' or a 'cute and feisty.'
I have brought up the possibility with some of the counselors working with our family, but they generally say that it's too soon for things like that to show up.
Shows you what they don't know, eh? I don't mind opening their eyes a bit.
Well, I generally tell them that most transsexuals know that something is wrong quite early in life -- like generally around four years of age.
Anyhow, I'm glad you enjoy your daughter. We parents make lots of mistakes, but loving our kids and genuinely taking delight in them makes up for a lot of errors.