TopShelf Blogs

A word from our sponsor:


I'm never going to learn

This only vaguely has anything to do with anything more than I'm frustrated and decided to vent here rather than there.

There of course being the name for the inside of the old freezer I keep the bodies in...

any hoo

So years ago I played Magic the Gathering with my little brother.

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Change of Plans

My next story was going to be a Mattie story but frankly every chance that I've tried to write it I just can't seem to come up with a thing for it. So I'm going to put the story on hold for a while and move onto something else. I've got a couple more ideas, I'm not sure which one is going to come first though.

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Missouri Author Wins Award For Transgender Teen Fiction

Looks like a TG day in the news today.

”‹Brian Katcher's 2009 novel, Almost Perfect, has been grabbing attention and awards -- it just snagged the 2011 Stonewall Children's and Young Adult Literature Award.

This story sounds so much like so many we can find right here. It's nice to see a story about a TG teen get an award.



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Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 17 posted on Fictioneer

I've posted chapter 17 of Amanda's Eyes on Fictioneer. As before, no tg content but a good dose of teen angst and romance. Some here have shown interest.

Amanda finds some friends, Ken does an over the top halloween display and we see Kelly starting to understand what she's done.


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Disney goes TG ... Sort of

In a storyline that could have come right out of TopShelf, Disney's Wizards of Waverly Place now features a transgendered character, in a roundabout way.

For those not familiar with the series, it's about a family of wizards living in the modern world and how they cope with everyday situations.

One of the staple characters, Max, was inadvertently magically transformed into a young girl, "Maxine", on the last episode. The promo "and she might be sticking around awhile" is what amused me enough to finally post about it.

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Do I Suck?

Recently an author asked if her writing sucked. Since writing is such a personal journey let's make that "Do I suck?"

Every author on Big Closet should look at Sue Brown's latest story . . . the second book of Football Girl.

It is as good as there is on BC. Yet, her latest chapter which was posted over two weeks ago has "only" attracted 1,475 hits, 88 kudos and 14 comments.

Many, many stories attract two to three thousand hits within the first two weeks of posting.

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Back on solid ground.

Well, after several days of feeling fragile, I now feel like I am back on solid ground. Which is a good thing, because I think things are going to get tough around here. Between my job and my mom's job both being insecure, and all the internal stuff i am dealing with, I need to be thinking as clearly as possible. Meanwhile, my GF is feeling better too, and that's a relief.

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Promised update

So just a quick update on the college front, since I promised a few of you I'd keep you posted when I knew something.

Essentially, I'm going to wait until the summer to start classes. I know this sounds like a cop-out, or that I'm backing out again, but really, it's not, and I actually owe you guys for it not being so for once :-)

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My tiolet seat took a shit

After reading all the really downer blogs as of late I thought I would share something more positive, maybe. Last night I had to use the tiolet and , yep you guessed it, The toilet seat broke at the most inconvienent time. Well today I had to fix it or Mrs. C would have to go down stairs to do what she does. After who know how many years the nuts on the bolts were gone, rusted to the rust God in the sky. Mrs. C bought me one of those Fien cutters, only a knock off and well the battery went dead and now I'm waiting for it to charge. Why you wonder, am I writing this blog?

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Illness derailing Rains

Due to Illness the next chapter of 300 Rains is postponed. This last week I have been quite sick and often too tired to read, let alone write. So I have done no editing and very little reading and I am still plan on crashing early. I think it is safe to say that I have slept 30-32 hours of the last 48 and it was comparable the 48 prior to that. Next week I should have a chapter ready for you all. Sorry and take care.


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I Wanted To Share This

I had heard of the "Color Personality Test" oh a year or so ago, and tried to take it. Unfortunately, the site had been taken down because of too many hits. It was almost like a DOS attack - except they were all legitimate hits!!

You can find the test at

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Does My Story Really Suck That Much?

Just wondering: Is my story Portia and the Double Whammy really that bad? Sixty reads, and not one kudo, not even a negative comment. Maybe the kudos aren't working. I guess real life situations are not that popular. Oh well, back to the drawing board.


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on-line GF

I had avoided talking about this, mostly because she reads this blog on occasion (and has no interest in performing for others) but I love her dearly, and right now, i am very scared. Last night, she sounded so depressed, in fact suicidal, and there is nothing i can do to help. I dont live close, i dont even have a rl phone number i can call her on. I am stuck hoping she is smart enough to seek help. Hon, if you read this, please hold on, okay?

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Kudos? What Kudos?

I'm probably well behind here and have missed something important, like the announcement that Kudos being interrupted for a while, which would explain where mine's gone. I've checked all the blogs back to before the New Year and haven't found anything. Have I not gone back far enough?

I just looked one day and there it wasn't.

Now compared to someone like Ang, whose Kudos looked like a phone number, mine just looked like loose change, but now I don't even have a zero.

Is it trying to tell me that I need to write something new?

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It Gets Better

Don't know if anyone has been following the It Gets Better Project (, but it's been one awesome YouTube video after another, telling bullied LGBTQ kids (and others) that there is hope for their future lives, that they are valued and will be loved, that the despair, isolation, and bullying of high school is but a temporary hurdle, and not to go and off themselves. Ordinary folks and famous ones, the powerless and the powerful are participating with wonderful supporting videos. They're not all gold, but some of them are outstanding.

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Bridges and the Town of Fairbanks.

I just wanted to make it clear the town of Fairbanks in my story isn't located in Alaska it's a town I made up in Alberta. It is not in Alaska. I made sure to mention that the town was in Alberta. And Just to Clarify things, Bridgeview is made up as well.

Sorry for any confusion everyone.

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Transgender Munsters

Transgender Munsters

By Stanman63

In the Munster TV series, there was an episode where Grandpa Munster changed into a blond woman while Herman wore a cowboy outfit, then Eddie became a blond moppet. In another episode, Herman was zapped by lightning to become Fred Gwinn {actor who played him]. Then Grandpa used his lab and the human Herman was changed into Lady Herman only to be zapped again and become himself again. Of course there maybe more episodes or movies that qualify.

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trying to hold on

Well, I am basically trying to hold on until my Dr.'s appointment on January 28. I don't really want to need to call in before then, but it's touch and go whether I am going to make it or not. It makes me wonder why I have such trouble asking for help. I think it is because of of my rapist being a doctor, but i am not sure. I dont even know why i am feeling so fragile right now. Is it the meds, dealing with flashbacks, my gender struggle, or maybe all three at once?

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Lost Blog.

I just posted a long blog about the uncanny parrallels between Steph's (Cyclist) story called Sweat and tears and the many abuses I suffered in care from aged six to fourteen.
The blog disappeared into the ether when I pressed submit so it's lost forever.

I'll try again.

In 1975 just after I got married, my wife, (to whom I'm still married)persuaded me to write a faction about my early life.

I scratched away for several months with pencil and several thick notebooks and then the story sat around in my attic for nearly 30 years.

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Who's to marry Who's Daughter

Here's one for Sci-Fi fans: the 10th Doctor is to marry the 5th Doctor's daughter. Who once played the 10th Doctor's daughter/clone.

Well, he is on record as talking about the "wibbly wobbly timey wimey" nature of his travels, so I guess anything's possible...

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My dad is doing well in hospital so far, cross your fingers

My dad who will be 84 on March 25 underwent surgery Monday to have his right knee replaced. If all goes well he gets the other done this summer.

Between the bridgework -- courtesy of a rollover accident before I was conceived -- two artifical eye lenses and a cow valve in his heart there isn't alot left of the *original equipment*.

-- snicker --

Visited him last night with sis, The Evil BlondeTM, and he's doing well.

Not a real religious type but your prayers are welcome.

John in Wauwatosa

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Whetting your appitite ( I hope)

Well, my muse has made her call, and my "wild card" story drew the short straw, and i have begun the writing for it. To (hopefully) whet the appetite of my five fans (I am kidding, there might be ten of you), i will give you a quick little link to some info on the series:

My story takes place in 1989, just after George H.W. Bush is elected president in the U.S.

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The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984

In the 1969 the United States Congress enacted legisdlation making it legal for 18 year olds to buy, possess, and drink alcohol. This legislation would be in effect until the Reagan Administration's The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 was passed. for more information about what the Alcohol laws were before 1969, please go to a university law library and look at those statutes or if you live in a state capitol, go to the capitol law library. Even Wikipedia says that in the Reagan administration the law was passed declaring 21 to be the minimum drinking age.

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Princess Boys

Did anyone watch the Today Show this morning? They ran a segment on a 5 year old boy who likes to wear sparkly pink dresses and do other "girl" things. He started this when he was about 2. His mother said that she was uncomfortable with this at first and tried to distract him with saying "Why don't you play with this truck?" or other "boy" toys. After a while his older brother asked "Why can't you just let him be happy?" (Out of the mouths of babes!!) The mother then realised that this was HER problem and not his, and now supports him.

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Next Story Question

Now that Best Served Cold is winding down toward the end, I've started developing two new stories. The first will be a follow up Center story, that actually takes place at the same time as Best Served Cold, starring Mattie. The story will fill in some of the blanks of this story.

The second story is How To Be a Hero, a sequel to my Green Arrow story. The story will be told in a similar fashion like the first one, with a combination of present day events and flashbacks.

My question is which one do I do first?

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not the best way to start the new year

Well, its a new year, and i am already hating it. I mentioned to my boss yesterday about my supervisor calling me Dorothy, and she dismissed it saying she would not do that. i had thought she was sympathetic, but I think she was ok with it hypothetically, but cannot deal with it as a reality. That, and today, my brother is taking me for some pants (mens, sadly), and get my hair cut. He just doesnt understand my gender issues at all, and its gotten to the point where being around him is painful. Which bugs me, because growing up, he was my friend, my protector, and in many ways, my idol.

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happy new year!

Well, welcome to a new year, and a new decade. I havent done a lot of writing since finishing part 3 of "the lucky one". but i am less panicked about that than i would have been before. i have my "wild card" story to work on, a couple of ret-con ideas, sequels to a couple of my earlier stories, and my first and probably only attempt at a SRU story, and that's not counting having to try to write my way out of the box i put myself in for the conclusion of "The lucky one".

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Sweat and Tears

From Chapter 14 onward this will be getting extremely dark and very nasty. I will, as is my normal style, not be going into unnecessarily graphic detail as I feel that what happens to young Stevie should be seen as shadows on a wall and not a slow motion porn film. I put some detail into his teenaged fumbling with Emily because I felt that certain aspects of that were essential to the plot, but I will not do that for other bits. Such detail is unnecessary.

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"You Look Beautiful!!"

There was a commercial New Year's Eve party/event in Brooklyn last night, a big one. Two guys who are event organizers have been having these for several years. Three thousand people in a vacant 45,000 square foot industrial loft, themed as an airline terminal, with lots of people in costume. Airline stewardess seemed to be a popular one.

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Coming soon(ish)

Thanks to the love and care of family, the lurgi seems to be subsiding somewhat. I managed to write a bit last night after I woke myself up in a coughing fit, and whatever that may sound like it, it is an improvement on the last week and a bit. I'm hopeful that I may have a post within the next week or so, but please don't hold me to it.

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Happy New Year

To all my dear friends here. Happy New Year.

Here's a lovely song that I absolutely fell in love with and I hope you enjoy as well.

The song is "Nella Fantasia" ("In My Fantasy") and is sung by Katherine Jenkins.

Much Love and all my best wishes to everyone here for the New Year.


Translation Below:


Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto,
Lᬠtutti vivono in pace e in onestá .
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano,

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Goodbye 2010! And Thanks!

This year has been amazing! I have finally made several moves to revealing the real me to my friends and some of my family. Some of them were very surprised, but they've generally accepted me for the girl that I am inside.
I've been able to tell some of my stories, and it feels so good that they've been fairly well accepted. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the friends I've made, and how much enjoyment I've had in enjoying your wonderful stories! Erin and Company, you do so much for all of us! I'm with Zoe Taylor, this is almost therapy for me! Thank you all, so much!

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Happy New Year :-)

First, to get the site business out of the way, I had hoped to have Robin posted up by now, but a mild case of food poisoning has kept me in bed. You can't keep a good author down, though. I think my muse is finally returning from her vacation, so we'll see what happens :-)

I do want to wish everyone a very happy New Year. I was going to post a blog on my two year anniversary of signing on with TopShelf;I'm only a few days late! It sounds harsh, but glad the holidays are finally over for another year.

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closing in on my anniversary

Well, i was looking at my account the other day, and noticed I had passed the 1 year anniversary of being a member here. However, at the end of January, it will be one year since i published "The saga of E-Girl". A lot has changed for me since then, much of it for the good. I have (hopefully) improved as a writer, I have made some wonderful friends, Wand I have made serious progress in dealing with my rape, as well as my gender status. Who knows what the next year will bring? Not me, that's for sure. I would never have predicted what has happened this one. Happy new year, everybody.

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Vicky Kowalski- 1st Trans person elected trial judge in US

She is the first transgender person known to have been elected as a trial judge and one of very few elected to any office.

Read the article here, before it is archived in a few days.

I followed this election, though I live in the next county.

There was some opposition by some people/groups, but her opponent did not seem to use her gender/gender change as much of an issue.

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Just a heads up.

I got the following email from my Son when I got back to Ohio, and had Computer access again:


I think I have hit that place where you were when you decided that Christianity or the Christian's definition of God was not for you. When I was having a child out of wedlock and Christy was accusing mom of cheating on you, only to find out that Christy was doing bad things herself. What awful days those must have been.

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some bad news.

Well, it looks like things at work are headed for the crapper in a hurry. As of next week, I will be lucky to get one day a week. I am feeling a little hurt by this, as you can imagine. Thanks to my commitments to my daughter, i may have great trouble finding another job, and without my income, and especially since my mom's job is also insecure, we may end up having to make some hard choices about where we live, and what we can do without. The worst part is, i felt like i had finally found a job i could maybe transition at, only to have it pulled out from under me. Sigh.

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For those who enjoy my stories...

I'm posting a couple of stories that aren't TG stories on Come on over, there are many good stories. I posted Dena a few days ago, and I've started a new serial, Side Affects. Dena is a short with very little TG, and Side Affects has none. They are stories I started writing after my amputations, so they are a little angrier than what I write now.
Fictioneer has some really good stories, check it out!


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Bridges 15 recipes

Okay I'm putting up the recipes by PM request for some of Chuck's recipes in this last chapter.

1. Chickengasmic Fried Chicken.

Take a whole cut up chicken this recipe does one lot of this size at a time.

Step 1 Marinating your chicken: In a large bowl put your chicken in buttermilk and black pepper and the zest and juice of one lemon. Cover and let this sit as long as you can. Overnight is best.

Step 2 First dredging: Take the chicken out and now roll in in cornstarch and shake it clean. This will help the batter to stick to the chicken.

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looking for communities in NYC comuting distance

I'm starting a new job in downtown Manhattan in mid-January, and I need to locate a residence-type hotel where I can stay for a couple of months.

I'm hoping to find one far enough out of the city that it's less expensive (yeah, I know, dream on) but with a fairly straightforward commute on the train.

Is there anybody out there who can make some suggestions? Long Island? New Jersey? Connecticut?

Any advice will be gratefully appreciated.

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It's sad when a toy dies

A few minutes ago, Cuddles killed her toy Skunkie that I got her for Christmas. Skunkie had been on life support since Cuddles bit the squeaker out of the tail on Sunday. Now, both of the squeakers are broken and pulled out of the plush. It's the nature of dogs to kill the toys they love the best fastest. She's never killed a toy quite so quickly before, just 6 days; it usually takes more like four to six months. But she had never loved a toy quite as much as she loved Skunkie.

Skunkie is dead. Long live Wheelie, the toy that squeaks AND rolls like a wheel!

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Pleased with myself...but

Today I went shopping at Target (one of the chain stores in Australia). The thing is that I only recently gave myself the go ahead to crossdress. Even if it has mostly been at home (I live on my own). The only time I went into the city with womens clothes was on halloween, and even then some guy on the train did a double take when seeing me - this sort of freaked me out - I'm really worried about being seen in public.

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Just wondering here.

There is fine story by Danielle J titled Duty,Honor, Country, Family that isn't getting any comments. I can tell from the votes that people are reading it. I know it's complex and difficult to comment on, but is it that hard to just leave an "I like it." for Danielle on this one?

The story is well worth the time to read.


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Cell Phone Formatting

I've noticed that different stories appear differently on my cellphone. Just for the record: I have an LG Quantum (just released with Windows Mobile 7). I'll use two examples that are currently on the BC front page: "A Fortuitous Adventure: or, how I got my first job" by Louise Anne and "The Experiment: Part 10" by Donjo. Please note, I'm not singling out these two stories for any reason other than I looked at them on my smartphone.

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Today everyone was the 4 month anniversary of me and Jonelle formally letting you all know that we're together. I'm not sure when you actually should start counting these things I think 6 months is an important one too...anyways, seeing as it falls so nicely between X-mas and New years I'm sharing this with all of you and saying it to her.

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lost everything.

well, last night my computer crashed, and i have now lost everything i have ever written. for the stories that are here, that is at least recoverable, but i will have to start over all the ones i was working on, as i had no back up. It hurts like crazy, but its just one more bump along the road, right?

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Out of the Mouth of My Son

I blithely expected my kids to be accepting when I told them I was transgendered; after all, I'd modeled acceptance to them all their lives. So telling them would be a piece of cake! Right??


My oldest told my wife the only reason he didn't yell at me when I told him was because we were traveling down the freeway at 75 MPH in a driving rain and I was practically comatose huddled against the door.

My middle son said nothing. Of course that means little since he normally says almost nothing.

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A couple of things

I'm posting the last (maybe?) chapter of Unexpected Attractions, as I have to go to my Aunt's funeral in the morning. Should I continue this? I'm kind of planning on it, but I would welcome some input!
I've also posted my first story on Fictioneer. "Dena" is a future fantasy that we wrote several years ago. I hope people like it!


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Transgender Commercials

Transgender Commercials

By Stanman63

I have noticed that SNICKERS has a commercial where Aretha Franklin is complaining,then eats a SNICKERS candy bar and becomes a guy and another where Betty White is playing American football,eats a SNICKERS candy bar and becomes a jock. Then there is the commercial about a credit card where a bearded guy calls himself Peggy. Has anyody else found Transgender Commercials ?

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I could not have scripted a better day than today.

My nephews and niece showed promptly at our agreed time, saw me for the first time as Cathy... and embraced me and told me they love me and accept me!

We went out and ate, re-hashed old times, insulted one another.. good naturedly of course, and just had a wonderful time. They all knew about my transition before this, but had never actually seen Cathy. Now they have, and I have regained some of my family. I had the chance to explain why I am changing, in a way they understood and accepted. THIS is the best Christmas present I could EVER have gotten, and I am so thankful.

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Well, not the Christmas I might have hoped for!

Christmas was very confusing for me. My Dad's oldest sister, the one who held everyone together, passed away after a long illness. In reality, I guess she had been gone for some time, but her actual death was Christmas morning. Was it a good or a bad thing? I'm really not sure, but I'll miss her.
The rest of Christmas went well, I spent the day with the part of my family that doesn't know about Wren, and still sees me as Bear. I'd like to tell them about my writing, but they don't know I do this at all, and I don't know how to tell them. Once again, very confusing.


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Les Miserables - 25th anniversary tour

I know this has nothing to do with tg topics, but I wanted to share this any way.

Last Wed night, my parents, my wife, my son and I went to see the new production of Les Miserables, it is currently at the Papermill Playhouse in Millburn, NJ thru this next week, and then continuing on tour thru the US. I believe the next stop is in Philadelphia.

My son had come to enjoy the music from the 10th anniversary concert, but had never had the opportunity to see the show, he was enthralled, it was great to share this with him.

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My Dad

Today I went to see my dad for our annual Christmas get together. He told me when I first started transition, that he loved me no matter what. I just wish he could get it through his head that my name is Jennifer now. He sent me a card for my birthday last month addressed to my old male name. I just pitched it in the garbage can. He did the same thing with the Christmas card he sent me this year too. I did the same thing to that one too. I opened my gift he gave me today and the outside of money card envelop said the same thing.

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had a good Christmas

Well, Christmas turned out ok. My daughter and i made a gingerbread train, she opened every present in the world, and generally turned my house upside down (but in a good way), and then the ex came over and we had a civilized Christmas dinner. All in all, a good Christmas. I hope all of you had good ones as well.

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Excellent Film that must be seen by all!!

I just watched 'It's a Boy|Girl Thing' and really loved it. The film is a typical body switch story that we have all read at least one. They hate each other, walk a mile in the other's skin and then fall in love with each other. Kind of typical but the acting is superb. I mean both of the main characters were able to convey the gender switch well, with good body language use. They completely sell the story and that made it a lot of fun to watch.

I am just hoping that I am not using too much hyperboly on this.

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Monday is going to be a HUGE day for me!

I just hung up my phone after making lunch plans with two of my nephews and one niece for tomorrow! None of them have seen me since I began my RLT more than two years ago, and I'm, I think justifiably, nervous. Long tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs, anyone?

This might be the beginning of a reconciliation with my family, from whom I have been estranged since I began my RLT. I'm so excited right now I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight!

Wish me well?


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Merry Christmas to All!

We've got rain here. After two days of sunshine it's back to rain again. It's getting downright soggy. I don't live in any of the mudslide-threatened areas but there have been evacuations and road closings. Even one of the freeways was closed because of boulders loosened by the rain rolling down the mountainsides and into traffic.

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Extra Christmas goodies...

Okay, this is a bit crazy even for me. Chapter 19 of 300 Rains got posted, then a quick posting of Chapter 20. So two new chapters of that story and then this morning I had an urge to finish up the next chapter of my Ranma fic. Crazy man. So three stories in under 24 hours. Merry fricking Christmas indeed.

So, one more present for you all and things will hopefully return to normal next week for chapter 21 of 300 Rains.

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A lump of coal

I wanted to add another chapter of Assassin, but I'm not finished with it yet, so I'm leaving nothing but a lump of coal. Actually, the reason for this blog is to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and if you're not Christian what ever holiday you celebrate. This is the time of year to love anyone you sometimes want to hate. Peace, Arecee

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So when I saw Wren Phoenix asking for "More, More" in response to Chapter 19 of 300 Rains I realized that it is Christmas. And since it is Christmas I decided that I should give you guys a gift. Since I am writing Chapter 32 now I figured that letting you have Chapter 20 a week ahead of time would be a nice gift.

True, the writing has slowed down, due to life and such but I am trucking along and have more then enough to keep up with the weekly releases. So enjoy the extra chapter and have a great Holiday!!

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Track Santa

If you need to know where Santa is, go here:

You can also visit google earth: for more detailed information on his whereabouts.

Remember to leave out some mince pies,carrots for the reindeer and a glass of sherry to keep Santa warm.

Happy Christmas




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Happy Hollydays and an update on my health, too

I'm not sure how many of you read Arecee's blog when he posted Assassin part 6, but I'm the editor who was under the weather and delayed the posting by about 3 weeks.

it seems that I have had Hepatitis, luckily, not the contagious types, for several months. I've been trying to take off 2-3 pounds a month and had gotten down to 210 from 250 Nov 1.
Then, without trying to, I lost 10 pounds by US Thanksgiving Day, Nov 23.

That is when I really began feeling bad. My Thanksgiving meals consisted of a bowl of soup and 2 peanut butter sandwiches.

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The Eyes of An Angel -- Season's Greetings!

Ho, ho, ho!

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings! So Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Good Yule, Happy Soltice, Happy Festivus... whatever you do or don't celebrate. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you for a safe and glorious season! If you drink, have one for me, but please be safe doing so!

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