on how Transgendered people are portrayed in the media. Her name is Amy. I have been helping her by citing a few examples. She turned in a rough draft to her professor yesterday and she is supposed to get that back by Tuesday to rewrite it for the final version due on Thursday. I talked to her about how newspapers cover hate crime reports against the Trans community based on where they are in the country. Could anyone give me a few more examples to use just in case she needs more refined material?
AOL News.com
This links to a news article about a murdered trans woman who was shot in the head and dragged by a car. The sheriff of the place is not interested in pursuing it as a possible hate crime, has no suspects, etc. The FBI is apparently going to become involved. Note that the gender terms vary between her and he and him, depending who is talking. The good ole boy sherrif calls her a him and he, while the FBI agent refers to her in the proper context. This person had not yet had surgery.
This assult was at a Kohls
This assult was at a Kohls departments store last Christmas. It is sorta normal as it starts out in that the kind of stupidity by customers trying to get scarce items while they are cheap has happened at other stores, and just reflects the stupidity of the Christmas binge buyers. But it quickly shows how much hate and bigotry and indifference the investigating officers exhibited by the law and the total indifference by Kohls Department Store. I don't shop there anymore.
This is a story about a fed
This is a story about a fed up post-op transsexual woman who was outed after about 20 years of being post op, and is now listed as a AKA with her male name. While the reporter is respectful, the law clearly is not, and is fact quite abusive.
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - February 4, 2011 The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) today released a comprehensive new report, "Injustice at Every Turn," revealing the depth of discrimination against transgender and gender non-conforming people in a wide range of areas, including education, health care, employment, and housing. The study, based on the results from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS), was based on responses from over 6,450 participants. The NTDS is the first large-scale national study of discrimination against transgender and gender non-conforming Americans, and paints a more complete picture than any prior research to date.
Among the key findings from "Injustice at Every Turn":
Respondents were nearly four times more likely to live in extreme poverty, with household income of less than $10,000.
Respondents were twice as likely to be unemployed compared to the population as a whole. Half of those surveyed reported experiencing harassment or other mistreatment in the workplace, and one in four were fired because of their gender identity or expression.
While discrimination was pervasive for the entire sample, it was particularly pronounced for people of color. African-American transgender respondents fared far worse than all others in many areas studied.
Housing discrimination was also common. 19% reported being refused a home or apartment and 11% reported being evicted because of their gender identity or expression. One in five respondents experienced homelessness because of their gender identity or expression.
An astonishing 41% of respondents reported attempting suicide, compared to only 1.6% of the general population.
Discrimination in health care and poor health outcomes were frequently experienced by respondents. 19% reported being refused care due to bias against transgender or gender-nonconforming people, with this figure even higher for respondents of color. Respondents also had over four times the national average of HIV infection.
Harassment by law enforcement was reported by 22% of respondents and nearly half were uncomfortable seeking police assistance.
Despite the hardships they often face, transgender and gender non-conforming persons persevere. Over 78% reported feeling more comfortable at work and their performance improving after transitioning, despite the same levels of harassment in the workplace.
Said Rea Carey, Executive Director of the Task Force: "By shedding light on the discrimination that transgender Americans face, this study poses a challenge to us all. No one should be out of a job, living in poverty, or faced with sub-par health care simply because of their gender identity or expression. The scope of the problem is clear, and now we must come together to solve it."
Said Mara Keisling, Executive Director of NCTE: "Reading these results is heartbreaking on a personal level--each of these facts and figures represents pain and hardship endured by real people, every single day. This survey is a call to the conscience of every American who believes that everyone has the right to a fair chance to work hard, to have a roof overhead, and to support a family. Equality, not discrimination, is the ideal that Americans believe in, have fought for, and need to apply here."
Read the Executive Summary (1 MB)
Trans Media Watch
A UK based organisation that recently got one of the major national TV channels on board.
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => http://jaynemorose.wordpress.com/ <= note new address
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => http://jaynemorose.wordpress.com/ <= note new address
Another US one for you
To get a good cross-section of TG news
A Yahoo group I subscribe to is transgender news. Members post news reports and blogs from around the world. I am sometimes fascinated by the way different news outlets will report the same story.
There is a lot of traffic, so your friend should be able to get a lot of data quickly.
Have her check out http://groups.yahoo.com/group/transgendernews/
If any of you are interested in keeping track of what's going on in the larger community, I highly recommend it.
BTW, I use the daily digest option for this group. It is not uncommon to have 50 posts per day.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
One Of My GG Friends Is Writing A Paper
How about the case of the mom who was having fun with her son painted his toenails. and http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Story?id=3088298&page=1 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1220577/Pi... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S5usRgY720 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APyQwUhzplU&feature=related
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Group USA
A little about myself first. I am post op for 12 years, and retired from law enforcement. I had to sue the department that I worked in, and transitioned on the job. Myself and my Daughter were shopping for a prom gown for her at Franklin Mills, in PA. We ended up in Group USA, and she found a few gowns that she wanted to try on. We were waiting in line for the dressing room, because the place was mobbed with Mother's and Daughters, when I heard this announcement "No men allowed in the dressing room". There wasn't any men in the store. When we did get in the dressing room, one of the sales reps peeked under the door while I was helping her with her gown. We got her name, and left the store, and we filed a complaint afterwards, but they insisted that what they did was nothing out of the ordinary.