All You Need (Is One Good Friend)

All You Need (Is One Good Friend)

"All you need is love", I've heard. Not quite, at least for me. I learned tonight the value of having one true friend: just one, who's there to remind you you're not alone, and to anchor you in reality.

I was feeling really down earlier tonight. I mean, bordering on killing off Zoe Taylor down. I had a guy admit he might be kind of attracted to me, and that bothered me, but it bothered me in a way that scared the holy HELL out of me.

I realized that it didn't bother me in the way a guy would feel having another guy attracted to him. It bothered me in a way that a girl who prefers girls having a guy interested in her would bother her, if that makes any sense.

It all came crashing down. Thirty years of indoctrination, fear, and guilt just... fell apart at once, and I realized... Despite that which is between my thighs, and despite having written such beloved fiction about a girl discovering this truth for herself, I realized tonight, that yes, I AM a girl.

And that scared me. That terrified me more than anything else in this world. I came so close to purging tonight, and just... disappearing for awhile, but for that about a couple of weeks ago, Edeyn told me that if I ever needed to talk, anytime day or night, to come to her.

I needed her tonight, and she was there. She listened and she made me smile, made me feel like I'm not crazy, that yes, logic does in fact apply to me (I'm normally a very logical person :-)), and just... made me feel human. This is what friends do.

Friends don't tell you that if they didn't know you, that they'd be terrified of you, or try to coerce you into being someone you're not. They accept you unconditionally.

So, this is my way of saying "Thanks", to Edeyn and to every real, true friend out there.

I'm not ready to transition yet. I don't know that I ever will be, but I am ready to stop denying who I am now, and that's a step I didn't think I'd ever take.


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