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But where are the flower girls and ring bearers?
But where are all the flower girls and ring bearers?
I thought they were mandatory in a Royal Wedding.
They did this, really?
OMG, I had no idea what so ever that this they would do! Why they not invite King Faisal to bring dancing womens?
Are they ALLOWED to do that ?
Are they ALLOWED to do that? If so, I am surprised. We give more protection from ridicule to our fat polits
than to young members of the Royal Family.
Why not?
I'm pretty indifferent to the wedding but I wish them all happiness as I would any other young couple I don't know. We'll probably take the opportunity to go cycling as it will be, hopefully, as quiet as it was for Princess Diana's funeral when we did the same.
Funnily enough there's a much more important wedding taking place this Summer ... my nephew's. He's an RAF helicopter pilot too and his fiancée is just as beautiful as Kate but I guess it won't make the national news. He's had a couple of tours in Afghanistan getting shot at too.
Funny video, thanks for pointing it out. I particularly like Rowan Williams.
News flash! The royal wedding has already taken place!!!
But no Queen Mum! Too bad.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
This may come as a surprise to you, but Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother passed away in March 2002.
So I'd be very surprised if anyone assembling a lookalike Royal party would include her likeness...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
That would be quite
That would be quite frightening! Perhaps at Halloween.
Although I'm willing to bet that Stan just made a mistake that many non-monarchical citizens make: confusing the "Queen Mother" with meaning "Queen Elizabeth who is also a mother". I've seen that mistake once in a while in American media.
Fake flashmobs
Personally, I prefer the others in the company's "Flashmob" series:
Liverpool Street Station (Dance)
Trafalgar Square (Karaoke)
Numerous other videos of the TS event have also been uploaded, including a guest appearance by a certain Alicia Moore.
Heathrow Terminal 5 (A Capella Singing)
But if you want 'silly', they've now merged their UK operations with a rival, and decided to call the merged operation "Everything Everywhere" (although, for the moment at least, the subsidiary companies are retaining their individual branding). Even sillier, while BT have pulled out of the UK mobile telephony business, the companies behind EE are the French and German national telephony operators...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
royal wedding
Who gives a damn. So the royals are having a wedding big deal, the british public are paying most of the bill. The royals are a bunch of leeches and should be done away with.
We who are paying for the wedding could never affors to the millions that this debaucle will cost.
The Queen mother was the biggest hypocrite of them all.
Personnally I`d rather see the end of English Royal family.
As a Scot we do not have a Royal Family, the last royal was Charles Edward Stuart better known as Bonnie Prince Charlie. Unlike the English we Scots don`t have to import germans to be our head state.
The royals are good for nothing, they get paid for joy riding round the world at our expense and are worth Billions in they`re own right.
I notice the queen doesn`t have to pay the higher rate of income tax, no she pays the lowest level.
In support of Sue and her good intentions
James VI & I (19 June 1566 – 27 March 1625) was King of Scots as James VI from 24 July 1567. On 24 March 1603, he also became King of England and Ireland as James I when he inherited the English and Irish crown and thereby united the Crown of the Kingdom of Scotland with the crown of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland (each country remained legally separate, with their own Parliaments, judiciary, and laws, though each was ruled by James). James VI & I continued to reign in all three kingdoms until his death in 1625, but based himself in England (the largest of the three realms) from 1603. At 57 years and 246 days, his reign in Scotland was longer than any of his predecessors.
James IIV of Scotland was also James II of England, a Jacobite who fled England chased by William of Orange. They preferred catolitism so the protestants installed Mary the daughter of James VI as Queen and she married William.
The son of James IIV, had he inherited the throne, would have been James III but remained in exile and one of his two grandsons was Bonnie Prince Charlie. Charasmatic as he was portrayed he wasn't very successful and whilst he tried to get the Stuarts back on the throne he failed.
And so it went on and the decendants, the current Royal Family, who married members of other Royal Families, [until recently with Di and Kate] and still rule England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland and don't just belong to England.
They base themselves in England for the same reason that James VI did.