Saviour of the Universe (other detergents are available!)
So here we go, nineteen days into 2022 and so far, apart from my hair colour, nothing much has really changed. Its been a mixed bag of news this week, my Grandson and son in law both tested positive for Covid on Monday, OTOH my Dad has been given a diabetes free diagnosis, his cancer though is a watch and wait - watch to see what happens, wait for when it does but he doesn't go back for 3 months which seems optomistic.Then my best friend decided to get in the mix by taking a tumble at the weekend and breaking his collar bone, of course, he rode home afterwards! Me, well my damaged knee has recovered to two nights of pain free sleep, its so nice to not be in agony everytime you turn over!
The weather has remained January, cold and largely clear, we've had a couple of sharp frosts but nothing to stop us getting outside. I did a short, 50km ride yesterday, i didn't feel like going further to be honest, i'm sure when the weather warms up i'll be more enthused.
I haven't got as much writing done as i'd hoped but i have completed another Gaby chapter which Patreon peeps will get to read this evening.
Of course, as promised there is a new chapter, Trans Atlantic of Fame here on BC for free.
If things run smoothly, i'll be out on the bike for a couple of longer rides between now and Sunday and a similar rack of new Gaby chapters, i'm still on track to get the next mini Gaby volume out before the end of the month - so far.
Thats it for today,
Madeline Anafrid