TopShelf Blogs

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Updates on Robin, and Other Stuff

Hey guys,

I just wanted to post a quick update on what's going on with me, and my lack of presence lately. Things have just kind of snowballed on me with what happened to my dog (he's doing a LOT better, by the way. He's almost completely healed, and getting back to his old self), holiday drama, and about a hundred other things that I'd rather just put out of my mind for now.

On top of that, I've been sick this week, which has really drained me, but I'm sitting here with a big bowl of chicken noodle soup as I type this, and I'm starting to feel a bit better.

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something to say, but not sure how to say it

I have something that I would like to be able to share, but I am leery of actually sharing it since it might pain some others here. Basically, I had a flashback last night, and instead of being just a victim, i thought about writing it down. The result is a nearly full description of one of the last times i was assaulted. Trouble is, too many people here have had rapes happen to them, and i have no desire to bring those memories back for them unless they can handle them. Any ideas?

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Inspiration, or lack there of...

I've been struggling these last few days.

I've been doing quite a bit of reading, and got in my head that I wanted to work on my writing.

So I got out my laptop, and I installed word, and I downloaded the several most promising "works in progress" that fit the mood of what I was wanting to write, and nothing.

I seem to be stuck in a rut for several years now. I have MANY MANY great story ideas, and can usually come up with half of a first post for a serial, but that seems to be about it.

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Snow News

There hasn't been much around my way, but I couldn't resist pointing out some of the dafter stories to emerge from the UK's recent snow.


In case it hasn't been reported in your neck of the woods yet: A woman dialled 999 (UK Emergency Services number) to report a theft.

So what?

The item in question was a snowman, with pound coins for eyes.

Understandably, the force has branded her "Completely irresponsible".

Source: BBC News


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Sorry Ladies

Sorry ladies, I have been SO busy with work, RL and in the past week, being sick, that I haven't been able to write anything. Once the Holidays are over, I hope to get back to posting more Rock,paper,scissors, and Healing a Princess. HaP 35 is nearly complete, but again, Lack of quality writting time ...

Everyone have a happy holiday season.


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the sound of crickets

Well, apparently, my last piece was a dud. As the saying goes, even Babe Ruth struck out more times than he hit home runs, and i am most definitely NOT the Babe Ruth of writing. But the experiance has taught me a lesson. I am a pretty needy girl when it comes to my work. I thrive on praise, and wither without it. But i think i need to change that if i am going to keep writing. Still, I hope at least some of the time i hit a "home run"....

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Here's Something that Could Happen to Any of You

The following is Bigatry of a State Worker but, this could happen in any State or even with a Federal Worker! Richard

Calif. transgender woman says DMV worker sent letter calling her gender change 'evil'
12-09-2010 03:28 PM PST |By LISA LEFF, Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO (Associated Press)

A transgender woman says a California Department of Motor Vehicles clerk used a state database to find her address and then mailed her a personal letter condemning her sex change.

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Transgender writer Jennifer Finney Boylan comes home to Philadelphia

What an amazing woman she is. I haven't heard of her before, but I think I'd like to check out her books.

Has anyone heard of her or read her books?

Jennifer Finney Boylan

Some of the comments are from your typical knuckle dragger's but some are rather nice.



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Characters in 'Cold Feet'

I have been asked or prodded to put up something to give an idea of who's who in the story, as it drags on and on, so I have composed a little list of main people. I have attempted to add it as a comment to the 'outline', but as a technophobe have probably done it incorrectly, so here is the list in an accessible place.

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Thank You All !

You know what? i've come to the realization that this really is a caring and wonderful place !

I've been reading some of these stories for years and never posted a thing but with what I've been going though recently with my mother and family this place makes more and more sense to me.

**some history**

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Windows 7 a Dog too far.

About 7:00 PM tonight, I started upgrading (?) my computer from Vista to Win 7. It is now almost 1:00 AM and I am asking myself just what in the hell I was thinking? They changed things that I liked just fine, now I gotta figure out how to do them now. I was so happy being able to fun two screens and now none of that works. Norton doesn't even look right any more.

Now I am even thinking of going out and buying a refurbished Apple. YUKKKK!!! I hate Apple computer company. Like I would rather swallow a fence post.

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Open Door starts Humboldt's first transgender health clinic

I saw this the other day but have only now had a chance to post this. One could hope to see more clinics like this, or at the very least more health care people a bit more sympathetic.

Transgender health clinic



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Canada, Dress rules established for transsexuals in military

Just read an article by Tom Blackwell, (National Post  · Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2010) about new guidelines for dealing with transsexual military personnel. Good article, and the closing comment by Cpl. Murray is perfect. "There shouldn't be any issue at all. We're just regular people doing a regular job, the same job as everybody else."

Read more:

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My mom took me shopping for a ladies coat

A few days ago, I had causally mentioned to my mom that next time i had some cash, I wanted to look for a ladies coat. To my surprise and delight, today she took me shopping. Even though i went in male clothes, it felt like a genuine mother-daughter shopping trip. We found a nice coat that fit me, and I feel much better for it. Do I have the best mom, or what?

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Girl Author slated to disappear in next few days...Film at Eleven!

If you don't see me for a few days, it's because we will have sustained an interruption of internet service (bill past due). Mrs. D is having arthroscopic surgery on her left knee tomorrow and I still am falling down...I'll try to get to the library to keep you posted. Please pray if you will...Thanks! Andrea

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my christian connection

Looking at the responses I got from my last entry, I feel I need to explain a bit about my faith. When I first became a Christian, I had no real teachers in the faith. I got a bible, and read it from cover to cover several times. Some things I understood, some I did not, but I had no one to ask. Since I was a "Christ"-ian, I figured I should read what Christ said and use that as my guide. Unfortunately, there was nothing that really covered the area of my tg, at least in the new testament.

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Bottom of the cycle, I hope!

My emotions seem to follow an irregular cycle. Sometimes the ups aren't all that high, and the downs are pretty darn low. I had a moment around the beginning of this year, on the drive home from work, when the idea popped into my head that all I had to do was put my foot down on the gas and let the car drift over into the trees lining the road and I wouldn't have to feel that bad ever again. I had to fight to keep from doing it, too. Scared the #*!@ out of me, as you can imagine.

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First Post

My first post here. I have been a lurker on this site for YEARS. I have really enjoyed reading the stories over the years, but for reasons unknown to me I never joined or posted. However, for some reasons I finally feel the winds of change blowing. I'm not sure where they are going to take me, I'm hoping for fair winds. But I finally decided that I needed to start saying how much I've enjoyed the stories over the years and how much joy they have brought me.



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Am I demon-possessed?

I went to an online chat (IMVU, if you care to know the name) and decided to visit a christian room and get some prayer support. Unfortunately, one of the people there noticed my avatar was wearing a TG symbol, and asked me about it. I tried to explain my history, how I felt. Her response was to tell me i needed deliverance from a demon. I told her how i had prayed about this since i became a christian, prayed, begged, cried. How i even tried to kill myself, and even asked God to kill me rather than let me offend Him. How i finally reached the point where i had to accept what I am.

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Well after far longer than I might have hoped for, Part Two of my The Center story has been posted. Titled Crossroads, it deals with the life of a very ordinary extraordinary boy whose life suddenly gets very VERY interesting.

You know... in the Chinese Curse sense of the word.

All told there will be six parts to the first "book" and I am about a sixth done with book two. Thanks for reading and have a great day.


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SKYPE issues.

Well, I was talking to one of my UK friends the other night and when we hung up, my computer froze. It took me several tries to restart it before I could get it running again, and along the way I figured out that either SKYPE or one of the messingers was causing the problem. In my trying to figure it out, I see that SKYPE downloaded a new version on 12/2, and after that is when the problem started.

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May I Say I Am Frightened?

I am hoping that this is a safe place to say this ?

In a few weeks, a dear friend of mine is coming from Saudi Arabia to attend College in Portland. He is a very good man, and we get along so well that if things were different, I would marry him with no hesitation. (We all know what differences they might be) He and I just have so much to talk about. There is a heart connection there that I can not explain.

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about Yaddie

I would like to tell you guys and gals about my character "Yaddie". Yaddie came about because of one of those moments i get, where i think i get a glimpse of the future, without being able to understand what i have seen. I came up with yaddie at about 6 or 7 years old. I found a tennis ball with a rip in it, making it look like it had a mouth, and being the sort of kid i was, i promptly took a marker on it and drew eyes on it and gave it a name - Yaddie. How was that a glimpse of the future?

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I'm a rambin' again!

Telling a story.

I write stories, I like love writing, but know my limitations.

There have been millions of books published, some good, some not so good. I often wonder whether I could become a published author, in the main stream, like many others. Then I see the hoops you have to go through to even get an agent let alone a publisher. I know that you can self publish, but it isn’t the route to massive success unless you are very lucky and have huge talent, both of which, I regret, I have not got.

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What's Next

I'm posting this now even though Best Served Cold is only about half way over.

I wanted to give people a good idea of what they can expect next from me. So after this story, I'm going to either move on to my Red Lantern Retcon on Laira or the side story to Best Served Cold, starring Mattie and Clara.

In the future I've got both the sequels to Green Arrow and Blue Beetle plus a Retcon on Black Panther. I've also got another Syndicate story I'm developing too.


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Still alive. :)

Hi everyone. I am happy to say that I've begun doing some work on revising the Naruto story I've written. The original story started out with Naruto and I kept having problems because (as many fan fics do) I couldn't adequately explain who Naruto and Jiraiya were. It made some very big assumptions on the part of the reader that they were fanatical devotees to the Naruto manga or series. I've decided about a year ago to fix that so that anyone could pick up the story and read it without confusion...

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The Working Girl Blog #58: Leaving BCTS and saying my goodbyes

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #58: Leaving BCTS and saying my goodbyes - My Final Blog

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

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It's that time of year again...

Not just the Christmas season, but I've republished that insane Christmas tunes acronym quiz thingy from last year...

It's here

...but since 140 tunes would be a big stretch for anyone to complete on their own, I've made it world writable, so if you click on the link above, you can fill in the ones you can solve there and then... as well as seeing what others on BCTS have found.

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Mixed Messages

My wife and I saw the Arrogant Worms last night, a very funny group from Canada. One of the songs, My Boy is a scream for us crossdressers. Fortunately, they have it on line so you can hear it too.

My Boy

By the way, their Christmas CD is the perfect present for those of us with a very warped sense of humor. Enjoy!

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When I first started this journal, the only real rule I set for myself was that I was going to be as honest as I possibly could, and I think i am succeeding.

Mostly, it really hasnt been much of a struggle, other than the difficulty of finding the best words.

I have talked about good times, bad times, and all the times in between, and most of the time, I have felt no hesitation.
Indeed, most of the time, i have been anxious to share.

But today, I find myself struggling to write this.

I want to just babble on about my writing, or whatever.

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Merry - Santa's helper

I read a story several years ago, about a young man who has to help out at a department store filling in as a "Santa's Helper". As the days go by, he becomes increasingly feminine. She has a marvelous touch with the children, and receives the name 'Merry'. It was a touching Christmas story and I'd like to read it again.

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Fantasy and SF

I have been reading the latest 'year's best SF' and quite enjoying it. I then look up stories here, see 'SF' or fantasy in the header, and switch off. One story, "The Island", intrigues me,and I will continue reading it, but those stories with miraculous devices/transformatons do not speak to me. Clearly, this is a personal thing, and I mean no criticism of others, but while I love SF I can only connect with TG stories that are close to real life. Perhaps this is personal identification, maybe I am inflexible, but I offer now my apologies to those who write that sort of story.

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Enough! It's "Santa Claus", you hear!

I just read ONE MORE STORY with the same misspelling. No, it's not a typo, the authors are confused.

I just did a google search for

"santa clause"

and got 86 hits. This is bad.

The fat jolly man's name is "Santa Claus" (well, it's actually Kris Kringle, but you know what I mean).

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Christmas Lunch

Just a note to say I've edited the story; hope it makes more sense now that I can see the keyboard again. My recent postings have been hurried, owing more to emotions than anything else. Editing after the fact, while not the best option, still remains a choice that I have made frequently in the recent past. I apologize if my story was confusing. I want it to bless you, and I hope my clarifications have made it so. Andrea

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About Sweets for Christmas

I've had some requests to consider using Mr. Gabriel in more stories, and I think it will happen. The funny thing is, I didn't know about his "surprise" until I wrote the end of the story. He was created after a very special friend who has now passed, and named after my new nephew, Gabriel. He was just a nice teacher, originally.
Just goes to show what happens when you write from things that happen in a dream and throw in some memories to fill it in.

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So I finally have internet again and in celebration I have posted the next chapter.

Also FYI... upon posting this, I realized that I need another new chapter that wasn't in the original. This may cause a delay in next week's chapter, but I will work on getting it out on time. It should be a fairly intense chapter, which seems to be almost standard operating procedure.

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TS and TG movies on YouTube

I found these on YouTube last night and thought they weren't even half bad... "Beautiful Boxer", a true story of Nong Toom, a transsexual Thai kickboxer who fought as a means of survival and rose to fame, quite an amazing story. Part one is here, and if you're familiar with YouTube at all (is there anyone who isn't?) you know you'll find the other parts shown to the right of the screen.

"Just Like A Woman" is a fictional story of a crossdresser who loses his wife and family and other tribulations etc. Part one is here:

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An Invitation to join my hometown Xmas Celebration, online, TONITE!

tonight (Friday 12/3/10) at 6:30PM E.S.T. My good friend, Mike is one of the M.C.s for the parade.

Please join me and my hometown in celebrating the holiday season.


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I got a call yesterday from a woman friend who I spent most of the summer helping move. She had been in her large suburban home for almost 40 years and it was a trying experience getting her to make decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of. Need I say she is a hoarder that can't make decisions? She's finally almost unpacked in her 800 square foot condo.

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To All...

Dear Family, Friends, and Faithful Readers...

I have just finished a two year commitment, packed up my belongings, and am in the process of starting yet another new life. This will be my third. Tomorrow, the new love of my life (read "Second Chance")will arrive and we will embark on a getting reacquainted cruise for one week. After that we will directly fly to Boston and then on home to Ireland.

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Christmas Shoes.

I know some of you are going to ask why I didn't enter this in the contest for Christmas stories. I didn't want this one to be in a contest. It's just my gift to all of you.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and may someone love you as much as that little boy loved his sister.

Be well, all of you.

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told my boss

I just had to give an update here: I have come out to my boss at work. I have talked about my assault, and was giving her an update, and she asked me (making sure to let me know that i had the right to say it was none of her business), if i was gay, and that gave me the opening to tell her about my trans status. She was fairly nonplussed and gave me some indication that if the day came that i wanted to be working as Dorothy FT, she would do what she could to help. (unofficially) It is a big weight off my shoulders.

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Duty, Honor, Country, Family, Part 29

I promised to get this story chapter out by the end of this week. Unfortunately, I been a little too busy with household matters. I've got a little over 12,000 words written but there are two major scenes I still have to complete.

Plus I need to fix up the story before turning it into Puddin. DHCF Part 29 will be ready soon, but now I'm estimating it will be more like Monday to Wednesday of next week before its published.

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Testosterone Filled Locker Room

Why is it many discussions regarding transitioning seem to careen off into nonsense?

What compels us to argue over whether or not a person can reassign their gender without having surgery? I suppose it’s a logical extension of the internal battle we’ve waged since first becoming aware of our gender dilemma.

But . . . do we have to go the route of Frank Butler and Annie Oakley?

Here’s a verse from their famous duet:

Anything you can wear
I can wear better.
In what you wear
I'd look better than you.

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Transgender Research Leaders

There used to be professors at University of Hawaii (Milton Diamond), and one at Umich, (Who seems to have been completely written out of the historical record?) who were studying Transgender Issues, and of course there was pioneering work done in the Netherlands in the early 90's, but lately I have not heard any new News. Of course there was the work done at a University in Australia that had done preliminary identification on a Transgender Gene, but in the last year, I have not heard anything new on that front.


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I may have mentioned before, I am not a fun person to sleep with. Between night terrors, snoring, and the simple fact i dont sit still, even when i am dreaming. But last night was a topper. I remember having a dream of going downstairs, picking up a pile of presents, and returning to my room. Along the way i had turned off my alarm. Once the dream was over, i woke, and it had felt so real i actually got up to check if i had brought stuff up. I hadnt, but I had turned off my alarm, and there were signs i really had left my bed while asleep. It's a little frightening, to be honest. Ah, well.

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Probably only news to me, but...

Okay, some one has probably mentioned this before, while doing research for chapter 9 of Unexpected Atractions, I came across this, and thought it was interesting. Of course, we are not a target market...however...

I think I have that right. I was looking up GRS and found this about Uterine transplants. Maybe it'll work for us...someday.

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Change of user name...

Well, today I was told to stay off work. Snow had closed it down, and looking out the window at nine eleven PM my time, the snow is still coming down, and the road past my placeis nearly shut. The drifts on my walk around today were nearly at my knees. Not big stuff compared to other countries, but it's bad enough fora cyclist. Ice under powder snow, now being covered with fat flakes. So...I should call myself 'Walker' now!

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The Redhead and the PM - Chapter 14 & 15

For some reason, I don't really understand how this works, chapters 14 & 15 of The Redhead and the PM that I posted last night dropped off the surface of the earth. This link might get you there if you are looking for it. Please read and comment.


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About "no son of mine"

For those of you who are interested in such things, i would like to share with you how "No Son of Mine" came about. It started with the old Genesis song of the same name. (you can read the lyrics at: Because i could truly identify with the character in the song, it was a moving piece for me from the first time I heard it. It ends pretty darkly, and at some level that bothered me. I wanted some hope, some possibility of a reconciliation. Then i saw the "loophole".

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Choosing an editor

I am amazed. Angela's post that she could not help me edit my stories has left me with a quandry. I have four people who have expressed a willingness to help me, all of them (I think...) whose work has impressed me, and who I think I can really respect for the help I need.
I would never want to hurt anyone's feelings, and I just don't know what criteria I would use to best find an editor, someone to work with successfully.

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It's that time again - Bike referendum

Somehow, my short story is approaching 1,200 episodes, so it's time I asked if readers want me to continue it for a bit longer - the last time was two hundred episodes ago. This is of course assuming our gracious landlady will permit accommodation for a bit longer - maybe we could all give a little more towards the rent, I know she struggles with it.

I'm still working on a Hatbox story, but it's very slow, plus I have a Gabysode in progress and I know someone would like another Bonkers for her Christmas present, plus I get asked about Snafu and Charlotte fairly regularly.

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And I'm back!

I've begun posting the rest of "Unexpected Attractions", a story that Melanie E. first suggested as "I Was A Transgendered Craigslist Bride". For the first 8 chapters, I have had the assistance of Angela Rasch, and I think she has made me a much better writer as a result. We'll see what y'all think. I hope you enjoy it.


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I've run into a problem and can't finish an editing job for Wren Phoenix. Her story is compelling, quite romantic, and is running in excess of nine chapters.

I'm more of a stand-alone story writer, but someone who has experience with serials would enjoy editing for Wren.

If you're interested, contact her directly.


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Ironies, and another tough night

Had another series of flashbacks yesterday, and thank God for the friends who chatted with me online as i worked my way through it. I am finding all kinds of ironies in my struggles, both with the assaults and with my gender. For example, I realized that i owed to my abusive step-father a thanks, because by forcing us to move when he did, I was able to escape from the monster who was using me. And despite his other flaws, he never touched me sexually, which gave me some opportunity to heal enough to function.

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may not be able to get back to "the lucky one"

Well, with all the stuff i have been going through lately, I honestly don't know when or even if i will be able to get back to "the lucky one". It requires a goofy, silly mood, and right now i just dont have it. Frankly, I am having trouble having the concentration needed to do any writing at all, so i may go a while before i have new stuff to post. I will still comment and give kudos, still support all of you when i can, but the writing may have to wait until i am more stable. Hugs to all.

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Missing in Action

Hello all,

Enemyoffun was nice enough to post a blog letting some of you know that I've been incommunicado for the last three weeks. My motherboard and CPU had to be replaced on my new laptop that's not even a year old yet. Of course it had to happen right during an epic writing spree and on NaNoWriMo. I would have had that sucker beat in the first week! GAH!

Anyway. I'm still returning emails and PM's, so if you haven't heard from me that's why. I'm back now and my fingers are seriously itching to write something. So to work I go.

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I'm Safe ... right ???

I've had several emails from members of my "other" community who are quite frightened. I am sure that most of you are aware of the attempted bombing in my home town, Portland, Or. It is the women who have most reason to be frightened, because the Hijab "brands" us. It is likely that many of them will be going out sans Hijab in the future.

I do not have that choice. For me it is Hijab or dress as a Man. I can not wear a wig.

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My muse is calling out, will you want to read what it wants me to write?

A couple years ago I wrote a very short story about how a Christian parent and her friend were discussing the suicide of her child "Jimmy." The story was called it worked out for the best and was deliberately dark short and to the point.I was in a very low point in my life little did I know it would get worse but I'm still here and don't plan on going anywhere for a while.Here's the thing I'm thinking I should bookend the story with a short story from jimmy's perspective about how he feels and what drives him to commit suicide.I know for me it will take me back down that dark and ugly road bu

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Back to the grind... mostly

Home again, home again... jiggidy jig...

So the Vacation was awesome and I feel loads better. Sorry for the late posting of the story but unfortunately my home phone is dead and thus my net is down. It sucks, but until I have money I am banging rocks in the cave... metaphorically. Anyway... I just wanted to share. Talk to you all later.


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A Nonsense Rhyme.

Christmas is Coming.

Christmas is coming
And Bonzi’s getting fat
He stole a piece of chicken;
He’s good at doing that.
He’s teaching to that Izzy
The tricks he’s learned to do.
And she is keeping busy
Learning things anew.
Keeping cats at Christmas
A right old pair of thieves,
They’ll steal the milk from porridge
Without a by your leaves.
I wouldn’t be without them,
The pesky rotten pair
Keep me warm in winter
Perhaps they really care.

Angharad 28.11.10

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Flashback, grief, and recovery

Well, it has been an interesting day, to say the least. I am still fighting a bit of a cold, so I chose to stay home and not go to church today. I went on a chat site to talk to some friends about my depression, and while we were talking, I started having a pretty strong flashback. One of my friends there has my phone number, so she called me, and listened while i cried to the point i could barely talk. Feeling slightly better after i unloaded, i fidgeted, played video games, and made lunch. Then, some remnant of my flashback nagged at me, and i started to write.

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Is this what I think it is?

A visit to FM's Hyperboard and I found something......I don't want to look too closely. But an image in a Hyperboard reply appears to be of someone stroking themselves. {LINK REDACTED - EDITOR}

If I right, FM has gone down the toilet. It's been going that way, but this is just absolute confirmation. The person who posted it, isn't a registered user. So their post had to get approved before being allowed on the Hyperboard.

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One Step Closer (to Coming Out)

This has been an unusual morning for me. What began as another pointless argument with my mother actually turned into something worthwhile for the both of us. I've learned a lot about her today that I didn't realize before, and I've been shamed for it, I'll freely admit.

The important thing is, I learned she isn't clueless, as I once believed by her previous reactions. In the past I've tried to talk to her about my being transgendered, and it's resulted in some pretty upsetting responses. The thing is, she doesn't remember any of it.

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Anything to do while stuck in a hospital?

Looking for ideas on something to do while stuck in the hospital. Armed with my trusty blackberry, I can do basic browsing and text editing. Hard to do with one hand though. Cat bites suck when you have no immune system :(
So, any suggestions on things to do? Vicodin is helping a little, but still have a nasty headache that won't go away
One armed hugs,

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My Birthday Was A Bit Disappointing

My birthday was a bit disappointing. I had some longtime family friends there as well as my brother, sister-in-law and nephew. The small group of friends that I personally invited never showed up at all. I was very hurt and disappointed, but I guess that's life! I told people that I won't celebrate any more birthdays, because I don't want to get so excited about seeing my friends and then have them decide that I wasn't worth their time. It felt like all the times I was rejected in High School. I got to the point that I withdrew and quit putting myself out there to be hurt again.

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I just got home from an all day movie marathon at a friend's house, with new and old friends. The new friends are used to seeing me as Cathy, and they treat me as the female I present myself as, but two of the old ones hadn't ever seen me as Cathy, and I was a bit uptight when I got there. okay, I was a LOT uptight!

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Wishing It was over

The worst part of my downs is the horrible feeling of hopelessness i suffer with. It is hard to even conceive of a good outcome, much less make positive plans. I guess i thought that the anti-depressants would be a magic fix, and not surprisingly, they are not. I am still stuck in male form, still without even hope that i will be able to change that, and wishing that it all would just end. But I am needed, by my daughter, my mother, even my ex, and taking my life would be utterly selfish. I appreciate all the support i am getting here, and I will find a way to hold on.

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New lexicon.


Can somebody please, pleeeease create a new 'Lexicon' section for all the odd acronyms in compu-speak that keep cropping up.
Then if an author feels like compiling an acronym of their own they can throw it in 'willy-nilly' or is that 'w-n'and leave an alphabetical translation in the 'Lexicon' section.

It's getting quite frustrating when authors leave ten letter acronyms that don't make sense to other readers, especially old farties, (like me who don't do geek-speak,) and foreign readers.
P.S. I don't do cryptic crosswords either.


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My George Jones CD Is Cued For "I Don't Need Your Rocking Chair"

Today my family will declare me to be over-the-hill officially as I have achieved that milestone that women don't talk about. I have my George Jones CD cued to "I Don't Need Your Rocking Chair" and I will use it to remind everyone who rubs it in too much! There is a few more miles left in this girl before she is officially "Over -the- hill" I don't intend to go quietly either! At least I can say I have the best gift already. The wonderful friends and family I have!

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The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan

I'm grateful to Julie O for highlighting this report from the BBC in one of her stories. It's perhaps expected in a country where there are very poor and vulnerable people that some are exploited sexually, add it to a culture which is so constipated about treating women as equals to men, and a general backwardness and this happens.


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We had Thanksgiving at MY house today. 13 or 14 people around the house, chatting, eating, playing with my son's new baby.

All of them smiling, happy.

I asked what we had to be thankful for. The Grand baby, my son's job, the weight I've lost this year (120 pounds, more or less, thank you very much!), the food, everyone was happy on the outside.

Except me.

My family barely tolerates me, though God Forbid they should show it in public. My son says I'm "disgusting. My oldest commands, "don't embarrass us."

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