Guess the registration

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I saw a nice car today. It had lovely curves, and a very slight hint of chunkiness. I got the impression that the chunkiness was the result of a severe manufacturing defect, that had been mostly corrected.

...And the last three letters on the registration plate? = )


can you give us a hint?

is it...MTF? , giggle

"Let me succeed. If I cannot succeed let me be brave in the attempt." Pledge of the Special Olympics.




Extravagance's picture

You got it in one, Dorothy. ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Guess the registration

Will you buy it?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Car and me?

Extravagance's picture

Not a chance. I couldn't afford it, and I get distracted far too easily to be an even remotely safe driver.
It would've been a pretty awesome status symbol though. =)

Catfolk Pride.PNG